Dr. Susan Lane Will Serve as President-Elect of APDIM

The Department of Medicine is honored to announce that Dr. Susan Lane, Vice Chair for Education and Internal Medicine Residency Program Director has been elected to serve as President-Elect of the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine (APDIM).

Founded in 1977, APDIM is the international organization of accredited internal medicine residency programs. This association represents program directors, associate and assistant program directors, core faculty, program administrators and coordinators, fellowship coordinators, and other key faculty and staff involved in the internal medicine residency program. APDIM has a membership of 5,589 and represents 443 institutions.

Dr. Lane joined the Stony Brook Medicine faculty in 2000, working in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. She became Associate Program Director of the Internal Medicine Residency Program and Director of the Primary Care Track in 2004. In 2007, she was asked to develop and direct a new Ambulatory Clerkship for the School of Medicine, which she co-directed until 2013, when she became Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency Program.

Dr. Lane will serve as President-Elect in academic year 2020-2021, President in academic year 2021-2022, and Past-President in academic year 2022-2023.

Please join the Department of Medicine in congratulating Dr. Lane for this incredible and well-deserved honor.

Dr. Susan Lane