Didactics and Conferences

Lecture hallIn order to best prepare the resident for the practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology, weekly conferences are scheduled related not only to clinical care, but also a formal didactic teaching program. The majority of these conferences are held on Wednesday mornings. The residents are expected to attend the various conferences and are their time is protected from clinical duties during this time.

Resident Lecture Series

This continuing series of lectures is modeled after the CREOG Educational Objectives for residency training. There are lectures given annually on common topics that are reinforced frequently, and other lectures given on a 2 year cycle.  The lectures are held on a weekly basis and review the pathophysiology, diagnosis, disease assessment, and management of the disease processes treated by Obstetrician/ Gynecologists. Practice management, medical malpractice and ethics are also addressed during this conference time.

Pathology Conference

Dr. Carmen Tornos, of the Department of Pathology, presents interesting and provocative pathology cases for the residents to evaluate. The conference is focused on surgical Gyn-Oncology and Gynecology. Resident participation is mandatory. Disease management, surgical and/or medical approach, and follow-up are discussed in detail among residents and with faculty attendings.

Grand Rounds

Traditional academic Grand Rounds are held on a weekly basis. Advanced topics are presented by distinguished professors from all over the country. This conference is not only attended by all the residents, but the entire staff and faculty (including voluntary faculty) are encouraged to attend. In the chief year, residents present a topic of their choice as part of the Grand Rounds series.

 Journal Club

Journal Club takes place on the first Wednesday of every month.  Current articles in the literature are selected for review and discussion by a faculty in each division with resident participation.  This session is moderated by Drs. Joseph Chappelle and Elizabeth Garduno.  The meeting provides the residents a forum to learn about current literature and how to critically review and analyze published articles. Frequently, discussions about statistics or study design are brought up and function to teach the residents about research and publishing.

Chairman’s Rounds

One of the purposes of this conference is to prepare residents for their Oral Obstetrics and Gynecology board exam (ABOG) in which they will have to compile a case list and defend their management of their patients using their knowledge of the medical literature. Level-appropriate questions are asked of the residents by the Chairman and Attending Faculty in order to generate discussion.  Chairman's Rounds takes place weekly, with one of those weeks changing format to "Pearls of Exxcellence" presentations which are provided by all residents throughout the academic year. 

Research Meetings 

These conferences are held on a quarterly basis for residents to present their research plans, study design and data to faculty and other residents. The informal meetings allow residents to “touch base” with the resident research coordinator and keep on track for the mandatory project deadlines during an otherwise busy rotation schedule.In addition, a Research Curriculum is offered by Dr. Laurie Shroyer, Ph.D. of the Department of Surgery for residents in all Departments.  Our PGY1 Residents are required to attend. PGY2 residents are encouraged, but not required to attend.

NICU Conference

This weekly conference is attended by the residents, MFM faulty and the neonatal team to discuss interesting cases and difficult managements plans. The cases are presented by the residents rotating on Labor and Delivery.

Antenatal Conference

Similar to the NICU conference, this conference allows the opportunity for consensus across multiple disciplines. Each meeting focuses on one or two active antepartum patients that have interesting and/or controversial management concerns. The conference occurs once per month and includes residents, neonatal fellows, MFM attendings, neonatologists, geneticists, and pediatric surgeons.

Gynecologic Oncology Treatment Planning Conference

This weekly conference is attended by the Gyn/Oncology residents and the entire division of Gynecologic Oncology to review patients to be treated during the current week or patients requiring a disposition. This a fabulous opportunity for the residents to learn about the thought process that goes into setting a treatment plan and the complexity of care provided to these patients.

Gynecologic Ultrasound Case Conference

Each month, cases are presented to the Division Chief of Gynecology, Dr. Christine Conway. The entire generalist faculty are present for discussion and education of these cases. These cases are chosen to maximize the teaching effort for the residents. The residents present 2 to 3 interesting cases and the case is discussed at length. The imaging (i.e. ultrasound or CT scan) is reviewed, the surgical management is discussed and finally the pathology is reviewed by a member of the pathology department. This conference is highly educational and is interactive with the residents being asked to form differential diagnosis, review radiographic images and pathology and to make management decisions.


Resident Research Day

At the end of each academic year, at Resident Research Day (RRD) the PGY3 residents present their research projects to faculty and staff.  PGY2 residents present their research abstracts as posters at this meeting, as well, with data and conclusions presented in full the following year. Every resident is expected to complete and present one well-designed project during their residency. Residents present their completed projects as finishing PGY3's, then have their PGY4 year to write a manuscript or present at a national/regional/local meeting as a poster or oral presentation. Many of these projects have gone on to be published or presented at national meetings.