3YMD@RSOM: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

3YMD@RSOM students are guided by Career Advisor, Dr. Lisa Strano-Paul.

What is 3YMD@RSOM?

What are the advantages of the 3YMD program?

What are the disadvantages of the 3YMD program?

Are the academic requirements for the 3YMD track more stringent than those for the LEARN track?

Can a 3YMD student graduate and then take a year off for research?

Can a 3YMD student participate in a joint degree program (MD/MPH, MD/MBA, MD/MA)?

Are there special career advisors for the 3YMD track?

Does a student have options to switch Specialty programs?

Can a student switch from the 3YMD track to the four-year LEARN track?

Can a student switch from the four-year LEARN track to the 3YMD track?

How do I apply to the 3YMD program?

Is there a sample 3YMD schedule (schematic) I can see?

What are the Academic Performance Guidelines for the 3YMD program?

What is 3YMD@RSOM?

3YMD@RSOM is a program that offers a limited number of students who have already been accepted into Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University's four-year MD program the opportunity to complete their MD in three years. Students who are accepted into the 3YMD then enter a directed pathway with the Stony Brook University Hospital (SBUH) specialty residency program of their choice. 3YMD students are required to complete four weeks of academic credits before Phase I classes begin in mid-August. 3YMD students are also required to complete ten weeks of academic credits within the specialty program of their choice during the summer between their first and second years. The completion of a total of 14 weeks of summer academic credits allows 3YMD students to fulfill the requirements for an MD degree, as designated by the LCME, in three years.


What are the advantages of the 3YMD program?

The 3YMD program allows students to complete the requirements for the MD degree in three years, thus saving the student time and money.

The program also allows students early on to establish a longitudinal, professional relationship with the faculty in the student’s selected specialty program.


What are the disadvantages of the 3YMD program?

Students have to make a decision regarding which specialty program they want to enter before they start medical school. Some students may not be ready to make such a commitment this early on. Students who enter the 3YMD program may opt to exit and re-enter the four-year LEARN track.

3YMD students have to start the program at least four weeks before students in the four-year LEARN curriculum begin Phase I. Because 3YMD students must also complete at least ten weeks of academic credits in the summer between the first and second years, they do not have a summer break in Phase I.

While students in the four-year LEARN curriculum have ample opportunities to complete Phase III electives and participate in residency interviews at other institutions, these options are much more limited for students in the 3YMD program.


Are the academic requirements for the 3YMD track more stringent than those for the LEARN track?

The academic requirements for the two programs are very similar (Academic Policies and Procedures for the RSOM at SBU), however students in the 3YMD program are expected to achieve additional explicit academic and professional standards (refer to the 3YMD Academic Performance Policies).

Students in the 3YMD program who encounter academic difficulties will not be able to complete all of the requirements for the MD degree in three years. Such students will exit the 3YMD program and enter the LEARN track. Upon exiting the 3YMD program, these students will exit the directed pathway to the specialty program of their choice and placed in the four year LEARN program, and she/he must then complete all the requirements needed to graduate in LEARN.


Can a 3YMD student graduate and then take a year off for research?

No. Graduation for this track is contingent the directed pathway or obtaining a residency position through the NRMP match. If an interruption in the directed pathway or not obtaining a residency position through the NRMP match occurs the 3YMD student will be automatically placed in the four year LEARN program, and she/he must then complete all the requirements needed to graduate in LEARN.


Can a 3YMD student participate in a joint degree program (MD/MPH, MD/MBA, MD/MA)?

No. Students in the 3YMD track must complete the requirements for the MD in three years and have a directed pathway to the specialty of their choice. Students who wish to enter a joint degree program will be automatically placed into the four-year LEARN track, and they must then complete all the requirements needed to graduate in LEARN.


Are there special career advisors for the 3YMD track?

Dr. Lisa Strano-Paul, Assistant Dean for Clinical Education, is the 3YMD Career Advisor for students in this track. Additionally, each specialty program will have a designated faculty advisor for those students who have chosen that particular program.


Does the student have options to switch Specialty programs?

Switching GME programs is difficult, but not impossible. The student will need to discuss her/his specific situation with Dr. Strano-Paul, the 3YMD Career Advisor.


Can a student switch from the 3YMD track to the four-year LEARN track?

Yes, this is always possible.


Can a student switch from the four-year LEARN track to the three-year 3YMD track?

Students may opt into the 3YMD, if there are open spots in any of the specialty programs, in the spring of Phase I.


How do I apply to the 3YMD program?

Entry into the 3YMD program is only available to students who have been offered admission to or are currently enrolled in RSOM’s four-year LEARN curriculum. Students who are interested in applying to the 3YMD program must:

  1. submit a 3YMD application;
  2. specify the RSOM specialty program they wish to pursue at the time of application; and
  3. interview with the selected RSOM specialty program.

Acceptance into the 3YMD track comes with a directed pathway into a SBUH specialty training program, pending successful completion of your medical school training. Upon meeting the academic and professional standards for graduation from medical school, you will be ranked to match, should you choose to rank us, into the SB Medicine specialty training program through the National Resident Matching Program.


Is there a sample 3YMD schedule (schematic) I can see?

3 year MD schematic


What are the Academic Performance Guidelines for the 3YMD program?

You can learn about these guidelines by clicking here: 3YMD Academic Policies 2022-23