- Professor of Surgery
- Director, Surgical Critical Care Residency (Fellowship)
- Deputy Chief Medical Information Officer
Board Certification
Medical School- Howard University (1993)
- General Surgery, Howard University
- Surgical Critical Care, Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, University of Cincinnati
Affiliated Specialty Center
Clinical Interests/Expertise
- Surgical management of injured patients—all aspects of traumatology
- Management of diseases of the gastrointestinal system
- Appendectomy
- Cholecystectomy
- Conventional and minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery
- Pre- and post-operative critical care of adult surgical patients

Contact Information
Division of Trauma, Emergency
Surgery, and Surgical Critical Care
Department of Surgery, Health Sciences Center T18-040
Stony Brook Medicine
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8191
Tel: 631-444-8329
Fax: 631-444-6176
For patient care information, including insurance participation and practice locations, click here.
- Personal Statement
- Honors
- Publications
- Additional
I believe in treating patients and their families with compassion, and using in a team-based approach to patient care. In addition to clinical service, my interests are education; clinical and basic science research; and global health.
- Inclusion in Guide to America's Top Surgeons (Consumers' Research Council of America)
- Election to Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
- Presidential Citation from the Society of Critical Care Medicine (2014)
- > Click here to see abstracts/full text of Dr. Jawa's journal articles presented in reverse chronological order, starting with most recent, on PubMed (National Library of Medicine).
- Altieri MS, Almasry I, Jones T, McPhee C, McCormack JE, Huang EC, Eckardt P, Shapiro MJ, Eckardt S, Vosswinkel JA, Jawa RS. Implantable cardioverter defibrillators and permanent pacemakers: prevalence and patient outcomes after trauma. Am J Surg 2016;212:953-60.
- Balas MC, Vasilevskis EE, Olsen KM, Schmid KK, Shostrom V, Cohen MZ, Peitz G, Gannon DE, Sisson J, Sullivan J, Stothert JC, Lazure J, Nuss SL, Jawa RS, Freihaut F, Ely EW, Burke WJ. Effectiveness and safety of the awakening and breathing coordination, delirium monitoring/management, and early exercise/mobility bundle. Crit Care Med 2014;42:1024-36.
- Copertino LM, McCormack JE, Rutigliano DN, Huang EC, Shapiro MJ, Vosswinkel JA, Jawa RS. Early unplanned hospital readmission after acute traumatic injury: the experience at a state-designated level-I trauma center. Am J Surg 2015;209:268-73.
- Diaz J, Dutton W, Ott M, Cullinane D, Alouidor R, Armen S, Bilanuik J, Collier B, Oliver G, Jawa R, Jerome R, Kerwin A, Kirby J, Lambert A, Riordan W, Wohltmann C, Eastern association of the surgery of trauma: a review of hte management of the open abdomen: part 2. J Trauma 2011;71:502-12.
- Jawa RS, Anderson DR, Easley AR. Acute ST segment elevation secondary to acute gastric distention. J Cardiol Cases 2013;8:108-12.
- Jawa R, Gutierrez L, Toro-Serra R, Kulaylat M. Afferent loop syndrome following partial gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction. Surg Rounds 2007;30:424-30.
- Jawa R, Solomkin J. Cellular effectors of the septic process. In: Fein A, editor. Sepsis and Multiorgan Failure. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1997.
- Jawa R, Solomkin J. Peritonitis and intraabdominal abscess. In: Cameron J, editor. Current Surgical Therapy. 6th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1998.
- Jawa RS, Anillo S, Huntoon K, Baumann H, Kulaylat M. Interleukin-6 in surgery, trauma, and critical care part II: clinical implications. J Intensive Care Med 2011;26:73-87.
- Jawa RS, Anillo S, Huntoon K, Baumann H, Kulaylat M. Analytic review: Interleukin-6 in surgery, trauma, and critical care: part I: basic science. J Intensive Care Med 2011;26:3-12.
- Jawa RS, Anillo S, Kulaylat MN. Transfusion-related acute lung injury. J Intensive Care Med 2008;23:109-21.
- Jawa RS, Chattopadhyay S, Tracy E, Wang Y, Huntoon K, Dayton MT, Baumann H. Regulated expression of the IL-31 receptor in bronchial and alveolar epithelial cells, pulmonary fibroblasts, and pulmonary macrophages. J Interferon Cytokine Res 2008;28:207-19.
- Jawa RS, Heir J, Cancelada D, Young DH, Mercer DW. A quick primer for setting up and maintain intensive care in an austere environment: practical tips from volunteers in a mass disaster. Am J Disaster Med 2012;7:223-9.
- Jawa RS, Kew RR. Sepsis in the critically ill — does gender matter? Crit Care Med 2017;45:1957-9.
- Jawa RS, Kulaylat M, Baumann H, Dayton M. What’s new in cytokine research related to trauma and critical care. J Intensive Care Med 2006;21:63-85.
- Jawa RS, Mercer DW. Clostridium difficile-associated infection: a disease of varying severity. Am J Surg 2012;204:836-42.
- Jawa RS, Mercer DW. Gastric outlet obstruction. In: Moore LJ, Turner KL, Todd SR, editors. Common Problems in Acute Care Surgery. New York: Springer, 2013: 227-48.
- Jawa RS, Osler TM, Healey MA, Rogers FB. Intraluminal aortic thrombi associated with self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest. J Trauma 2004;56:926-7.
- Jawa RS, Quaid GA, Williams MA, Cave CM, Robinson CT, Babcock GF, Lieberman MA, Witt D, Solomkin JS. Tumor necrosis factor alpha regulates CXC chemokine receptor expression and function. Shock 1999;11:385-90.
- Jawa RS, Quist E, Boyer CW, Shostrom VK, Mercer DW. Mesenteric ischemia-reperfusion injury up-regulates certain CC, CXC, and XC chemokines and results in multi-organ injury in a time-dependent manner. Eur Cytokine Netw 2013;24:148-56.
- Jawa RS, Singer A, McCormack JE, Huang EC, Rutigliano DN, Vosswinkel JA. Tranexamic acid use in United States trauma centers: a national survey. Am Surg 2016;82:439-47.
- Jawa RS, Singer AJ, Rutigliano DN, McCormack JE, Huang EC, Shapiro MJ, Fields SD, Morelli BN, Vosswinkel JA. Spinal fractures in older adult patients admitted after low-level falls: 10-year incidence and outcomes. J Am Geriatr Soc 2017;65:909-15.
- Jawa RS, Stothert JC, Shostrom VK, Yetter DL, Templin HR, Cemaj SK, Lander L, Forse AR, Young DH. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome in admitted trauma patients. Am J Surg 2014;208:781-7.
- Jawa RS, Vosswinkel JA, McCormack JE, Huang EC, Thode HC Jr, Shapiro MJ, Singer AJ. Risk assessment of the blunt trauma victim: the role of the quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score (qSOFA). Am J Surg 2017;214:397-401.
- Jawa RS, Warren K, Wagner M, Young D, Yetter D, Banks S, Shostrom V, Stothert J. Venous thromboemolic disease in trauma and surveillance ultrasonography. J Surg Res 2011;167:24-31.
- Jawa RS, Young DH, Nelson L, Wagner M, Cemaj, Sorensen M, Schwedhelm M, Yetter D, Ramey R, Mercer DW, Stothert J. Two hospitals with one trauma system: a joint appraoch to the care of the injured patient. Am J Surg 2012;203:454-60.
- Jawa RS, Young DH, Stothert JC, Kulaylat MN, Landmark JD. Transfusion-associated graft versus host disease in the immunocompetent patient: an ongoing problem. J Intensive Care Med 2015;30:123-30.
- Jawa RS, Young DH, Stothert JC, Yetter D, Dumond R, Shostrom VK, Cemaj S, Rautiainen RH, Mercer DW. Farm machinery injuries: the 15-year experience at an urban joint trauma center system in a rural state. J Agromedicine 2013;18:98-106.
- Jawa RS, Zakrison TL, Richards AT, Young DH, Heir JS. Facilitating safer surgery and anesthesia in a disaster zone. Am J Surg 2012;204:406-9.
- Pyke OJ Jr, Rubano JA, Vosswinkel JA, McCormack JE, Huang EC, Jawa RS. Admission of elderly blunt thoracic trauma patients directly to the intensive care unit improves outcomes. J Surg Res 2017;219:334-40.
- Rogers FB, Madsen L, Shackford S, Crookes B, Charash W, Morrow P, Osler T, Jawa R, Rebuck JA, Igneri P. A needs assessment for regionalization of trauma care in a rural state. Am Surg 2005;71:690-3.
- Saluja S, Nwomeh B, Finlayson SRG, Holterman AL, Jawa RS, Jayaraman S, et al.; Society of University Surgeons Global Academic Surgery Committee. Guide to research in academic global surgery: a statement of the Society of University Surgeons Global Academic Surgery Committee. Surgery 2018;163:463-6.
- Stassen NA, Bhullar I, Cheng JD, Crandall ML, Friese RS, Guillamondegui OD, Jawa RS, Maung AA, Rohs TJ Jr, Sangosanya A, Schuster KM, Seamon MJ, Tchorz KM, Zarzuar BL, Kerwin AJ; Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Selective nonoperative management of blunt splenic injury: an Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma practice management guideline. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012;73(5 Suppl 4):S294-300.
- Thomas VC, Sadykov MR, Chaudhari SS, Jones J, Endres JL, Widhelm TJ, Ahn JS, Jawa RS, Zimmerman MC, Bayles KW. A central role for carbon-overflow pathways in the modulation of bacterial cell death. PLoS Pathog 2014;10:e1004205.
- Zuchelli D, Divaris N, McCormack JE, Huang EC, Chaudhary ND, Vosswinkel JA, Jawa RS. Extremity compartment syndrome following blunt trauma: a level I trauma center's 5-year experience. J Surg Res 2017;217:131-6.
- > Click here to see abstracts/full text of Dr. Jawa's journal articles presented in reverse chronological order, starting with most recent, on PubMed (National Library of Medicine).
- Fellow, American College of Surgeons (FACS)
- Fellow, American College of Critical Care Medicine (FCCM)
- Fellow, Southwestern Surgical Congress
- Certifications
- Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Instructor and Course Director
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support
- Fundamentals of Critical Care Support Instructor
- Rural Trauma Training Development Course Instructor
- Memberships
- American Medical Association
- Association for Academic Surgery
- Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (U.S. Association)
- Eastern Association for Surgery of Trauma (member, Publications Committee; member, Practice Management Guidelines Working Groups)
- European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (member, Global Intensive Care Working Group)
- National Disaster Medical System Multi-Specialty Enhancement Teams of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Pediatric Trauma Society
- Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
- Society of Critical Care Medicine (member, Adult Multidisciplinary Critical Care Knowledge Assessment Program Committee; member, Adult Multi-Professional Critical Care Board Review Course Item Writing Committee)
- World Health Organization Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care