Executive Committee 2023-2024

The Executive Committee will be responsible for:

  1. Advice to the Dean on all matters which are a responsibility of the Faculty and its Senate.
  2. Monitoring the implementation of policy determined by the Senate in the areas for which the Senate is responsible.
  3. Setting the agenda for Senate meetings.
  4. Jointly with the Dean, developing committee slates and participating in the selection of committee chairpersons.
  5. The referral of matters as necessary to appropriate committees and the receiving of reports from committees after an interval indicated by the Executive Committee.
  6. Reporting to the Senate for its consideration of actions taken by the Executive Committee.


Name   Department

Paul Richman, MD President Medicine - Pulmonary
Andrew Feit, MD Secretary Anesthesiology
Hussein Foda, MD Past President Medicine - Pulmonary and VA
Amit Gupta, MD Past Secretary Radiology

Basic Science    
Erich Mackow, PhD Professor Microbiology
Joav Prives, PhD Professor Pharmacology
Sanford Simon, PhD Professor Biochemistry
Mary Saltz, MD Professor Biomedical Informatics

Richard Bronson, MD Professor OB/GYN
Richard Rosenthal, MD  Professor Psychiatry
Hal Skopicki, MD Clinical Professor Medicine
Patricia Galvin-Parton, MD Clinical Professor Pediatrics
Daniel Singer, MD Clinical Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine
Melinda Staiger, MD Clinical Professor Radiology
Catherine Kier, MD Clinical Professor Pediatrics
Igor Kravets, MD Clinical Professor Medicine
Sergio D. Bergese, MD Clinical Professor Anesthesiology
Hussein Foda, MD Past President Medicine - GI and VA
Allison McLarty, MD Professor Surgery - VA


Basic Science