This page is dedicated to helping those in the Transplant Field gain a better understanding of issue and information that may impact the care of the kidney transplant patient.
Professional Education Videos:
Thinking about Consent and Procurement in Organ Donation: Some Lingering Issues in the Areas of Ethics, The Law and Public Perception. Organ Donation Conference held on April 11, 2011.
Segment 1 - Presumed Consent
Ought we, as a nation, to adopt a policy of "presumed consent" in which one is born a donor by default (and therefore would have to opt out of this status), as is the case in Europe, or a nation of "individual consent," in which one has to go out of one's way to opt into the system, as is currently the case in the USA?
Segment 2 - Individual Consent and Family Resistance
What ought we to do when the wishes of a prospective donor, who has given his or her consent to donate, are not accepted by that donor's family? What are the ethical, legal, and public perception issues involved in refusing that donor's explicit wishes?
Segment 3 - Organ Donation by Cardiac Death
Are DCD ("Donation after Cardiac Death") cases of organ donation medically acceptable? The standard kind of organ donation case occurs in cases of brain death, but at Stony Brook we are also required to report when there are eligible donors who die of non-brain related sicknesses or injuries. Yet, many physicians, here and elsewhere, feel uncomfortable with this legal directive because they question whether and under what circumstances these sorts of patients/donors are in the first place declared dead in advance of recovering their organs. What, as a society, ought we to do about DCD?
ANDREW FLESCHER, PHD (moderator), Associate Professor of Religion, Ethics and Medical Humanities, Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care and Bioethics, Stony Brook University Medical Center
MICHAEL VETRANO, PHD, Associate Course Director, Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care and Bioethics, Stony Brook University Medical Center
KENNETH PRAGER, MD, FACP, Professor of Clinical Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine; Director, Clinical Ethics; Chairman, Medical Ethics Committee, Columbia University Medical Center
CHRISTINA STRONG, ESQ., Attorney of Healthcare Law and Policy, Joint Organ Donation Task Force
MARC J. SHAPIRO, MD, Professor of Surgery and Anesthesiology, Chief, Division of General Surgery, Trauma, Surgical Critical Care and Burns, Assistant Chief Quality Officer, Stony Brook University Hospital
DANA LUSTBADER, MD, Section Head of Palliative Medicine, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System
DANIEL SLONIEWSKY, MD, Pediatrician, Stony Brook University Hospital