Does your program accept candidates with Visas?
We accept J1 Visas only.


Where will my training take place?
All inpatient rotations occur at Stony Brook Children’s.  Outpatient subspecialty rotations take place at our ambulatory sites, located at both the hospital and within the local community.


Do your residents have a full-day or half-day continuity clinic?
Our residents have a full-day continuity clinic throughout their training, except during inpatient rotations when they generally attend a half-day session to enable educational balance. Learn more.


Do residents have call-free months?
Yes, in their final year of training, all residents have one call-free month.


Do residents have protected research time?
Yes, all residents have one month devoted to research with mentorship and oversight from one of our Pediatric Scholarly Oversight Committee members.


Do you offer global health opportunities?
Yes, our PGY2 and PGY3 residents can apply for our International Rotation in Uganda, Africa where they work inpatient, outpatient, and within the community’s villages.  In addition, residents can arrange their own global health experience at a location of their choice. Learn more.


Is there community and advocacy training?
Yes, our residents have dedicated Community/Advocacy training time under the mentorship of our Advocacy Division Chief.


What fields do graduates from your program pursue?
Although the distribution varies from year to year, many residents seek fellowship training and have been successful in securing highly competitive positions.  Others enter hospitalist medicine, academic general pediatrics, or general pediatrics private practice. Learn more.