Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee 2023-2024

Name   Department

Laura Fochtmann, MD, MBI, Chair Distinguished Service Professor Psychiatry

Basic Science    
Ramana Davuluri, PhD Professor Biomedical Informatics
John Fleagle, PhD Distinguished Professor Anatomical Sciences
Shaoyu Ge, PhD Professor Neurobiology and Behavior
Patrick Hearing, PhD Professor Microbiology and Immunology
Hyungjin Kim, PhD Associate Professor Pharmacological Sciences
Joav Prives, PhD Professor Pharmacological Sciences
Nancy Reich, PhD Professor Microbiology and Immunology
Paul Vasca, PhD Professor Biomedical Engineering
Sahar Ahmad, MD Associate Professor Medicine/Pulmonary
Thomas Bilfinger, MD Professor Surgery/Cardiothoracic
Ana Costa, MD Associate Professor Anesthesiology
Norman Edelman, MD Professor Public Health
Michael Egnor, MD Professor Neurosurgery
Catherine Kier, MD Professor Pediatrics/Pulmonary
Smadar Kort, MD Professor Medicine/Cardiology
Susan Lee, MD Professor Medicine/General
Luis Marcos Raymundo, MD, MPH Associate Professor Medicine/Infectious Diseases
Jaymie R. Meliker, PhD Professor Family, Population & Preventive Medicine
Jignesh Patel, MD Associate Professor Medicine/Pulmonary
Susmita Pati, MD, MPH Professor Pediatrics/General
Michael Pearl, MD Professor OB-GYN
David Schulsinger, MD Associate Professor Urology
Peter Viccellio, MD Professor Emergency Medicine
Jennie L. Williams, PhD Associate Professor Family, Population & Preventive Medicine

Veterans Affairs (VA)    
Hussein Foda, MD Professor Medicine/Pulmonary

Nassau University Medical Center (NUMC)    
Lambros Angus, MD Professor Surgery

Ex Officio    
Stella E. Tsirka, PhD Distinguished Professor
Vice Dean, Faculty Affairs
Pharmacological Sciences


For more information about Appointments, Promotions and Tenure (APT), please click here.

Basic Science