Chan Lab


Siu Chiu Chan, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Nephrology & Hypertension
Department of Medicine
Renaissance School of Medicine
101 Nicolls Rd, HSC T15-090
Stony Brook University
Tel: 631-216-9110

Research Interests

I am studying the role of dysregulated signaling pathways in the initiation and progression of the Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). My primary area of research is the analysis of dysregulated transcriptional mechanisms in PKD using cell line models, mouse models and human PKD patient samples. Specifically, we employ genomic engineering, molecular biology and biochemical methods, genomic and proteomic tools to investigate aberrant transcriptional components mediating these dysregulated signal transduction pathways in PKD, with the aim to develop novel targeted therapeutic approach to prevent cyst formation and/or progression in PKD.


Siu Chiu Chan Bibliography

Selected Publications:

1. Shao A, Gearhart MD, Chan, S.C., Miao Z, Susztak K, Igarashi P.

Multiomics analysis reveals that hepatocyte nuclear factor 1β regulates axon guidance genes in the developing mouse kidney

Scientific Reports 2022 12(1), 17586

2. Chan, S.C., Hajarnis SS, Vrba SM, Patel V, Igarashi P.

Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1β suppresses canonical Wnt signaling through transcriptional repression of lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1

Journal of Biological Chemistry 2020 295 (51), 17561-17572

3. Chan, S.C., Zhang, Y., Pontoglio, M., Igarashi, P.

Transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor-1β regulates canonical Wnt signaling through genome-wide competition with β-catenin/lymphoid enhancer binding factor

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2019 116 (48), 24133-24142

4. Chan, S.C., Zhang, Y., Shao, A., Avdulov, S., Herrera, J., Aboudehen, K., Pontoglio, M., Igarashi, P.

Mechanism of fibrosis in HNF1B-related autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2018 29 (10), 2493-2509

5. Chan, S.C., Selth, L.A., Li, Y., Nyquist, M.D., Miao, L., Bradner, J.E., Raj, G.V., Tilley, W.D., Dehm, S.M. Targeting chromatin binding regulation of constitutively active AR variants to overcome prostate cancer resistance to endocrine-based therapies

Nucleic Acids Research 2015 43 (12), 5880-5897

*Selected as a 2015 Breakthrough Articleby NAR

Research Opportunities:

We are hiring motivated research support specialists and welcome undergraduate & postgraduate students to join us in PKD research. Please contact Siu Chiu Chan, PhD at