The Graduate Medical Education Department has established the following policies and procedures. Please contact the GME Office for additional information regarding these policies.
Policies can be found in the Policy Manager.
- ACLS Certification/Recertification
- Affiliation Agreements with Other Institutions and Participating Sites
- Annual Program Evaluation
- Certification for the Insertion of Central Venous Catheters
- Certification for the Insertion of Midline Catheters
- Clinical Experience and Education
- Closures and Reduction
- Communication Between Residents/Fellows and Attending Physicians
- Counseling and Support Services for Physician Impairment/Substance/Other Use
- Disability Accommodation
- Educational and Work Environment
- Educational Resources Committed to Multidisciplinary Programs
- Eligibility, Selection, and Appointment of Residents, Fellows, and Transfers
- Evaluation and Promotion of Residents
- Exceptions to Duty Hours
- Experimentation and Innovation
- Financial Support - Funding of Residents
- GME Committee Responsibilities
- Joint Commission Accreditation
- Medical Records
- Moonlighting
- New Innovations
- Non-Compete
- Non-Retaliation and Non-Intimidation
- Obtain Increase in Resident/Fellow Complement for Sponsored Programs
- Obtain Sponsorship for a New Residency
- Pharmaceutical Vendor/Corporation Relationships
- Prescription Writing
- Program Curriculum Review
- Record Retention
- Resident and Fellow Forum
- Resident Participation in Educational and Professional Activities including Institutional and Program Committees
- Resident Responsibilities
- Resident Responsibility for Patients in Non-Teaching Services
- Response to Hospital Closure
- Sexual and Other Forms of Harassment
- Social Networking
- Special Review
- Substandard Resident Performance
- Supervision of Residents
- Termination, Grievance and Due Process
- Time Off Benefits and Effect of Leaves of Absence
- Transitions of Care Communication
- Tube Thoracostomy Credentialing Process
- Well-Being Support for Trainees