Fellow Research


Scholarly Activity


All fellows are required to engage in a hypothesis driven research project in the areas of clinical, basic science or translational research.  Fellows work closely with a research mentor and actively participate in all aspects of the project including development of the research question, development of the hypothesis and methodology, data collection, statistical analysis, and presentations at research meetings.  Our fellows are required to provide quarterly updates on their projects including the progress of their patient recruitment, data collection, and data analysis.  Fellows are also involved directly in the presentation of their projects at monthly research conferences to our Divisional Research Director, their Research Mentor, Associate Program Director, and to the Program Director to assure timely completion of their project.


Manasi ESPR ESPR 2
ESPR Image: AmakA
Image: Amaka and Dionne Image: Dionne



Scholarship Oversight Committee 

The overall responsibilities of the Scholarship Oversight Committee are to provide guidance, support, ongoing evaluations, and recommendations for each fellow’s research project.  Each committee is created to meet the specific needs of each fellow based upon their Scholarly Activity. 

Each fellow has a minimum of 3 SOC members: one Pediatric SOC member, one faculty outside of the division and one neonatal faculty member.  The committee meets twice a year to review the progress of each fellow project and to actively provide feedback. 

Shanthy Sridhar

By the end of fellowship, each fellow submits a work product to meet the graduation requirements for the American Board of Pediatrics.  Our program also encourages each fellow to complete their manuscript in preparation for publication in an academic journal.

Quality Improvement

All fellows participate in Quality Improvement (QI) projects throughout their fellowship. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) modules are available for fellows to complete to promote education on how to improve healthcare appropriately. Fellows learn QI methodology, participate in PDSA cycles, provide updates at monthly conferences, collect and analyze data along with their QI mentors and present their projects at conferences. Some of our QI initiatives include work on Antibiotic Stewardship, Chronic Lung Disease Prevention, and Intraventricular Hemorrhage Prevention.

Fellow Scholarly Projects:

Project:Use of CPAP in the Delivery Room on Term Infants and Assiciation with Prologned Length of Stay
Fellow: Manasi Dave, MD
Mentor: Shanthy Sridhar, MD and Jennifer Pynn, MD

Project: Evaluation of Various Methods to Accurately Pre-Determine Endotracheal Intubation Depth in Neonates <1500g
Fellow: Stergiani Agorastos, DO
Mentor: Echezona Maduekwe, MD 

Project: The Reliability of Point-of-Care Hemoglobin in Neonates >28 Weeks Gestational Age
Fellow: Vivian Chang, MD
Mentor: Echezona Maduekwe, MD 

Project: Introducing Video Laryngoscopy for Endotrachael Intubation in a Level III NICU: A Quality Improvement Initiative
Fellow: Daniel Helfgott, MD
Mentor: Shanthy Sridhar, MD and Hormuz Nicolwala, MD

Project: POCUS - NICU - A Quality Improvement Initiative
Fellow: Anupriya Bhatia, MD 
Mentor: Carl Kaplan, MD