Grand Rounds Schedule

The Department of Medicine Grand Rounds virtual Zoom lectures are held on Wednesdays from 8am-9am

Date Speaker Speaker Lecture
9/4/24 Guddati

Achuta Kumar Guddati, MBBS, PhD, MS 
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Hematology-Oncology 
Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University 

"Cellular Therapy in Medicine: What Next” 

9/11/24 uhlemann

Anne-Catrin Uhlemann, MD, PhD 
Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Medicine 
Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons
Infectious Diseases Department 

 “Challenges & Opportunities in Tacking Antimicrobial Resistance” 

9/18/24 dept of medicine logo

Samir Parikh, MD 
Chief, Division of Nephrology 
Robert Tucker Hayes Distinguished Chair in Honor of Floyd C Rector Jr. 
Ruth W. and Milton P. Levy, Sr. Chair 
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 

“Turning back kidney frailty by targeting metabolism” 

9/25/24 dept of medicine logo

Departmental Meeting
Dr. Bill Wertheim, Executive Vice President, HSC
Dr. Peter Igarashi, Dean, RSOM
Dr. Susan Hedayati, Vice Dean for Research, RSOM
Dr. Stella Tsirka, Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs


"A Conversation with
Stony Brook Medicine Leadership"