In addition to contributing to the education of medical students, the Division plays an important role in the training of residents in our general surgery residency program.
Residents assigned to the pediatric surgery service participate in the pre-operative, operative, and post-operative care of general surgical, thoracic, head and neck, genitourinary, and endoscopic procedures in children ranging from premature infants through adolescents.
The pediatric surgery service also provides residents with experience in the ambulatory care unit of Stony Brook University Medical Center, as well as the neonatal intensive care unit, pediatric intensive care unit, pediatric acute care unit, and Burn Center. Close association with the Department of Pediatrics and concurrent patient management are stressed.
General surgery residents at the first- and fourth-year levels rotate through the service. A pediatric resident may also be a member of the team. Newborn congenital anomalies, pediatric tumors, and trauma constitute the most demanding areas of surgical care on this service. Inguinoscrotal abnormalities and diseases producing intestinal obstruction, bleeding, or inflammation provide the basis for a comprehensive educational experience for residents.
The general surgery resident is expected to master the management of common pediatric surgical diseases and to improve his/her technical skills through active involvement with routine and specialized index cases.
For fourth-year medical students, the selective course enables them to participate in the pre- and post-operative management of children who demonstrate a wide variety of surgical disease. The patients include newborns, infants, children and adolescents with general surgery, thoracic and head and neck problems.
The students' responsibilities includes patient histories, physical examination, supervised order writing, operating room assistance, resident and attending working rounds and daily case presentations. Selected readings are advised, and participation in the weekly pediatric surgery conference contributes further to the learning experience.