Our fellowship training program provides training and experience to ensure that our graduates will be effective teachers for all learners in need of understanding and collaboration in the area of neonatology. Our training program includes the ability to participate effectively in all aspects of the educational process including curriculum development, delivery of information, and assessment of educational outcomes. We expect our graduates to be scholarly and effective in teaching both individuals and groups of learners in clinical settings, classrooms, lectures, and seminars through electronic and print modalities.

Neonatal Conferences
Board Review Sessions
Cardiology Conference
Journal Club
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Conference
Morbidity & Mortality Review
ONTPD Online with Experts
Research Conference
Respiratory Physiology
Therapeutic Protocol
Fellows will be participating in Simulation Sessions held in the CLINICAL SKILLS CENTER. The Simulation experience will focus on using the SIM NEW B interactive infant stimulator. Each session is attended by an interdisciplinary NICU team (nursing, respiratory therapy) and focuses on care coordination, team work, patient care, review of NRP skills, team collaboration and communicating bad news. Sessions include use of Standardized Patients for case scenarios who will also provide feedback to our trainees. Video debriefing on each session and debriefing sessions using closed loop debriefing techniques are held in the SIM lab conference room and all participation is highly confidential providing a non-threatening learning environment to achieve your skills.