

[1] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, C. Floyd, K. Greer, and E. Coleman (1989), “Bayesian Reconstruction for SPECT: Validation with Monte Carlo simulation, experimental phantom and real data”, International Journal of Imaging Systems & Technology, vol.1, no.1, 149-168.

[2] Z. Liang and R. Jaszczak (1990), “The Discussion on ‘A Smoothed EM Approach to Indirect Estimation Problem, with Particular Reference to Stereology and Emission Tomography’”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, vol.52, no.2, 317.

[3] Z. Liang (1993), “Statistical Approaches toward Automatic Tissue Classification and Segmentation of MR Images,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, vol.12, no.1, 81-85.

[4] Z. Liang and J. Ye (1993), “Quantitative SPECT Using Cone-beam Collimation and Iterative FBP Reconstruction”, Proceeding of World Chinese Nuclear Medicine Society, vol.1, 128-132.

[5] Z. Liang, J. Ye, J. Cheng, and D. Harrington (1996), “Quantitative Brain SPECT in Three Dimensions: An analytical approach to non-uniform attenuation without transmission scans”, in Computational Imaging and Vision book series, by Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.117-132

[6] Z. Liang, D. Wang, J. Ye, H. Li, C. Roque, and D. Harrington (1997), “Automating Brain Tissue Segmentation from Multi-spectral MR Images”, The 1st International Workshop on Physics and Engineering in Medical Imaging, Beijing, vol.69, 63-86.

[7] Z. Liang (1997), “SPECT Instrumentation and Image Formation Methodology”, The 1st International Workshop on Physics and Engineering in Medical Imaging, Beijing, vol.69, 117-133.
[8] Z. Liang, S. Bao, J. You, W. Wang, and G. Han (2000), “Progress on the Development of High Spatial Resolution Imaging Techniques in Nuclear Medicine”, Chinese Journal of Medical Physics, vol.17, no.2, 75-81.PDF

[9] Z. Liang (2001), “Virtual Colonoscopy: An alternative approach to examination of the entire colon”, INNERVISION, vol.16, no.10, 40-44.PDF

[10] Z. Liang (2001), “A System and Method for Volumetric Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis Using Multi-spectral MRI”, The 2nd International Workshop on Physics and Engineering in Medical Imaging, Beijing, vol.135, 88.

[11] Z. Liang (2001), “Medical Imaging Informatics: From image formation and processing to visualization”, The 2nd International Workshop on Physics and Engineering in Medical Imaging, Beijing, vol.135, 89.

[12] Z. Liang, W. Higgins, R. Summers, and H. Yoshida (2004), “Introduction to the Special Section on Virtual Endoscopy”, Editorial to the Special Issue for the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.23, no.11, 1-2.PDF

[13] Z. Liang (2004), “Virtual Colonoscopy: An information processing in medical imaging”, The 3rd International Conference on Image and Graphics, Hong Kong, December 18-20, pp.5.

[14] Z. Liang, H. Lu, D. Metaxas, and J. Reinhardt (2007), “Medical Imaging Informatics – An information processing from image formation to visualization”, Editorial to the Special Issue of Medical Image Reconstruction, Processing and Visualization for the International Journal of Image and Graphics, vol.7, no.1, 1-15.

[15] Z. Liang (2007), “MR Image Segmentation in MS Evaluation”, The 1st Annual Meeting of Chinese MRM Society, Dalian, China, August 8-12, pp. 11.

[16] Z. Liang, T. Li, R. Schulte, T. Satogata, D. Williams, and H. Sadrozinski (2008), “Proton Computed Tomography”, in Book Series of CANCER IMAGING – Instrumentation and Applications, M. A. Hayat (Ed.), Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington, MA, USA, vol.2, 99-120.PDF

[17] L. Li, Z. Wang, and Z. Liang (2008), “Bladder Cancer Screening by Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, in The Handbook of Cancer Models with Applications to Cancer Screening, Cancer Treatment and Risk Assessment, W-Y Tan and L. Hanin (Ed.), World Scientific, New Jersey, USA, pp. 457-470.PDF 

[18] Z. Liang (2008), “Electronic Colon Cleansing Techniques: Past, present, and future”, The 11th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Workshop – “Computational and Visualization Challenges in the New Era of Virtual Colonoscopy”, New York City, NY, September 6, pp. 26-32.

[19] Z. Liang (2008), “A MRI-based Virtual Cystoscopy System for Evaluation of the Entire Bladder”, The 2nd Annual Meeting of Chinese MRM Society, Shenzhen, China, December 13-15, pp. 15.

[20] H. Zhu, C. Duan, P. Pickhardt, S. Wang, and Z. Liang (2009), “Computer-aided Detection of Colonic Polyps with Level Set-based Adaptive Convolution in Volumetric Mucosa to Advance CT Colonography Toward a Screening Modality”, Journal of Cancer Management and Research, DOVE Medical Press, vol.1, no.1, 1-13 PDF

[21] Z. Liang and R. Richards (2010), “Virtual Colonoscopy vs Optical Colonoscopy”, Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics Journal, vol.4, no.2, 149-158 ( (PMCID: PMC2869208).

[22] J. Wang, Z. Liang, H. Lu, and L. Xing (2010), “Recent Development of Low-dose X-ray Cone-beam Computed Tomography”, Current Medical Imaging Reviews (CMIR) Journal, vol.6, no.2, pp. 72-81(10), (http://www.bentham. org/cmir/CurrentIssue.htm).PDF

[23] Z. Liang (2010), “MR Cystography for Detection of Bladder Cancer and Management of Tumor Recurrence”, The 13th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Workshop – “Computational Challenges and Clinical Opportunities in Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging”, Beijing, China, September 20, pp. 73-80.


[1] Z. Liang and H. Hart (1987), “Bayesian Image Processing of Data from Constrained Source Distributions I: Non-valued, uncorrelated and correlated constraints”, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, vol.49, no.1, 51-74.

[2] H. Hart and Z. Liang (1987), “Bayesian Image Processing of Data from Constrained Source Distributions II: Valued, uncorrelated and correlated constraints”, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, vol.49, no.1, 75-91.

[3] Z. Liang and H. Hart (1987), “Bayesian Image Processing of Data from Constrained Source Distributions III: Fuzzy pattern constraints”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.32, no.11, 1481-1494.PDF

[4] H. Hart and Z. Liang (1987), "Bayesian Image Processing in Two Dimensions", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.6, no.3, 201-208.

[5] Z. Liang and H. Hart (1988), “Source Continuity and Boundary Discontinuity Considerations in Bayesian Image Processing”, Medical Physics, vol.15, no.5, 754-756.PDF

[6] Z. Liang and H. Hart (1988), “Bayesian Reconstruction in Emission Computerized Tomography”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.35, no.1, 788-792.PDF

[7] Z. Liang (1988), “Statistical Models of A Priori Information for Image Processing: Neighboring correlation constraints”, Journal of Optical Society of America, vol.5, no.12, 2026-2031.

[8] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, and H. Hart (1988), “Study and Performance Evaluation of Statistical Methods in Image Processing”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol.18, no.6, 395-408.

[9] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, and K. Greer (1989), “On Bayesian Image Reconstruction from Projections: Uniform and non-uniform a priori source information”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.8, no.3, 227-235.PDF

[10] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, C. Floyd, and K. Greer (1989), “A Spatial Interaction Model for Statistical Image Processing”, Information Processing in Medical Imaging, vol.11, 29-43.

[11] Z. Liang and R. Jaszczak (1990), “Comparisons of Multiple Photon Coincidence Imaging Techniques”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.37, no.3, 1282-1292.PDF

[12] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, E. Coleman, and V. Johnson (1991), “Simultaneous Reconstruction, Segmentation, and Edge Enhancement of Relatively Piecewise Continuous Images with Intensity-level Information”, Medical Physics, vol.18, no.3, 394-401.PDF

[13] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, and E. Coleman (1991), “On Reconstruction and Segmentation of Piecewise Continuous Images”, Information Processing in Medical Imaging, vol.12, 94-104.

[14] Z. Liang (1991), “Implementation of Linear Filters for Iterative Penalized Maximum Likelihood SPECT Reconstruction”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.38, no.2, 606-611.PDF

[15] Z. Liang, T. Turkington, D. Gilland, R. Jaszczak, and E. Coleman (1992), “Simultaneous Compensation for Attenuation, Scatter, and Detector Response for SPECT Reconstruction in Three Dimensions”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.36, no.3, 587-603.PDF

[16] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, and E. Coleman (1992), “Parameter Estimation of Finite Mixtures Using the EM Algorithm and Information Criteria with Application to Medical Image Processing”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.39, no.4, 1126-1133.PDF

[17] Z. Liang (1993), “Compensation of Attenuation, Scatter, and Detector Response with an Iterative FBP Method for SPECT Reconstruction”, Medical Physics, vol.20, no.4, 1097-1106.

[18] D. Gilland, R. Jaszczak, E. Bowsher, T. Turkington, Z. Liang, K. Greer, and E. Coleman (1993), “Quantitative SPECT Brain Imaging: Effects of attenuation and detector response”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.40, no.3, 295-299.PDF

[19] Z. Liang (1994), “Detector Response Restoration in Image Reconstruction of High Resolution Positron Emission Tomography”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.13, no.2, 314-321.PDF

[20] J. Ye, Z. Liang, and D. Harrington (1994), “Quantitative Reconstruction for Myocardial Perfusion SPECT: An efficient approach by depth-dependent deconvolution and matrix rotation”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.39, no.7, 1281-1293.PDF

[21] Z. Liang, J. Ye, and D. Harrington (1994), “An Analytical Approach to Quantitative Reconstruction of Non-uniform Attenuated Brain SPECT”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.39, no.11, 2023-2041.PDF

[22] Z. Liang, J. MacFall, and D. Harrington (1994), “Parameter Estimation and Tissue Segmentation from Multi-spectral MR Images”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.13, no.3, 441-449.PDF

[23] Z. Liang, J. Ye, J. Cheng, and D. Harrington (1996), “The Inversion of Exponential Radon Transform for Quantitative Brain SPECT”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.41, no.6, 1227-1232.PDF

[24] M. Wagshul, T. Button, H. Li, Z. Liang, K. Zhong, and A. Wishnia (1996), “In Vivo MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Using Hyperpolarized Xe-129”, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.36, no.1, 183-191.

[25] J. You, S. Bao, and Z. Liang (1997), “Benefits of Angular Expression to Reconstruction Algorithms for Collimators with Spatially Varying Focal Length”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.16, no.5, 527-531.PDF

[26] S. You, L. Hong, M. Wan, K. Junyaprasert, A. Kaufman, S. Muraki, Y. Zhou, M. Wax, and Z. Liang (1997), “Interactive Volume Rendering for Virtual Colonoscopy”, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pp.433-437.

[27] L. Hong, Z. Liang, A. Viswambharan, A. Kaufman, and M. Wax (1997), “Reconstruction and Visualization of 3D Models of the Colonic Surface”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Sciences, vol.44, no.3, 1297-1302.PDF

[28] F. Dilmanian, X. Wu, …, Z. Liang, and et al. (1997), “Single- and Dual-energy CT with Monochromatic Synchrotron X-Rays”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.42, no.1, 371-387.PDF

[29] Z. Liang, J. Cheng, and J. Ye (1997), “Validation of the Central-Ray Approximation for Attenuated Depth-dependent Convolution in Quantitative SPECT Reconstruction”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.42, no.1, 433-439.PDF

[30] Z. Liang, J. Ye, J. Cheng, and D. Harrington (1998), “Quantitative Cardiac SPECT in Three Dimensions: Validation by experimental phantom studies”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.43, no.4, 905-920.PDF

[31] J. You, Z. Liang, and S. Bao (1998), “A Harmonic Decomposition Reconstruction Algorithm for Spatially Varying Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.17, no.6, 955-1002.PDF

[32] J. You, Z. Liang, and G. Zeng (1999), “A Unified Reconstruction Framework for Both Parallel-beam and Variable Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators by a Cormack-Type Inversion of Exponential Radon Transform”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.18, no.1, 59-65.PDF

[33] R. Chiou, A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, L. Hong, and M. Achniotou (1999), “Interactive Fly-path Planning Using Potential Fields and Cell Decomposition for Virtual Endoscopy”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Sciences, vol.46, no.4, 1045-1049.PDF

[34] J. Li, Z. Liang, J. Ye, and G. Han (1999), “Implementation and Preliminary Investigation of Analytical Methods for Correction of Distance-dependent Resolution Variation and Uniform Attenuation in 3D Brain SPECT”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.46, no.6, 2162-2171.PDF

[35] D. Chen, Z. Liang, M. Wax, L. Li, B. Li, and A. Kaufman (2000), “A Novel Approach to Extract Colon Lumen from CT Images for Virtual Colonoscopy”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.19, no.12, 1220-1226.PDF

[36] D. Chen, B. Li, P. Roche, W. Huang, and Z. Liang (2001), “Feasibility Studies of Virtual Laryngoscopy by CT and MRI: From data acquisition, image segmentation, to interactive visualization”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.48, no.1, 51-57.PDF

[37] E. Smouha, D. Chen, B. Li, and Z. Liang (2001), “Computer-aided Virtual Surgery for Congenital Aural Atresia”, Otology and Neurotology, vol.22, 178-182.PDF

[38] M. Sato, S. Lakare, M. Wan, A. Kaufman, M. Wax, and Z. Liang (2001), “An Automatic Colon Segmentation for 3D Virtual Colonoscopy”, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E84-D, no. 1, 201-208.

[39] T. He, L. Hong, D. Chen and Z. Liang (2001), “Reliable Path for Virtual Endoscopy: Ensuring complete examination of human organs”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 7, no.4, 333-342.PDF

[40] D. Chen, Z. Liang, M. Wax, L. Li, K. Kreeger, B. Li and A. Kaufman (2001), “Extracting Colon Lumen from CT Images for Virtual Colonoscopy: Method and validation”, Medical Imaging International, vol.11, no.4, 6-8.

[41] M. Wan, Z. Liang, Q. Ke, L. Hong, I. Bitter, and A. Kaufman (2002), “Automatic Centerline Extraction for Virtual Colonoscopy”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.21, no.12, 1450-1460.PDF

[42] C. Christodoulou, L. Krupp, Z. Liang, W. Huang, P. Melville, C. Roque, W. Scherl, T. Morgan, W. MacAllister, L. Li, A. Tudorica, X. Li, P. Roche, and R. Peyster (2003), “Neuroimaging Markers of Cerebral Injury and Neuropsychological Performance in Cognitively Impaired Multiple Sclerosis Patients”, Neurology, vol.60, no.1, 1793-1798.

[43] T. Li, J. Wen, and Z. Liang (2003), “Analytical Compensation for Spatially Variant Detector Response in SPECT with Varying Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.50, no.3, 398-404.PDF

[44] J. Wen, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2003), “An Analytical Inversion of Non-uniformly Attenuated Radon Transform for SPECT Reconstruction with Variable Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.50, no.5, 1541-1549.

[45] L. Li, H. Lu, X. Li, W. Huang, A. Tudorica, C. Christodoulou, L. Krupp, and Z. Liang (2003), “MRI Volumetric Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis: Methodology and Validation”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.50, no.5, 1686-1692.PDF

[46] J. Wen, Z. Wang, B. Li, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2004), “Speed Up of an Analytical Algorithm for Non-uniform Attenuation Correction Using PC Video/Graphics Card Architecture”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.51, no.3, 726-732.PDF

[47] R. Schulte, V. Bashkirov, T. Li, Z. Liang, K. Mueller, J. Heimann, L.R. Johnson, B. Keeney, H.F-W. Sadrozinski, A. Seiden, D.C. Williams, L. Zhang, Z. Li, S. Peggs, T. Satogata, and C. Wood (2004), “Conceptual Design of a Proton CT System for Applications in Proton Radiation Therapy”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.51, no.3, 866-872.

[48] T. Li, X. Li, J. Wang, J. Wen, H. Lu, J. Hsieh, and Z. Liang (2004), “Nonlinear Sinogram Smoothing for Low-dose X-ray CT”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.51, no.4, 2505-2513.PDF

[49]. H. Lu, Z. Liang, J. Wen, G. Li, X. Liu, and S. Wang (2005), “Analytical Reconstruction of Quantitative SPECT with Parallel Geometry”, Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, vol.24, no.5, 524-530 (The best paper in the year in the journal).PDF

[50] T. Li, J. Wen, G. Han, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2005), “Evaluation of an Efficient Compensation Method for Quantitative Fan-beam Brain SPECT Reconstruction”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.24, no.2, 170-179.PDF

[51] J. You, L. Zeng, and Z. Liang (2005), “FBP Algorithms for Attenuated Fan-beam Projections”, Inverse Problems, vol.21, no.5, 1179-1192 (PMCID: PMC1415202).PDF

[52] X. Li, L. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2005), “A Partial Volume Segmentation of Brain Magnetic Resonance Images Based on Maximum a Posteriori Probability”, Medical Physics, vol.32, no.7, 2337-2345 (PMCID: PMC1315284).PDF

[53] T. Li, J. You, J. Wen, and Z. Liang (2005), “An Efficient Reconstruction Method for Non-uniform Attenuation Compensation in Non-parallel Beam Geometries Based on Novikov’s Explicit Inversion Formula”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.24, no.10, 1357-1368 (PMCID: PMC1415226).PDF

[54] Z. Wang, G. Han, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2005), “Speedup OS-EM Image Reconstruction by PC Graphics Card Technologies for Quantitative SPECT with Varying Focal-length Fan-beam Collimation”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.52, no.5, 1274-1280 (PMCID: PMC1420649).PDF

[55] J. Wang, H. Lu, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2005), “An Alternative Solution to the Non-uniform Noise Propagation Problem in Fan-beam FBP Image Reconstruction”, Medical Physics, vol.32, no.11, 3389-3394 (PMCID: PMC1379631).PDF

[56] Z. Wang, Z. Liang, L. Li, X. Li, B. Li, J. Anderson, and D. Harrington (2005), “Reduction of False Positives by Internal Features for Polyp Detection in CT-based Virtual Colonoscopy”, Medical Physics, vol.32, no.12, 3602-3616 (PMCID: PMC1413505).PDF

[57] T. Li and Z. Liang (2006), “Toward a Dedicated System for Quantitative SPECT Mammotomography”, Physica Medica, vol.XXI, Supplement 1, 115-118.

[58] T. Li, Z. Liang, J. Singanallur, T. Satogata, D. Williams, and R. Schulte (2006), “Reconstruction for Proton Computed Tomography by Tracing Proton Trajectories – A Monte Carlo study”, Medical Physics, vol.33, no.3, 699-706 (PMCID: PMC1550979).PDF

[59] J. Wen and Z. Liang (2006), “An Inversion Formula for the Exponential Radon Transform in Spatial Domain with Variable Focal-length Fan-beam Collimation Geometry”, Medical Physics, vol.33, no.3, 792-798 (PMCID: PMC1553217).PDF

[60] Z. Wang, Z. Liang, X. Li, L. Li, B. Li, D. Eremina, and H. Lu (2006), “An Improved Electronic Colon Cleansing Method for Detection of Colonic Polyps by Virtual Colonoscopy”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.53, no.8, 1635-1646 (PMCID: PMC1550780).PDF

[61] J. Wang, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2006), “Penalized Weighted Least-squares Approach to Sinogram Noise Reduction and Image Reconstruction for Low-dose X-ray Computed Tomography”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.25, no.10, 1272-1283 (PMCID: PMC1619874).PDF

[62] J. Wang, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2006), “Noise Reduction for Low-dose Single-slice Helical CT Sinograms”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.53, no.3, 1230-1237 (PMCID: PMC1553180).PDF

[63] Y. Fan, H. Lu, C. Hao, and Z. Liang (2006), “Attenuation Compensation and Noise Reduction of Analytical Algorithms for SPECT”, Chinese Medical Equipment Journal, vol.27, 165-167.

[64] J. You, J. Wang, and Z. Liang (2007), “Range Condition and ML-EM Checkerboard Artifacts”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.54, no.5, 1696-1702 (PMCID: PMC2361395).PDF

[65] Y. Fan, H. Lu, C. Hao, and Z. Liang (2007), “Fast Analytical Reconstruction of Gated Cardiac SPECT with Non-uniform Attenuation Compensation”, International Journal of Image and Graphics, vol.7, no.1, 87-104 (PMCID: PMC2396956).PDF

[66] Y. Fan, H. Lu, C. Hao, and Z. Liang (2007), “Analytical Reconstruction of 4D Dynamic Cardiac SPECT with Noise-reduction and Non-uniform Attenuation Compensation”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, vol.571, 195-198 (PMCID: PMC2311508).PDF

[67] Y. Fan, H. Lu C. Hao, and Z. Liang (2007), “Study on Typical Reconstruction Algorithms for SPECT”, Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University, vol.28, 947-949.

[68] J. Wang, H. Lu, J. Wen, and Z. Liang (2008), “Multiscale Penalized Weighted Least-squares Sinogram Restoration for Low-dose X-ray Computed Tomography”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.55, no.3, 1022-1031 (PMCID: PMC2169428).PDF

[69] J. Wang, T. Li, Z. Liang, and L. Xing (2008), “Dose Reduction in Kilovotage Cone-beam Computed Tomography for Radiation therapy”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.53, no.11, 2897-2909 (PMCID: PMC18460749).PDF

[70] J. Wang, H. Lu, Z. Liang, D. Eremina, G. Zhang, S. Wang, J. Chen, and J. Manzione (2008), “An Experimental Study on the Noise Properties of X-ray CT Sinogram Data in Radon Space”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol.53, no.12, 3327-3341 (PMCID: PMC2579780).PDF

[71] Y. Fan, H. Lu, C. Hao, and Z. Liang (2008), “Fast and Quantitative Reconstruction of SPECT Based on Novikov’s Inverse Formula”, Chinese Journal of Image and Graphics, vol.35, no.12, 2270-2274.

[72] S. Wang, H. Zhu, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2008), “Volume-based Feature Analysis of Mucosa for Automatic Initial Polyp Detection in Virtual Colonoscopy”, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol.3, no.1-2, 131-142 (PMCID: PMC2747332).PDF

[73] J. Wang, S. Wang, L. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2008), “Virtual Colonoscopy Screening with Ultra Low-dose CT and Less-stressful Bowel Preparation: A computer simulation study”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.55, no.5, 2566-2575 (PMCID: PMC2630255).PDF

[74] S. Wang, L. Li, H. Cohen, S. Mankes, J. Chen, and Z. Liang (2008), “An EM Approach to MAP Solution of Segmenting Tissue Mixture Percentages with Application to CT-based Virtual Colonoscopy”, Medical Physics, vol.35, no.12, 5787-5798 (PMCID: PMC2633412).PDF

[75] Z. Liang and S. Wang (2009), “An EM Approach to MAP Solution of Segmenting Tissue Mixtures: A numerical analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.28, no.2, 297-310 (PMCID: PMC2635945).PDF

[76] S. Wang, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2009), “A Theoretical Solution to MAP-EM Partial Volume Segmentation of Medical Images”, International Journal of Imaging Systems & Technology, vol.19, no.2, 111-119 (PMCID: PMC2745964).PDF

[77] C. Duan, Z. Liang, S. Bao, H. Zhu, S. Wang, G. Zhang, and J. Chen (2010), “A Coupled Level-set Framework for Bladder Wall Segmentation with Application to MR Cystography”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.29, no.3, 903-915 (PMCID: PMC2894540).PDF

[78] H. Zhu, Y. Fan, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2010), “Improving Initial Polyp Candidate Extraction for CT Colonography”, Physics in Biology and Medicine, vol.55, no.3, 2087-2102 (PMCID: PMC2845997).PDF

[79] H. Zhu, Z. Liang, M. Barish, P. Pickhardt, J. You, S. Wang, Y. Fan, H. Lu, R. Richards, E. Posniak, and H. Cohen (2010), “Increasing Computer-aided Detection Specificity by Projection Features for CT Colonography”, Medical Physics, vol.37, no.4, 1468-1481 (PMCID: PMC20443468).PDF

[1] Z. Liang, H. Hart, and A. Schoenfeld (1987), “Triple Gamma Coincidence Tomographic Imaging without Image Processing”, Proc IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and Biology, vol.2, 820-821.

[2] H. Hart, A. Schoenfeld, and Z. Liang (1987), “Four Planar Detector Positron Emission Tomography”, Proc SPIE, Applications of Digital Image Processing X, vol.829, 201-204.

[3] Z. Liang (1988), “Statistical Modeling of A Priori Information for Image Processing Problems: A mathematical expression of images”, Proc Stat Soc America, Section of Interface: Computing Science & Statistics, vol.20, 824-831.

[4] Z. Liang (1988), “Image Enhancement by Estimated A Priori Information”, Proc SPIE, Med. Imaging II, vol.914, 684-689.

[5] Z. Liang (1988), “Statistical Models of A Priori Information for Image Processing, I”, Proc SPIE, Medical Imaging II, vol.914, 677-683.

[6] Z. Liang and R. Jaszczak (1988), “Statistical Models of A Priori Information for Image Processing, II: Finite distribution range constraints”, Proc SPIE, Application of Digital Image Processing XI, vol.974, 53-58.

[7] Z. Liang (1988), “Preliminary Study of Triple Photon Coincidence Imaging Technique”, Proc SPIE, Applications of Digital Image Processing XI, vol.974, 283-291.

[8] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, C. Floyd, K. Greer, and E. Coleman (1989), “Reprojection and Backprojection in SPECT Image Reconstruction”, Proc IEEE Southeastcon’89: Energy and Information Technologies, vol.3, 919-926.

[9] Z. Liang (1989), “Analytical Study of a 3D Imaging System Using Both Single and Coincidence Pair Photons”, Proc IEEE Southeastcon’89: Energy and Information Technologies, vol.3, 1085-1092.

[10] Z. Liang, D. Gilland, R. Jaszczak, and E. Coleman (1989), “Implementation of Non-linear Filters for Iterative Penalized Maximum Likelihood Image Reconstruction”, Conf Record IEEE Nuclear Science Society and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS-MIC), vol.1, 1518-1522.PDF

[11] Z. Liang (1990), “On Maximum Entropy Image Reconstruction from Projections via Lagrange Parameter Analysis”, Proc SPIE, Digital Image Synthesis and Inverse Optics, vol.1351, 56-68.

[12] J. Bowsher, C. Floyd, Z. Liang, and E. Coleman (1991), “Maximum Entropy and Nearest-neighbor Constraints in SPECT Reconstruction”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.2, 1591-1593.

[13] Z. Liang, T. Turkington, D. Gilland, R. Jaszczak, and E. Coleman (1991), “Simultaneous Compensation for Non-uniform Attenuation and Detector Response of SPECT Image Reconstruction in Three Dimensions”, Intl Conf Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, pp.151-153.

[14] Z. Liang (1991), “An Efficient 3D Unified Projector-backprojector for SPECT Reconstruction”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.2, 1201-1205.PDF

[15] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, and E. Coleman (1991), “Parameter Estimation of Finite Mixtures for Imaging Processing Using the EM Algorithm and Information Criteria”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.2, 1177-1182.

[16] D. Gilland, R. Jaszczak, Z. Liang, K. Greer, and E. Coleman (1992), “Quantitative SPECT Brain Imaging: effects of attenuation and collimator response”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.2, 1723-1727.

[17] Z. Liang and J. MacFall (1993), “Automatic Tissue Segmentation from Computed Intrinsic MR Images”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.2, 695.

[18] Z. Liang (1993), “Quantification in Reconstruction of Emission CT and Segmentation of MR Images”, Proc Intl Biomedical Engineering, vol.1, 281.

[19] Z. Liang (1993), “Detector Response Restoration for High Resolution PET”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.2, 951-953.

[20] Z. Liang and J. MacFall (1993), “Parameter Estimation and NMR Image Segmentation”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.2, 1322-1324.

[21] Z. Liang and J. Ye (1994), “Reconstruction of Object-specific Attenuation Map for Quantitative SPECT”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.2, 1231-1235.PDF

[22] Z. Liang, D. Wang, J. Ye, and D. Harrington (1994), “Development of Automatic Techniques for Segmentation of Brain Tissues from Multi-spectral MR Images”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.3, 1453-1456.PDF

[23] Z. Liang, J. Ye, J. Cheng, and D. Harrington (1995), “Quantitative Brain SPECT in Three Dimensions: An analytical approach without transmission scans”, Intl Conf Fully 3D Image Reconstruction, pp.155-159.

[24] J. Ye, Z. Liang, and D. Harrington (1995), “Accurate Analytical Compensation for Non-uniformly Attenuated Brain SPECT Using Enlarged Uniform Map”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.3, 1250.

[25] F. Dilmanian, X. Yu, …, Z. Liang, and et al. (1995), “Dual Energy Iodine Contrast CT with Monochromatic X Rays”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.2, 1235-1239.

[26] L. Hong, A. Kaufman, Y. Wei, A. Viswambharan, M. Wax, and Z. Liang (1995), “3D Virtual Colonoscopy”, IEEE Symposium on Frontier in Biomedical Visualization, IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos, pp.26-32.

[27] M. Wagshul, T. Button, H. Li, Z. Liang, and A. Wishnia (1995), “Hyperpolarized Xe-129 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging of the Living Mouse”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.2, 1194.

[28] L. Hong, A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, A. Viswambharan, and M. Wax (1996), “Visible Human Virtual Colonoscopy”, Conference of National Library of Medicine Visible Human Project, pp.29-30.

[29] Z. Liang, J. Cheng, and J. Ye (1996), “A New Model for Tracing First-order Compton Scatter in Quantitative SPECT Imaging”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.2, 1425-1429.PDF

[30] L. Hong, Z. Liang, A. Viswambharan, A. Kaufman, and M. Wax (1996), “3D Reconstruction and Visualization of the Inner Surface of the Colon from Spiral CT Data”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.3, 1506-1510.

[31] J. Cheng, Z. Liang, J. Li, J. Ye, and D. Harrington (1996), “Inclusion of A Priori Information in Frequency Space for Quantitative SPECT Imaging”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, vol.3, 1648-1652.PDF

[32] Z. Liang, D. Wang, J. Ye, H. Li, C. Roque, and D. Harrington (1997), “Correction of RF Inhomogeneity for Automatic Segmentation from Multi-spectral MR Images”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.3, 2042.

[33] Z. Liang, J. Ye, J. Cheng, J. Li, and D. Harrington (1997), “Quantitative Chest SPECT in Three Dimensions: An efficient approach”, Intl Conf Fully 3D Image Reconstruction, pp.77-80.

[34] J. You, Z. Liang, and J. Cai (1997), “A Unified Reconstruction Algorithm for Conventional 2D Acquisition Geometry”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[35] Z. Liang, F. Yang, M. Wax, J. Li, J. You, A. Kaufman, L. Hong, H. Li, and A. Viswambharan (1997), “Inclusion of A Priori Information in Segmentation of Colon Lumen for 3D Virtual Colonoscopy”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[36] J. You, W. Lu, J. Li, G. Gindi, and Z. Liang (1998), “Image Matching for Translation, Rotation and Uniform Scaling Deformable Changes by the Radon Transform”, Proc IEEE Trans Image Processing, pp.88-90.

[37] R. Chiou, A. Kaufman, and Z. Liang (1998), “Unified Analysis, Modeling, Matching and Synthesis for CT Color Texture from Visible Human Data Set”, The 2nd Conference of National Library of Medicine Visible Human Project, pp.101-103.

[38] J. Li, Z. Liang, J. Ye, and G. Han (1998), “An Investigation on Analytical Methods for Correction of Distance-Dependent Resolution Variation in 3D SPECT Imaging”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[39] J. You, J. Li, and Z. Liang (1998), "The Possibility of Complete Restoration of Variable Collimator Response in SPECT Imaging," Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[40] R. Chiou, A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, L. Hong, and M. Achniotou (1998), “Interactive Path Planning for Virtual Endoscopy”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[41] J. You, Z. Liang, and W. Lu (1998), “A Simplified FFT-based Algorithm for MR Image Registration”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, pp.2091.

[42] J. You, W. Lu, J. Li, G. Gindi, and Z. Liang (1998), “Image Matching for Translation, Rotation and Uniform Scaling by the Radon Transform”, Proc ICIP98, pp.55-59.PDF

[43] J. You and Z. Liang (1999), “A Harmonic Decomposition Approach to Compensate for Uniform Attenuation and Collimator Response in Fan-Beam Collimated Brain SPECT”, Intl Conf Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Holland, pp.243-246.

[44] J. You, G. Han, and Z. Liang (1999), “Circular Harmonic Decomposition Technique to SPECT Reconstruction for Astigmatic-Hole Collimators”, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Engineering Symposium, Chicago, pp.56.

[45] G. Han, J. You, and Z. Liang (1999), “EM Reconstruction from Attenuated Projections in SPECT with Astigmatic-Hole Collimators”, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Engineering Symposium, Chicago, pp.58.

[46] G. Han, Z. Liang, and J. You (1999), “A Fast Ray-tracing Technique for TCT and ECT Studies”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[47] D. Chen, B. Li, P. Roche, W. Huang, and Z. Liang (1999), “Virtual Laryngoscopy: Feasibility studies by CT and MRI”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[48] Z. Liang, D. Chen, T. Button, H. Li, and W. Huang (1999), “Feasibility Studies on Extracting Bladder Wall from MR Images for Virtual Cystoscopy”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.3, 2204.

[49] D. Chen, L. Li, and Z. Liang (1999), “A Self-adaptive Vector Quantization Algorithm for MR Image Segmentation”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.1, 122.

[50] D. Chen, T. Button, H. Li, W. Huang, and Z. Liang (1999), “MR Imaging and Segmentation of the Colon Wall for Virtual Colonoscopy”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.3, 2203.

[51] Z. Liang, D. Chen, R. Chiou, B. Li, A. Kaufman, M. Wax, and A. Viswambharan (1999), “On Segmentation of Colon Lumen for Virtual Colonoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.3660, 270-278.PDF

[52] R. Chiou, D. Chen, Z. Liang, and A. Kaufman (1999), “Volume Segmentation and Rendering of Mixtures of Materials for Virtual Colonoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.3660, 133-138.

[53] M. Wan, Q. Tang, A. Kaufman, and Z. Liang (1999), “Volume Rendering Based Interactive Navigation within the Human Colon”, IEEE Visualization' 99 Conference, San Francisco, CA, pp.397-400.

[54] D. Chen, Z. Liang, B. Li, A. Kaufman, M. Wan, and Mark Wax (2000), “A Tree-branch Searching, Multi-resolution Approach to Skeletonization for Virtual Endoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.3979, 726-734.PDF

[55] M. Wan, W. Li, A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, D. Chen, and M. Wax (2000), “3D Virtual Colonoscopy with Real-time Volume Rendering”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.3978, 165-171.PDF

[56] D. Chen, B. Li, W. Huang, and Z. Liang (2000), “A Multi-scan MRI-based Virtual Cystoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.3978, 146-152.PDF

[57] B. Li, D. Chen, E. Smouha, and Z. Liang (2000), “Computer Aided Surgical Planning for Congenital Aural Atresia”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.3976, 394-400.PDF

[58] D. Chen, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2000), “A Renormalization Method for Inhomogeneity Correction of MRI Data”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.3, 1762.

[59] C. Roque, D. Chen, B. Li, and Z. Liang (2000), “Quantitative Analysis of Carotid Stenosis Using 3D MR and CT Images”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.3, 1542.

[60] H. Lu, G. Han, D. Chen, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2000), “A Theoretically Based Pre-reconstructing Filter for Spatio-temporal Noise Reduction in Gated Cardiac SPECT Imaging”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[61] D. Chen, L. Li, M. Wax, B. Li, A. Kaufman, and Z. Liang (2000), “Electronic Colon Cleansing by Colonic Material Tagging and Image Segmentation for Virtual Colonoscopy: Detection model and evaluation method”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM (vol. 3: pp. 1662-1666).PDF

[62] H. Lu, I. Hsiao, X. Li, and Z. Liang (2001), “Noise Properties of Low-dose CT Projections and Noise Treatment by Scale Transformations”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[63] X. Li, H. Lu, G. Han, and Z. Liang (2001), “A Noise Reduction Method for Non-stationary Noise Model of SPECT Sinogram Based on Kalman Filter”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[64] T. Li, J. You, and Z. Liang (2001), “Analytical 3D Approach to Simultaneous Compensation for Photon Attenuation and Collimator Response in Quantitative Fan-beam Collimated Brain SPECT”, Intl Conf Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, California, pp.36-39.PDF

[65] M. Wan, F. Dachille, K. Kreeger, S. Lakare, M. Sato, A. Kaufman, M. Wax, and Z. Liang (2001), “Interactive Electronic Biopsy for 3D Virtual Colonoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4321, 483-488.PDF

[66] F. Dachille, K. Kreeger, M. Wax, A. Kaufman, and Z. Liang (2001), “Interactive Navigation for PC-based Virtual Colonoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4321, 500-504.PDF

[67] L. Li, D. Chen, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2001), “Segmentation of Brain MR Images: A self-adaptive online vector quantization approach”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4322, 1431-1438.PDF

[68] D. Chen, L. Li, D. Yoon, J. Lee, and Z. Liang (2001), “A Renormalization Method for Inhomogeneity Correction of MR Images”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4322, 939-942.PDF

[69] D. Chen, W. Huang, C. Christodoulou, L. Li, H. Qian, L. Krupp, and Z. Liang (2001), “A New Method for Quantitative Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis Using MR Images”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4321, 375-380.PDF

[70] H. Lu, J. Cheng, G. Han, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2001), “A 3D Distance-weighted Wiener Filter for Poisson Noise Reduction in Sinogram Space for SPECT Imaging”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4320, 905-913.PDF

[71] H. Lu, D. Chen, G. Han, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2001), “A Combined Transformation of Ordering SPECT Sinograms for Signal Extraction from Measurements of Poisson Noise”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4322, 943-951.PDF

[72] W. Huang, C. Christodoulou, D. Chen, A. Tudorica, P. Roche, W. Scherl, R. Peyster, C. Roque, P. Melville, V. Geronimo, L. Krupp, and Z. Liang (2001), “1H MRS and Volumetric MRI Studies of Multiple Sclerosis: Correlations between Brain Metabolite Levels, Brain Atrophy, and Cognitive Functions”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.2, 472.

[73] D. Chen, W. Huang, C. Christodoulou, L. Li, D. Yoon, A. Tudorica, P. Roche, W. Scherl, R. Peyster, C. Roque, P. Melville, V. Geronimo, L. Krupp, and Z. Liang (2001), “Quantitative Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis by Segmentation of Multi-spectral Volumetric MR Images”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.1, 123.

[74] L. Li, D. Chen, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2001), “Comparison of Quadratic and Linear Discriminate Analyses in Self-adaptive Feature Vector Quantization Scheme for MR Image Segmentation”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.3, 809.

[75] H. Lu, X. Li, I. Hsiao, and Z. Liang (2001), “Noise Treatment of Low-dose CT Projections by K-L Domain Penalized Weighted Least-square Smoothing”, The 2nd International Workshop on Physics and Engineering in Medical Imaging, Beijing, vol.135, 101-102.

[76] J. Wen, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2002), “Ray-driven Analytical Fan-beam SPECT Reconstruction with Non-uniform Attenuation”, Proc IEEE BME Medical Imaging, 2002, pp.629-632.PDF

[77] Z. Liang, Z. Wang, L. Li, and D. P. Harrington (2002), “Feature-based Approach toward Computer Aided Detection and Diagnosis -- An application to virtual colonoscopy”, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp.755-763.PDF

[78] L. Li, H. Lu, X. Li, W. Huang, C. Christodoulou, L. Krupp, and Z. Liang (2002), “Accuracy and Repeatability in Volumetric Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis Using Multi-spectral MR Images”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[79] T. Li, J. Wen, and Z. Liang (2002), “Compensation for Non-stationary Detector Response in Analytical Varying Focal-length Fan-beam SPECT Reconstruction”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[80] J. Wen, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2002) “A Ray-driven Approach to Analytical SPECT Reconstruction of Non-uniform Attenuation with Variable Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[81] H. Lu, X. Li, and Z. Liang (2002), “Analytical Noise Treatment for Low-dose CT Projection Data by Penalized Weighted Least-square Smoothing in the K-L Domain”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4682, 146-152.PDF

[82] H. Lu, J. Wen, X. Li, T. Li, G. Han, and Z. Liang (2002), “Towards Analytical Solution for 3D SPECT Reconstruction with Non-uniform Attenuation and Distance-dependent Resolution Variation: A Monte Carlo simulation study”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4684, 20-28.PDF

[83] S. Lakare, D. Chen, L. Li, A. Kaufman, and Z. Liang (2002), “Electronic Colon Cleansing Using Segmentation Rays for Virtual Colonoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4683, 412-418.PDF

[84] L. Li, D. Chen, S. Lakare, K. Kreeger, I. Bitter, A. Kaufman, M. Wax, P. Djuric, and Z. Liang (2002), “An Image Segmentation Approach to Extract Colon Lumen through Colonic Material Tagging and Hidden Markov Random Field Model for Virtual Colonoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4683, 406-411.PDF

[85] X. Li, Z. Wang, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2002), “Automated Segmentation of 3D Ultrasound Carotid Images Based on Geometrically Deformable Model with Automatic Merge Capability”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4684, 1458-1463.PDF

[86] Z. Wang and Z. Liang (2002), “Sphere Light Field Rendering”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4681, 357-365.PDF

[87] Z. Wang and Z. Liang (2002), “Feature Based Rendering for 2D/3D Partial Volume Segmentation Datasets”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.4681, 681-687.PDF

[88] L. Li, X. Li, W. Huang, C. Christodoulou, D. Chen, A. Tudorica, P. Djuric, L. Krupp, and Z. Liang (2002), “A Novel Mixture-based Segmentation Algorithm for Quantitative Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis Using Multi-spectral MR Images”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.1, 345.

[89] W. Huang, C. Christodoulou, L. Li, A. Tudorica, X. Li, P. Roche, W. Scherl, R. Peyster, C. Roque, P. Melville, V. Geronimo, Z. Liang, and L. Krupp (2002), “Correlation Studies of Multiple Sclerosis using 1H MRS, Volumetric MRI, and Cognitive Test”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol.2, 595.

[90] Z. Liang, H. Lu, J. Wen, T. Li, W. Zhao, J. Hsieh, G. Wang, and R. Palermo (2003), “Feasibility Studies on Low-dose Cone-beam 3D Mammography”, Intl Conf Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Saint Malo, France, pp. PM1-4.PDF

[91] Z. Liang, X. Li, D. Eremina, and L. Li (2003), “An EM Framework for Segmentation of Tissue Mixtures from Medical Images”, Intl Conf of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Cancun, Mexico, pp.682-685.PDF

[92] J. Wen, H. Lu, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2003), “Analytical Solution to 3D SPECT Reconstruction with Non-Uniform Attenuation and Distance-Dependent Variation for Variable Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5032, 1858-1867.PDF

[93] T. Li, J. Wen, and Z. Liang (2003), “High Resolution Reconstruction for 3D SPECT”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5032, 1894-1900.PDF

[94] S. Lakare, D. Chen, L. Li, A. Kaufman, M. Wax, and Z. Liang (2003), “Robust Colon Residue Detection Using Vector Quantization Based Classification for Virtual Colonoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5031, 515-520.PDF

[95] Z. Wang, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2003), “Skeleton Based 3D Computer Aided Diagnosis for Detection of Colonic Polyps”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5032, 843-853.PDF

[96] X. Li, L. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2003), “Inhomogeneity Correction for Magnetic Resonance Images with Fuzzy C-Mean Algorithm”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5032, 995-1005.PDF

[97] H. Lu, X. Li, L. Li, D. Chen, Y. Xing, M. Wax, J. Hsieh, and Z. Liang (2003), “Adaptive Noise Reduction toward Low-dose Computed Tomography”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5030, 759-766.PDF

[98] W. Huang, A. Tudorica, L. Li, X. Li, L. Krupp, and Z. Liang (2003), “Reduction in Brain NAA Levels and Associated with Cognitive Decline in Multiple Sclerosis: A 1H MRS and volumetric MRI study”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, pp.2049.

[99] L. Li, Z. Wang, D. Harrington, W. Huang, and Z. Liang (2003), “A Mixture-based Computed Aided Detection System for Virtual Cystoscopy”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, pp.146.

[100] X. Li, D. Eremina, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2003), “Partial Volume Segmentation of Medical Images”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[101] J. Wen, Z. Wang, B. Li, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2003), “An Investigation on the Property and Fast Implementation of a Ray-driven Method for Inversion of the Attenuated Radon Transform with Variable Focusing Fan-beam Collimators”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[102] J. Wen, H. Lu, W. Zhao, Z. Wang, and Z. Liang (2003), “A Study on Truncated Cone-beam Sampling Strategies for 3D Mammography”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[103] T. Li, X. Li, Y. Xing, H. Lu, J. Hsieh, and Z. Liang (2003), “A Strategy for Reduction of Streak Artifacts in Low-dose CT”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[104] T. Li, Z. Liang, K. Mueller, J. Heimann, L. Johnson, et al. (2003), “Reconstruction for Proton Computed Tomography: A Monte Carlo study”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[105] K. Mueller, Z. Liang, T. Li, F. Xu, J. Heimann, L. Johnson, et al. (2003), “Reconstruction for Proton Computed Tomography: A practical approach”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.

[106] R. Schulte, V. Bashkirov, T. Li, Z. Liang, K. Mueller, J. Heimann, L. R. Johnson, B. Keeney, H. F-W. Sadrozinski, A. Seiden, D. C. Williams, L. Zhang, Z. Li, S. Peggs, T. Satogata, and C. Woody, (2003), “Design of a Proton Computed Tomography System for Applications in Proton Radiation Therapy”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[107] Z. Wang, L. Li, J. Anderson, D. Harrington and Z. Liang (2004), “Computer Aided Detection and Diagnosis of Colon Polyps with Morphological and Texture Features”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5370, 972-979.PDF

[108] L. Li, Z. Wang, X. Li, X. Wei, H. Adler, W. Huang, S. Rizvi, H. Meng, D. Harrington, and Z. Liang (2004), “A New Partial Volume Segmentation Approach to Extract Bladder Wall for Computer Aided Detection in Virtual Cystoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5369, 199-206.PDF

[109] B. Li, Z. Wang, E. Smouha, D. Chen, and Z. Liang (2004), “Accelerating Virtual Surgery Simulation for Congenital Aural Atresia”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5367, 654-660.PDF

[110] T. Li, J. Wang, J. Wen, X. Li, H. Lu, J. Hsieh, and Z. Liang (2004), “SNR-weighted Sinogram Smoothing with Improved Noise-resolution Properties for Low-dose X-ray Computed Tomography”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5370, 2058-2066.PDF

[111] T. Li and Z. Liang (2004), “Reconstruction with Most Likely Trajectory for Proton Computed Tomography”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5370, 2067-2074.PDF

[112] X. Li, Z. Liang, P. Zhang, and G. Kutcher (2004), “An Accurate Colon Residue Detection Algorithm with Partial Volume Segmentation”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5370, 1419-1426.PDF

[113] Z. Wang, L. Li, J. Anderson, D. Harrington, and Z. Liang (2004), “Colonic Polyp Characterization and Detection Based on Both Morphological and Texture Features”, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp. 1004-1009.PDF

[114] R. Schulte, V. Bashkirov, T. Li, Z. Liang, H. Sadrozinski, and D. Williams (2004), “Nanoparticle-Enhanced Proton Computed Tomography: A Monte Carlo simulation study”, Proc Intl Society of Biomedical Imaging, pp. 1104-1109.

[115] J. Wang, H. Lu, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2004), “Noise Reduction for Low-dose Single-slice Helical CT Sinogram”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[116] T. Li, J. Wen, J. You, and Z. Liang (2004), “Inversion of Attenuated Radon Transform for Non-parallel Geometry by Re-phasing and Non-uniform Hilbert Transform”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[117] L. Li, X. Li, X. Wei, and Z. Liang (2004), “A Unifying Framework for Inhomogeneity Correction and Partial Volume Segmentation of MR Brain Images”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[118] H. Lu, Z. Liang, B. Li, X. Li, J. Meng, and X. Liu (2004), “Mixture-Based Bone Segmentation and Its Application in Computer Aided Diagnosis and Treatment Planning”, Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Image and Graphics (published by IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA), pp. 507-510.

[119] Z. Liang, D. Chen, M. Wax, S. Lakare, L. Li, J. Anderson, A. Kaufman, and D. Harrington (2005), “A Feasibility Study on Laxative-free Bowel Preparation for Virtual Colonoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5746, 415-423.PDF

[120] Z. Liang, S. Lakare, M. Wax, D. Chen, L. Li, J. Anderson, A. Kaufman, and D. Harrington (2005), “A Pilot Study on Less-stressful Bowel Preparation for Virtual Colonoscopy Screening with Follow-up Biopsy by Optical Colonoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5746, 810-816.PDF

[121] B. Li, H. Lu, W. Cai, X. Li, J. Meng, and Z. Liang (2005), “Computer Aided Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5744, 781-788.PDF

[122] J. Wang, H. Lu, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2005), “Sinogram Noise Reduction for Low-dose CT by Statistics-based Anisotropic Diffusion Filter”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.5747, 2058-2066.PDF

[123] H. Lu and Z. Liang (2005), “Spatial Resolution Characteristics of K-L Domain Adaptive Wiener Filtering on SPECT Sinogram Poisson Noise”, Intl Conf Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, pp. 242-245, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.PDF

[124] Z. Wang, X. Li, L. Li, B. Li, D. Eremina, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2005), “An Improved Electronic Colon Cleansing Method for Detection of Colonic Polyps by Virtual Colonoscopy”, Intl Conf of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Shanghai, China, in CD-ROM.PDF

[125] Z. Wang, B. Li, and Z. Liang (2005), “Feature-based Texture Display for Detection of Colonic Polyps on Flattened Colon Volume”, Intl Conf of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Shanghai, China, in CD-ROM.PDF

[126] D. Wang, H. Lu, J. Zhang, and Z. Liang (2005), “A Knowledge-based Fuzzy Clustering Method with Adaptation Penalty for Bone Segmentation of CT Images”, Intl Conf of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Shanghai, China, in CD-ROM.

[127] J. Wang, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2006), “Penalized Weighted Least-squares Approach to Sinogram Noise Reduction and Image Reconstruction for Low-dose X-ray Computed Tomography”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.6142, 614247(1-12).PDF

[128] J. Wang, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2006), “Noise Reduction of Low-dose Helical CT by 3D Penalized Weighted Least-squares Sinogram Smoothing”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.6142, 61424E(1-8).PDF

[129] L. Li, X. Li, X. Wei, D. Sturm, R. Goldberg, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2006), “Feasibility Study in Quantitative Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.6143, 61430U(1-5).PDF

[130] D. Eremina, X. Li, W. Zhu, J. Wang, and Z. Liang (2006), “Investigation on an EM Framework for Partial Volume Image Segmentation”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.6144, 61444D(1-9).PDF

[131] Y. Fan, H. Lu, C. Hao, and Z. Liang (2006), “Analytical Reconstruction of Dynamic Cardiac SPECT with Noise-reduction and Attenuation Compensation”, Proc International Conference on Molecular Imaging Technology, Marseille, France, pp.9.

[132] Z. Liang, L. Li, D. Eremina, and H. Lu (2006), “Tissue Mixture Characterization in the Presence of MRI Inhomogeneity by the EM Algorithm”, Proc IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, pp.115-118.PDF

[133] J. Wang, Z. Liang, and H. Lu (2006), “Multiscale Penalized Weighted Least-squares Sinogram Restoration for Low-dose X-ray Computed Tomography”, Intl Conf of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, New York, USA, pp.101-104.PDF

[134] J. You, J. Wang, and Z. Liang (2006), “Consistency Condition and ML-EM Checkerboard Artifacts”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[135] L. Li, R. Goldberg, X. Wei, Z. Wang, and Z. Liang (2006), “A Hybrid-based Computer Diagnosis System for Virtual Cystoscopy,” Proc. Systematics, Cybernetics and Informatics, vol.5, 152-155.

[136] S. Wang, L. Li, Z. Wang, J. Wang, and Z. Liang (2007), “Gain by Mixture-based Image Segmentation for Virtual Colonoscopy with Colonic Material Tagging”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.6511, 65110V1-10.PDF

[137] L. Li, D. Eremina, S. Wang, X. Wei, Z. Wang, and Z. Liang (2007), “A New Electronic Colon Cleansing Method for Virtual Colonoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.6511, 65112J1-6.PDF

[138] Y. Fan, H. Lu, C. Hao, and Z. Liang (2007), “An Improved Analytical Reconstruction for Gated Cardiac SPECT Based on Intra-frame Similarity”, The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, vol.5, 112-116.

[139] J. Wang, H. Lu, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2007), “Noise Reduction for Four Dimensional Dynamic Computed Tomography”, Intl Conf Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, pp. 441-444.PDF

[140] D. Sturm, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2007), “Visualization of MS Lesions – A browser tool”, The 10th Israeli Symposium on Computer-aided Surgery, Medical Robotics, and Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.

[141] J. Wang, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2007), “Gain of KL-domain Adaptive FBP Image Reconstruction for 4-D Dynamic CT”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[142] J. Wang, S. Wang, L. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2007), “Virtual Colonoscopy Screening with Ultra Low-dose CT: A simulation study”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[143] Z. Liang, S. Wang, H. Lu, and J. Wang (2007), “Model Parameter Estimation and Tissue Mixture Segmentation by a MAP-EM Algorithm”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[144] Y. Fan, H. Lu, Z. Liang, and J. Wang (2007), “Spatially-adaptive Analytical Reconstruction for Quantitative Gated Cardiac SPECT in KL Domain”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[145] Z. Liang, L. Li, H. Lu, W. Huang, A. Tudorica, and L. Krupp (2008), “An Integrated MRI and MRS Approach to Evaluation of Multiple Sclerosis with Cognitive Impairment”, Proc ICMB (Intl Conf in Medical Biometrics), LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Publisher, vol.4901, 200-207.PDF

[146] J. Wang, H. Lu, Z. Liang, D. Eremina, G. Zhang, S. Wang, J. Chen, and J. Manzione (2008), “Noise Properties of Low-dose CT Sinogram Data in Radon Space”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.PDF

[147] Z. Liang, H. Cohen, E. Posniak, E. Fiore, Z. Wang, B. Li, J. Anderson, and D. Harrington (2008), “Texture-based CAD Improves Diagnosis for Low-dose CT Colonography”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.PDF

[148] L. Li, Z. Liang, S. Wang, H. Lu, M. Wagshul, M. Zawin, E. Posniak, and C. Lee (2008), “Segmentation of Multi-spectral Bladder MR Images with Inhomogeneity Correction for Virtual Cystoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.PDF

[149] S. Wang, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2008), “A Theoretical Solution to Partial Volume MAP-EM Tissue Mixture Segmentation for CT/MRI Imaging Modalities”, The Twelfth International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA'08), Buffalo, NY, in CD-ROM.

[150] S. Wang, H. Zhu, Z. Wang, and Z. Liang (2008), “Multilayer Mucosa-based Geometric Feature Analysis for Automatic Polyp Detection in Virtual Colonoscopy: Determination of polyp candidate”, The 22nd International Congress and Exhibition, CARS 2008 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp. 19, June 25 - 28, Barcelona, Spain.

[151] G. Zhang, T. Wang, H. Lu, J. Zhang, X. Liu, and Z. Liang (2008), “Computer-aided Detection Based on 3D Texture Analysis for Virtual Colonoscopy”, The 22nd International Congress and Exhibition, CARS 2008 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp. 17, June 25 - 28, Barcelona, Spain.

[152] Y. Fan, C. Jiao, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2008), “Fully 4D Cardiac Gated SPECT Reconstruction with Simultaneous Compensation in KL Domain”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[153] S. Wang, L. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2008), “An Additive Bias Field Model for Unified Partial-Volume Segmentation and Inhomogeneity Correction of Brain MR Images”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[154] D. Wang, H. Lu, C. Jiao, Z. Zhang, and Z. Liang (2008), “Multiscale Noise Reduction on Low-Dose CT Sinogram by Stationary Wavelet Transform”, Conf Record IEEE NSS-MIC, in CD-ROM.PDF

[155] H. Zhu, P. Pickhardt, S. Wang, E. Posniak, H. Cohen, and Z. Liang (2008), “Computer-aided Detection of Colonic Polyps with a Limited Anisotropic Diffusion in Volumetric Mucosa”, The 11th International Conference of MICCAI, Workshop on Computational and Visualization Challenges in the New Era of Virtual Colonoscopy, pp.46-51, Sept. 6, New York City.

[156] H. Lu, G. Zhang, T. Wang, J. Wang, and Z. Liang (2008), “Computer-aided Polyp Detection Based on 3D Texture Analysis for Virtual Colonoscopy”, The 11th International Conference of MICCAI, Workshop on Computational and Visualization Challenges in the New Era of Virtual Colonoscopy, pp.52-57, Sept. 6, New York City.

[157] C. Duan, S. Bao, and Z. Liang (2009), “A Coupled Level-set Framework for Bladder Wall Segmentation with Application to MRI-based Virtual Cystoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.

[158] Y. Fan, J. Wang, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2009), “Implementation of an Effective KL Domain Penalized Weighted Least-Squares Sinogram Restoration for Low-Dose CT Colonography”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.

[159] H. Zhu, C. Duan, and Z. Liang (2009), “Computer-aided Detection of Initial Polyp Candidates with Level Set-based Adaptive Convolution”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.

[160] X. Zhao, H. Zhu, S. Wang, and Z. Liang (2009), “Reduction of False Positives by Machine Learning for Computer-aided Detection of Colonic Polyps”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.

[161] X. Liu, H. Chen, L. Zhao, Z. Shi, Z. Liang, and H. Lu (2009), “Image-based Quantitative Measurement and Analysis for Detection and Treatment Planning of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.

[162] D. Hong, H. Lu, J. Wang, Q. Lin, and Z. Liang (2009), “3D Finite Element Model for Treatment of Cleft Lip”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.

[163] S. Wang, M. Wagshul, and Z. Liang (2009), “Tissue Mixture-based Inner Bladder Wall Segmentation with Applications in MRI-based Virtual Cystoscopy”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.

[164] Y. Chen, J. Wen, L. Wang, and Z. Liang (2009), “Local Cone-beam SPECT Reconstruction with Non-uniform Attenuation”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.

[165] L. Wan, J. Wen, J. Yang, Y. Chen, and Z. Liang (2009), “Wavelet Based De-noising Methods for Local SPECT Reconstruction with Non-uniform Attenuation”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.

[166] Z. Liang, L. Li, C. Duan, S. Wang, M. Wagshul, C. Lee, and H. Lu (2009), “A MRI-based Virtual Cystoscopy System for Evaluation of the Entire Bladder”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, in CD-ROM.

[167] Z. Liang, C. Duan, D. Gu, and H. Lu (2009), “Extracting the Inner and Outer Borders of Bladder Wall and Flattening the Extracted Wall for MR Cystography”, The 11th World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, vol.25, pp.322-325, September 7-12, Munich, Germany.PDF

[168] Y. Fan, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2009), “A Fully Four Dimensional Reconstruction Strategy for Cardiac Gated SPECT with Noise Reduction, Scatter Correction, Resolution Restoration and Inversion of Attenuated Radon Transform in KL Space”, Intl Conf Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, pp. 377-380.PDF

[169] Z. Zhang, J. Chu, Z. Liang, and H. Lu (2009), “A Novel Multi-scale Non-local Means Algorithm for Low-dose CT Denoising”, ”, Intl Conf Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, pp. 142-145.

[170] R. Jiang, H. Zhu, W. Zeng, X. Yu, Y. Fan, X. Gu, and Z. Liang (2010), “Bladder Wall Flattening with Conformal Mapping for MR Cystography”, SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.PDF

[171] H. Zhu, C. Duan, R. Jiang, Y. Fan, W. Zeng, X. Yu, X. Gu, and Z. Liang (2010), “Computer-aided Detection of Bladder Tumors Based on the Thickness Mapping of Bladder Wall in MR Images”, SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.PDF

[172] Y. Fan, H. Lu, H. Zhu, and Z. Liang (2010), “An Exact Modeling of Signal Statistics in Energy-integrating X-ray Computed Tomography”, SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.PDF

[173] S. Wang, H. Zhu, Y. Fan, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2010), “Feature Selection by Adaptive Weighting and Reordering for Computer-aided Polyp Detection in CT Colonography”, SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.

[174] H. Zhu, M. Barish, P. Pickhardt, Y. Fan, E. Posniak, R. Richards and Z. Liang (2010), "Projection-based Features for Reducing False Positives in Computer-aided Detection of Colonic Polyps in CT Colonography”, SPIE Medical Imaging, in CD-ROM.PDF

[175] Z. Liang, C. Duan, X. Gu, M. Wagshul, and H. Lu (2010), “Bladder Wall Extraction and Mapping for MR Cystography”, Proc International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, in CD-ROM.

[176] H. Zhu, Y. Fan, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2010), “Improved Curvature Estimation for Shape Analysis in Computer Aided Detection of Colonic Polyps”, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), June 23-26, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland.

[177] Y. Fan, H. Zhu, H. Lu, J. Wang, and Z. Liang (2010), “Noise-Reduction for Low-dose Cone-beam CT Sinograms”, The 1st Intl Meeting on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 6-9, 2010.

[178] H. Zhu, Y. Fan, and Z. Liang (2010), “Improved Curvature Estimation for Shape Analysis in Computer-Aided Detection of Colonic Polyps”, The 13th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Workshop – “Computational Challenges and Clinical Opportunities in Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging”, Beijing, China, September 20, pp. 19-24.

[179] H. Zhu, L. Li, Y. Fan, and Z. Liang (2010), “Haustral Fold Segmentation of CT Colonography Using Ridge Line Detection”, The 13th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Workshop – “Computational Challenges and Clinical Opportunities in Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging”, Beijing, China, September 20, pp. 33-40.

[180] F. Liu, C. Duan, K. Yuan, Z. Liang, and S. Bao (2010), “Detecting Bladder Abnormalities based on Inter-layer Intensity Curve for Virtual Cystoscopy”, The 13th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Workshop – “Computational Challenges and Clinical Opportunities in Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging”, Beijing, China, September 20, pp. 97-104.

[1] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, and Hiram Hart (1992), “On Bayesian Image Reconstruction from Projections: Multinomial prior and local correlation”, Technical Report No. IRIS-92-1.

[2] Z. Liang (1993), “On the Derivation of EM-type Reconstruction Algorithms”, Technical Report No. IRIS-93-1.

[3] Z. Liang, J. Ye, and D. Harrington (1993), “Reconstruction of Object-specific Attenuation Map Using Three-head SPECT System for Quantitative Cardiac Imaging”, Technical Report No. IRIS-93-2.

[4] J. Ye, Z. Liang, and D. Harrington (1994), “Accurate Analytical Compensation for Non-uniformly Attenuated Brain SPECT Using Enlarged Uniform Attenuation Map”, Technical Report No. IRIS-94-1.

[5] Z. Liang, D. Wang, J. Ye, H. Li, C. Roque, and D. Harrington (1994), “Automating Intensity-variation Correction for Segmentation of Brain Tissues from Multi-spectral MR Images”, Technical Report No. IRIS-94-2.

[6] Z. Liang, J. Ye, J. Cheng, and D. Harrington (1995), “On the Inversion of Exponential Radon Transform for Quantitative Brain SPECT”, Technical Report No. IRIS-95-1.

[7] Z. Liang, J. Cheng, and J. Ye (1995), “Validation of the Central-ray Approximation for Quantitative SPECT Reconstruction”, Technical Report No. IRIS-95-2.

[8] J. Cheng, Z. Liang, and J. Ye (1996), “Frequency-domain Approaches to Quantitative Brain SPECT with Object-specific Attenuation”, Technical Report No. IRIS-96-1.

[9] Z. Liang, J. Ye, J. Cheng, and D. Harrington (1996), “Quantitative Chest SPECT in Three Dimensions: An efficient simultaneous compensation approach”, Technical Report No. IRIS-96-2.

[10] Z. Liang, J. Ye, J. Cheng, J. Li, and D. Harrington (1997), “Analytical Inversion for Quantitative SPECT Imaging Including Photon Attenuation and Resolution Variation”, Technical Report No. IRIS-97-1.

[11] Z. Liang, J. Cheng, and J. Ye (1997), “An Analytical Simulator for Quantitative SPECT Imaging by Tracing First-order Scatters and Central-ray Attenuation Factors”, Technical Report No. IRIS-97-2.

[12] J. Li, Z. Liang, H. Kuan, J. You, C. Wong, G. Wang, F. Yang, D. Schlyer, N. Volkow, and D. Harrington (1998), “Frequency-Domain Analyses of Collimator for F-18 SPECT Imaging/Sampling Issues in High Energy SPECT Imaging”, Technical Report No. IRIS-98-1.

[13] J. You, G. Han, and Z. Liang (1998), “A 4D Poisson Impulse Field Analysis on Noise Propagation for Quantitative SPECT Imaging”, Technical Report No. IRIS-98-2.

[14] L. Li, J. Li, G. Han, and Z. Liang (1998), “Analysis of Point-source Measurements for PSF Construction and Scatter Compensation”, Technical Report No. IRIS-98-3.

[15] X. Hao, G. Han, J. You, and Z. Liang (1998), “Accurate Determination of the Head Boundary from Scatter Data for Analytical Inversion of the Exponential Radon Transform”, Technical Report No. IRIS-98-4.

[16] D. Chen, Z. Liang, M. Wax, B. Li, and A. Kaufman (1999), “A Novel Approach to Extract Colon Wall from CT Images for Virtual Colonoscopy”, Technical Report No. IRIS-99-1.

[17] G. Han and Z. Liang (2001), “Fast 3D ML-EM Reconstruction for Cardiac SPECT with Varying Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators”, Technical Report No. IRIS-01-1.

[18] X. Li, G. Han, H. Lu, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2001), “An Energy Spectrum Based Scatter Estimation Method Using Triple Energy Window Acquisitions”, Technical Report No. IRIS-01-2.

[19] H. Lu, Z. Liang, I. Hsiao, X. Li, and L. Li (2001), “Spatial Resolution Characteristics of K-L Domain Adaptive Wiener Filtering on Poisson Noise in SPECT Sinogram Space”, Technical Report No.IRIS-01-3.

[20] Z. Wang and Z. Liang (2002), “Feature Based Rendering for Partial Volume Mixture Datasets”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, August 20, 2002.

[21] J. Wen, T. Li, X. Li, and Z. Liang (2002), “An Approximated Inversion of Attenuated Radon Transform for SPECT Reconstruction with Fan-beam and Variable focal-length Fan-beam Collimators”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, August 25, 2002.

[22] X. Li, L. Li, D. Eremina, and Z. Liang (2003), “An EM Framework for Mixture Segmentation of CT and MR Images”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, April 10, 2003.

[23] Z. Wang, S. Lakare, L. Li, V. Srivastava, A. Kaufman, and Z. Liang (2003), “Computer Aided Detection of Colonic Polyps Using both 3D Morphological and Texture Features”, Technical Report of Departments of Radiology and Computer Science, SUNY-SB, June 5, 2003.

[24] Z. Liang, D. Chen, S. Lakare, L. Li, M. Wax, J. Anderson, A. Kaufman, and D. Harrington (2003), “A Feasibility on Laxative-free Virtual Colonoscopy”, Technical Report of Departments of Radiology and Computer Science, SUNY-SB, December 1, 2003.

[25] Z. Liang, S. Lakare, D. Chen, M. Wax, J. Anderson, A. Kaufman, and D. Harrington (2003), “A Feasibility on Less-stressful Bowel Preparation for Virtual Colonoscopy Screening with Follow-up Biopsy by Optical Colonoscopy”, Technical Report of Departments of Radiology and Computer Science, SUNY-SB, December 15, 2003.

[26] H. Cohen, E. Fiore, E. Posniak, M. Zawin, J. Anderson, D. Harrington, and Z. Liang (2004), “A Retrospective Study of Virtual Colonoscopy Against Optical Colonoscopy”, Technical Report of Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, January 20, 2004.

[27] J. You, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2004), “A Classical FBP Implementation of Novikov’s Inversion of Attenuated Radon Transform for Quantitative SPECT Imaging”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, March 15, 2004.

[28] J. Wang, T. Li, H. Lu, X. Li, and Z. Liang (2004), “An Effective Noise Reduction Method for Low-dose CT Imaging: Simulation and experimental studies”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, April 15, 2004.

[29] X. Li, L. Li, H. Lu, T. Li, G. Han, and Z. Liang (2004), “An Investigation on Energy Spectrum-based Scatter Estimation Using Triple-energy Window Acquisition Strategy for Tc-99m SPECT Imaging”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, August 15, 2004.

[30] J. You and Z. Liang (2005), “A Reconstruction Scheme for the Limited Angle Problem in Tomography”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, April 20, 2005.

[31] J. You and Z. Liang (2005), “Noise Analysis and Treatment for SPECT Imaging via a FBP Algorithm with Classical Filters”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, April 28, 2005.

[32] J. You and Z. Liang (2005), “SPECT Image Reconstruction Using Novikov’s Inversion Formula for Circularly Rotating Collimators”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, May 5, 2005.

[33] S. Wang, L. Li, Z. Wang, S. Mankes, H. Cohen, J. Chen, and Z. Liang, (2006), “Implementation and Preliminary Evaluation of a Mixture Segmentation Algorithm for Electronic Colon Cleansing in Virtual Colonoscopy”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, October 10, 2006.

[34] J. Wang, D, Eremina, H. Lu, G. Zhang, J. Chen, J. Manzione, and Z. Liang (2007), “An Experimental Study on the Noise Properties of Preprocessed X-ray Sinogram Data in Radon Space”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, February 10, 2007.

[35] W. Moore, J. Wang, E. Kaloudis, and Z. Liang (2007), “A Novel Noise Reduction Technique for Low-dose CT of the Lungs”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, May 10, 2007.

[36] J. You, T. Li and Z. Liang (2007), “An Investigation on FBP Reconstruction for Attenuated Radon Transform with Partial Data”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, May 15, 2007.

[37] H. Zhu, S. Wang, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2008), “Computer-aided Detection of Colonic Polyps in Volumetric Mucosa for CT Colonography”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, March 15, 2008.

[38] H. Zhu, Z. iang, P. Pickhardt, M. Barish, J. You, S. Wang, Y. Fan, E. Posniak, H. Cohen, and R. Richards (2009): “Increasing Computer-aided Detection Specificity by Projection Features for CT Colonography” , Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, March 25, 2009.

[39] S. Wang, H. Zhu, and Z. iang (2009): “An Adaptive Feature Selection for Computer-aided Detection of Colonic Polyps in CT Colonography”, Technical Report of IRIS Laboratory, Department of Radiology, SUNY-SB, May 5, 2009.

[1] Z. Liang and H. Hart (1986), “Bayesian Image Processing of Data from Generically Constrained Source Distributions”, J Biophys Society, vol.49, 243.

[2] H. Hart and Z. Liang (1986), “Bayesian Image Processing of Data from Quantitatively Constrained Source Distributions”, J Biophys Society, vol.49, 243.

[3] Z. Liang and H. Hart (1986), “Bayesian Image Processing of Data from Fuzzy Pattern Sources”, Conf ACEMB, 28, 351.

[4] Z. Liang and H. Hart (1986), “Bayesian Image Processing of Data from Fuzzy Pattern Source Distributions”, Bull. APS Society, vol.31, 290.

[5] H. Hart and Z. Liang (1986), “Bayesian Image Processing in Two and Three Dimensions”, Conf ACEMB, vol.28, 352.

[6] H. Hart and Z. Liang (1986), “Bayesian Image Processing of Data Using a Spectrum of A priori Source Distribution Probability Functions”, Bull APS Society, vol.31, 290.

[7] Z. Liang (1987), “Bayesian Analysis for Image Processing”, Invited presentation at the 6th International Conf on Math Modeling, St. Louis, MO, USA.

[8] Z. Liang and H. Hart (1987), “Boundary Enhancement with A priori Constraints”, Proc ACEMB, vol.29, 214.

[9] H. Hart, Z. Liang, and A. Schoenfeld (1987), “Positron Emission Tomography Using Multidetector Measurement and Analysis of Individual Events”, Bull APS Society, vol.32, 1662.

[10] Z. Liang (1987), “Utilization of Single Photon in Positron Emission Tomography”, Proc ACEMB on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, vol.29, 213.

[11] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, C. Floyd, K. Greer, and E. Coleman (1988), “Bayesian Reconstruction of SPECT in Parallel, Fan, and Cone Beam Geometries”, The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.29, 871).

[12] R. Jaszczak, Z. Liang, S. Manglos, C. Floyd, and K. Greer (1988), “Validation of Bayesian Reconstruction for Cone Beam SPECT: use of a priori non-uniform source information”, Workshop on the Formation, Processing and Evaluation of Medical Images, NATO, ASI, Portugal.

[13] R. Jaszczak, Z. Liang, K. Greer, C. Floyd, and E. Coleman (1988), “Cone Beam SPECT: an acquisition geometry to increase detection efficiency”, European J Nucl Medicine, vol.14, no.5, 226.

[14] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, C. Floyd, K. Greer, and E. Coleman (1989), “Validation of Bayesian Reconstruction with Monte Carlo Simulations and Real Data”, The 36th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.30, 755).

[15] Z. Liang and R. Jaszczak (1989), “Comparison of Multiple Gamma Photon Coincidence Imaging Techniques”, IEEE Annual Conference on Nuclear Science.

[16] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, and E. Coleman (1990), “Simultaneous Reconstruction, Segmentation, and Edge Enhancement of Simulated Heart Images Using a Multinomial Model and Concentration-level Information”, The 37th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.31, 858).

[17] Z. Liang, D. Gilland, R. Jaszczak, E. Coleman, and V. Johnson (1990), “Evaluation of Linear and Non-linear Filters for Iterative Image Processing Methods”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[18] Z. Liang (1991), “Compensation for Non-uniform Attenuation, Scatter, and Variable Detector Response in SPECT Reconstruction via Iterative FBP Methods”, The 77th Annual Meeting of RSNA, (Radiology, vol.181, 186).PDF

[19] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, and E. Coleman (1991), “Parameter Estimation of Finite Mixtures for Image Processing" and "An Efficient 3D Projector Pair for SPECT Reconstruction”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[20] Z. Liang, R. Jaszczak, and E. Coleman (1991), “A 3D Model for Simultaneous Compensation of Non-uniform Attenuation and Collimator Divergence of SPECT Image Reconstruction”, The 38th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.32, 917).

[21] Z. Liang and E. Coleman (1992), “Restoration for Variable Detector Response in High Resolution PET Image Reconstruction”, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.33, 875).

[22] Z. Liang and J. MacFall (1992), “Parameter Estimation and NMR Image Segmentation” and “Detector Response Restoration for High Resolution PET”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[23] J. Ye and Z. Liang (1993), “Quantitative SPECT Using Cone-beam Collimation”, Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (Med. Phys., vol.20, 909).

[24] Z. Liang and J. Ye (1993), “On Reconstruction of Object-specific Attenuation Maps for Quantitative SPECT Imaging”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[25] J. Ye and Z. Liang (1994), “Depth-dependent Resolution Deconvolution for Myocardial Perfusion SPECT with Non-circular Scan Orbit”, The 41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.35, 190).

[26] Z. Liang, J. Ye, and D. Harrington (1994), “Analytical Approach to Quantitative Brain SPECT with Non-uniform Attenuation”, Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (Med. Phys., vol.21, 915).

[27] J. Ye and Z. Liang (1994), “Comparison of 180 and 360 Degree Myocardial Perfusion SPECT with Non-uniform Attenuation Compensation and Depth-dependent Resolution Deconvolution”, Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (Med. Phys., vol.21, 916).

[28] Z. Liang, D. Wang, J. Ye, and D. Harrington (1994), “Automating Intensity-Variation Correction for Segmentation of Brain Tissues from Multispectral MR Images”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[29] J. Ye, Z. Liang, and D. Harrington (1994), “Accurate Analytical Compensation for Non-uniformly Attenuated Brain SPECT Using an Enlarged Uniform Map of the Head”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[30] J. Ye, J. Cheng, Z. Liang, and D. Harrington (1995), “Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion SPECT with Different Body Characteristics”, The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.36, 41).

[31] Z. Chen, C.S. Chui, Z. Liang, and L.E. Reinstein (1995), “Comparison of Two Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Radiotherapy Treatment Plan Optimization”, Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (Med. Phys., vol.22, 1010).

[32] F. Dilmanian, X. Yu, …, Z. Liang, et al. (1995), “Dual Energy Iodine Contrast CT with Monochromatic X Rays”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[33] X. Yu, F. Dilmanian, …, Z. Liang, et al. (1995),“Monochromatic CT Image Sensitivity: results from pre-clinical multiple energy CT (MECT)”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[34] J. Cheng, Z. Liang, J. Ye, C. Cabahug, Z. Oster, and D. Harrington (1996), “Accurate Treatment of Poisson Noise for Quantitative Reconstruction of Brain SPECT”, The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Soc of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, 37: 218).

[35] M. Wagshul, Z. Liang, K. Zhong, and A. Wishnia (1996), “Laser-Polarized Xe-129: a new direction for in vivo MR imaging and spectroscopy”, American Physics Society, May of 96, Michigan.

[36] J. Cheng, Z. Liang, J. Ye, and D. Harrington (1996), “Edge-preserved Noise Reduction in Brain SPECT by a Butterfly and a Wiener Filter”, Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (Med. Phys., vol.23, 1064, one the best papers for competition of the Young Investigator Award).

[37] Z. Liang, J. Cheng, and J. Ye (1996), “A New Model for Tracing First-order Compton Scatter through a Non-uniform Attenuation Map in Quantitative SPECT Imaging”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[38] L. Hong, Z. Liang, A. Viswambharan, A. Kaufman, and M. Wax (1996), “3D Reconstruction and Visualization of the Inner Surface of the Colon from Spiral CT Data”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging (Student Travel Award).

[39] J. Cheng, Z. Liang, J. Li, J. Ye, and D. Harrington (1996), “Inclusion of A Priori Information in Frequency Space for Quantitative Brain SPECT Imaging”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging (Student Travel Award).

[40] A. Viswambharan, M. Wax, L. Hong, A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, and T. Botton (1996), “Virtual Colonoscopy: 3D visualization of the mucosal surface of the colon”, Conf of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), pp.565 (Scientific Merit Award).

[41] J. Li, Z. Liang, H. Kuan, C. Wong, J. Cheng, G. Wang, D. Schlyer, N. Volkow, and D. Harrington (1997), “A Collimator-Specific Treatment of Data for F-18 SPECT Imaging”, The 44th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.38, 211).

[42] J. Li, Z. Liang, H. Kuan, C. Wong, G. Wang, J. Cheng, D. Schlyer, N. Volkov, and D. Harrington (1997), “Improvement of Plannar F-18 SPECT by Means of Noise Treatment, Scatter Compensation and Resolution Restoration”, Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (Med. Phys., vol.24, 1058).

[43] J. You, Z. Liang, and J. Cai (1997), “A Unified Reconstruction Algorithm for Conventional 2D Acquisition Geometry”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[44] Z. Liang, F. Yang, M. Wax, J. Li, J. You, A. Kaufman, L. Hong, H. Li, and A. Viswambharan (1997), “Inclusion of A Priori Information in Segmentation of Colon Lumen”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[45] J. Li, Z. Liang, J. You, F. Yang, H. Kuan, C. Wong, and G. Wang (1998), “On the Dual Samplings of Collimator Holes and Photomultipliers in SPECT Imaging”, The 45th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.39, 169).

[46] M. Wax, Z. Liang, R. Chiou, A. Kaufman, and A. Viswambharan (1998), “Electronic Colon Cleansing for Virtual Colonoscopy”, The 1st Intl Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy.

[47] J. Li, Z. Liang, J. Ye, and G. Han (1998), “An Investigation on Analytical Methods for Correction of Distance-dependent Resolution Variation for 3D SPECT Imaging”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[48] J. You, J. Li, and Z. Liang (1998), “The Possibility of Complete Restoration of Variable Collimator Response for SPECT Imaging”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[49] R. Chiou, A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, L. Hong, and M. Achniotou (1998), “Interactive Path Planning for Virtual colonoscopy”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[50] J. You, G. Han, and Z. Liang (1999), “A Poisson Impulse Field Analysis on Noise Propagation for SPECT Imaging”, The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.40, 299).

[51] G. Han, J. You, and Z. Liang (1999), “Quantitative Reconstruction of Spatially Varying Focal-length Fan-beam Collimated SPECT for Cardiac Imaging”, The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.40, 301).

[52] X. Hao, G. Han, J. You, and Z. Liang (1999), “Accurate Determination of the Head Boundary from Measurements of Scatter Windows”, The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.40, 289).

[53] P. Horwich, D, Chen, B. Li, M. Wax, G. Gindi, and Z. Liang (1999), “The Centerline of the Colon: automating a key step in virtual colonoscopy”, Proc RSNA (Radiology, vol.213, 258).

[54] G. Han, Z. Liang, and J. You (1999), “A Fast Ray-tracing Technique for TCT and ECT Studies”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[55] Z. Liang, D. Chen, B. Li, P. Roche, W. Huang, and A. Viswambharan (1999), “Virtual Laryngoscopy: Feasibility studies by CT and MRI”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[56] M. Wax, A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, and K. Kreeger (2000), “Advancing Virtual Colonoscopy to Practice”, International Workshop on 3D Imaging and Virtual Endoscopy.

[57] E. Smouha, D. Chen, B. Li, and Z. Liang (2000), “Computer-aided Surgical Planning for Congenital Aural Atresia”, The 35th Annual Meeting of American Neurotology Society.

[58] H. Lu, G. Han, D. Chen, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2000), “A Theoretically Based Approach to Noise Reduction in SPECT by Anscombe and KL Transforms”, The 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.41, 198).

[59] G. Han and Z. Liang (2000), “A Fast Projector and Back-projector for SPECT with Varying Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators”, The 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.41, 194).

[60] L. Li, G. Han, and Z. Liang (2000), “Investigation of a New Scatter Estimation Method from Triple Energy Window Acquisition”, The 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.41, 193).

[61] K. Kreeger, F. Dachille, M. Wan, M. Wax, I. Bitter, L. Wei, A. Kaufman, and Z. Liang (2000), “Volume Rendering for Virtual Colonoscopy on an Affordable PC”, The 2nd Intl Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy.

[62] S. Lakare, M. Wax, D. Chen, I. Bitter, M. Sato, M. Wan, Z. Liang, and A. Kaufman (2000), “Automated Pre-navigation Processing for Virtual Colonoscopy”, The 2nd Intl Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy.

[63] M. Wax, A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, S. Lakare, D. Chen, I. Bitter, K. Kreeger, M. Sato, M. Wan, W. Li, J. Bhowmick, and J. Anderson (2000), “Virtual Colonoscopy - CT Contrast Agent”, The 2nd Intl Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy.

[64] H. Lu, G. Han, D. Chen, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2000), “A Theoretically Based Pre-reconstructing Filter for Spatio-temporal Noise Reduction in Gated Cardiac SPECT Imaging”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[65] D. Chen, L. Li, M. Wax, B. Li, A. Kaufman, and Z. Liang (2000), “Electronic Colon Cleansing by Colonic Material Tagging and Image Segmentation for Virtual Colonoscopy”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[66] H. Lu. Hsiao, X. Li, and Z. Liang (2001), “Spatial Resolution Uniformity of K-L Transform on Projection Data along Different Directions for SPECT Imaging”, The 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, (JNM, vol.42, 200P).

[67] X. Li, G. Han, H. Lu, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2001), “A New Scatter Estimation Method Using Triple Window Acquisition to Fit Energy Spectrum”, The 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.42, 194P).

[68] G. Han, W. Zhu, and Z. Liang (2001), “Gain of Varying Focal-length Fan-beam Collimator for Cardiac SPECT by ROC, Hotelling Trace, and Bias-Variance Measures”, The 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.42, 7P, one of the finalists on Computer & Instrumentation Young Investigator Award).

[69] H. Lu, I. Hsiao, X. Li, and Z. Liang (2001), “Noise Analysis and Treatment for Low-dose CT Projections by Scale Transformations”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[70] X. Li, H. Lu, G. Han, and Z. Liang (2001), “A Kalman Filter for Non-stationary Poisson Noise of SPECT Sinograms”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[71] M. Wax, A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, K. Kreeger, and J. Anderson (2001), “Advances in Navigation and Display of Virtual Colonoscopy”, International Workshop on 3D Imaging and Virtual Endoscopy. Essen, Germany. February 2001.

[72] M. Wax, A. Kaufman, Z. Liang, K. Kreeger, and R. Faruqi (2001), “3D Analysis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms”, International Workshop on 3D Imaging and Virtual Endoscopy. Essen, Germany. February 2001.

[73] J. Wen, T. Li, X. Li, and Z. Liang (2002), “Fan-beam and Variable-focal-length Fan-beam SPECT Reconstruction with Non-uniform Attenuation”, The 49th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM Tech, vol.30, 97).

[74] H. Lu, J. Wen, X. Li, and Z. Liang (2002), “A Non-iterative Solution for Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion SPECT Reconstruction with Non-uniform Attenuation and Distance-dependent Spatial Resolution”, The 49th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.43, 105P).

[75] L. Li, H. Lu, X. Li, W. Huang, C. Christodoulou, L. Krupp, and Z. Liang (2002), “Accuracy and Repeatability in Volumetric Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis Using Multi-spectral MR Images”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[76] T. Li, J. Wen, and Z. Liang (2002), “Compensation for Non-stationary Detector Response in Analytical Varying Focal-length Fan-beam SPECT Reconstruction”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[77] J. Wen, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2002) “A Ray-driven Approach to Analytical SPECT Reconstruction of Non-uniform Attenuation with Variable Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[78] X. Li, L. Li, W. Huang, C. Christodoulou, C. Roque, P. Roche, R. Peyster, L. Krupp, and Z. Liang (2002), “A Volumetric Analysis on Central Cerebral Atrophy for Multiple Sclerosis Studies with Cognitive Impairment”, The 88th Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), pp.429.

[79] M. Wax, D. Chen, S. Lakare, Z. Liang, and C. Collins (2002), “Optimizing Laxative Free Virtual Colonoscopy”, The 88th Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), pp.585.

[80] C. Christodoulou, L.B. Krupp, W. Huang, D. Chen, P. Melville, W. Scherl, P. Perone, T. Morgan, Z. Liang, P. Roche, C. Roque, R. Peyster (2003). “Cognitive Correlates of Quantitative MRI and MR Spectroscopy in Multiple Sclerosis”, The Annual International Neuropsychological Society Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.

[81] L. Li, Z. Wang, W. Huang, H. Adler, D. Harrington, and Z. Liang (2003), “Mixture-based Computer Aided Detection System for Virtual Endoscopy”, NIH Biomedical Research Opportunities Workshop, USA.

[82] J. Wen, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2003), “An Analytical SPECT Reconstruction Strategy for Extending Parallel to Non-parallel Geometries Using Ray-driven Technique”, The 50th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.44, no.5, pp.272-273).

[83] T. Li, J. Wen, and Z. Liang (2003), “An Exact Relationship between Blurred and Ideal Sinograms for Uniformly Attenuated Brain SPECT with Fan-beam Geometry”, The 50th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.44, no.5, pp.277).

[84] T. Li, X. Li, Y. Xing, H. Lu, J. Hsieh, and Z. Liang (2003), “A Strategy for Reduction of Streak Artifacts in Low-dose CT”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[85] T. Li, Z. Liang, K. Mueller, and et al., (2003), “Reconstruction for Proton Computed Tomography: A Monte Carlo study”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[86] X. Li, D. Eremina, L. Li, and Z. Liang (2003), “Partial Volume Segmentation of Medical Images”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[87] J. Wen, H. Lu, T. Li, Z. Wang, and Z. Liang (2003), “A Study on Truncated Cone-beam Sampling Strategies for 3D Mammography”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[88] J. Wen, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2003), “An Investigation on the Property and Fast Implementation of a Ray-Driven Method for Inversion of the Attenuated Radon Transform with Variable Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.PDF

[89] Z. Liang, L. Li, W. Huang, A. Tudorica, and L. Krupp (2003) “An Integrated MRI and MRS Framework for Studies of Cognitive Impairment”, The 89th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), pp. 593.

[90] Z. Wang, T. Li, G. Han, and Z. Liang (2004), “PC Graphics Card–based Acceleration for OS-EM Image Reconstruction of Quantitative SPECT with Varying Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators”, The 51st Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.45, no.5, pp. 414).

[91] J. Wen, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2004), “An Inverse Formula for Attenuated Radon Transform with Variable Focal-length Fan-beam Collimators and Its Properties”, The 51st Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.45, no.5, pp. 46).

[92] T. Li, J. Wen, and Z. Liang (2004), “Performance Evaluation of Analytical- and Iterative-based Quantitative SPECT Reconstruction with Fan-beam Collimation by both Human (ROC) and Computer (CHO) Observers, as well as Bias-Variance Plot”, The 51st Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.45, no.5, pp. 46).

[93] J. Wang, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2004), “Noise Reduction for Low-dose Single-slice Helical CT Sinogram”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[94] T. Li, J. Wen, J. You, and Z. Liang (2004), “Inversion of Attenuated Radon Transform for Non-parallel geometry by Re-phasing and Non-uniform Hilbert Transform”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[95] L. Li, X. Li, X. Wei, and Z. Liang (2004), “A Unified Framework for Inhomogeneity Correction and Partial Volume Segmentation of MR Brain Images”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[96] T. Li and Z. Liang (2004), “Toward a Dedicated SPECT Mammography System”, Workshop on the Nuclear Radiology of Breast Cancer at IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[97] C. Christodoulou, L. Krupp, P. Melville, W. Scherl, T. Morgan, W. MacAllister, Z. Liang, W. Huang, L. Li, L. Tudorica, R. Peyster, C. Roque, P. Roche, D. Canfora, S. Berry, and M. Kehn (2005), “Predicting Neuropsychological Change with Baseline MRI Measures in Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Initial Cognitive Dysfunction”, Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, St Louis, Missouri.

[98] J. You, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2005), “A Preliminary Study on Analytical Inversion of the Attenuated Radon Transform with 180o Acquisition”, The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.46, no.5, pp.471).

[99] J. Wen, F. Bu, and Z. Liang (2005), “An Inversion Formula for the Exponential Radon Transform in Spatial Domain with Variable Focal-length Fan-beam Collimator”, The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.46, no.5, pp.471).

[100] Z. Liang, Z. Wang, B. Li, and H. Lu (2005), “Improved Electronic Colon Cleansing with Less-stressful Bowel Preparation for Computer-aided Detection of polyps in CT Colonography”, The 91st Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), pp.440.

[101] Y. Fan, H. Lu, C. Hao, and Z. Liang (2006), “Fast Analytical Reconstruction with Non-uniform Attenuation Compensation for Dynamic Cardiac SPECT Imaging”, The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.47, no.5, Supplement 1, pp.122).

[102] J. You, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2006), “A Comparison Study on Novikov and Tretiak-Metz Formulae for Inversion of the Exponential Radon Transform”, The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.47, no.5, Supplement 1, pp.373).

[103] J. You, J. Wang, and Z. Liang (2006), “Consistency Condition and ML-EM Checkerboard Artifacts”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[104] Y. Fan, H. Lu, Z. Liang, and J. Wang (2007), “Improved KL Domain Inversion of the Attenuated Radon Transform for Quantitative Gated Cardiac SPECT”, The 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.48, no.5, Supplement 2, pp.422P).

[105] J. You, J. Wang, and Z. Liang (2007), “An Investigation on FBP Reconstruction for Attenuated Radon Transform with Partial Data”, The 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.48, no.5, Supplement 2, pp.421P).

[106] L. Li, Z. Wang, H. Meng, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2007), “Bladder Tumor Detection by MR-based Virtual Cystoscopy”, The 1st MR Meeting of the Chinese Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Dalian, China.

[107] J. Wang, H. Lu, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2007), “Gain of KL-domain Adaptive FBP Reconstruction for 4D Dynamic CT”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[108] J. Wang, S. Wang, L. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2007), “Virtual Colonoscopy Screening with Ultra Low-dose CT: A simulation study”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[109] Y. Fan, H. Lu, Z. Liang, and J. Wang (2007), “Spatially-adaptive Analytical Reconstruction for Quantitative Gated Cardiac SPECT in KL Domain”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[110] Z. Liang, S. Wang, H. Lu, and J. Wang (2007), “Model Parameter Estimation and Tissue Mixture Segmentation by a MAP-EM Algorithm”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[111] Y. Fan, H. Lu, J. Wang, T. Zhu, and Z. Liang (2008), “Quantitative Gated Cardiac SPECT via Adaptive KL Transform, Noise Modeling and Inversion of Attenuated Radon transform”, The 55th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.49, no.5, Supplement 2, pp.400P).

[112] Y. Fan, Chun Jiao, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2008), “Fully 4D Cardiac Gated SPECT Reconstruction with Simultaneous Compensation in KL Domain”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[113] S. Wang, L. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang. (2008), “An Additive Bias Field Model for Unified Partial-Volume Segmentation and Inhomogeneity Correction of Brain MR Images”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[114] D. Wang, H. Lu, C. Jiao, Z. Zhang, Z. Liang (2008), “Multiscale Noise Reduction on Low-Dose CT Sinogram by Stationary Wavelet Transform”, IEEE Annual Conference on Medical Imaging.

[115] Y. Fan, H. Lu, J. Wang, S. Wang, and Z. Liang (2009), “An Adaptive Approach to Quantitative Cardiac Gated SPECT by Noise Modeling, Scatter Compensation, Resolution Restoration, and Inversion of the Attenuated Radon Transform in KL Domain”, The 56th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.50, no.5, Supplement 2, pp.299P).

[116] H. Zhu, Y. Fan, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2009), “A Novel Approach to Extraction of Initial Polyp Candidates for CT Colonography”, The 10th Intl. Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy, pp. 134, Reston, Virginia, October 26-28, 2009.

[117] H. Zhu, Y. Fan, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2009), “Gain of the Eigenvalue-Weighted Features for Computer-aided Detection of Colonic Polyps”, The 10th Intl. Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy, pp. 112, Reston, Virginia, October 23-25, 2009.

[118] H. Zhu, P. Pickhardt, M. Barish, Y. Fan, E. Posniak, H. Cohen, R. Richards, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2009), “Projection-based Features for False Positive Reduction in Computer-aided Detection of Colonic Polyps”, The 10th Intl. Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy, pp. 109, Reston, Virginia, October 23-25.

[119] H. Zhu, P. Pickhardt, M. Barish, S. Wang, Y. Fan, E. Posniak, H. Cohen, R. Richards and Z. Liang (2009), “Increasing Detection Specificity in Computer-aided Detection of Colonic Polyps by Projection-based Features for CT Colonography”, The 95th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), pp. 466.

[120] Z. Liang, C. Duan, S. Bao, H. Zhu, S. Wang, and M. Wagshul (2009), “A Novel Approach to Extract Bladder Wall for MR Virtual Cystoscopy”, The 95th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), pp. 512.