At Stony Brook Children's, we are committed to advancing the field of pediatrics through the pursuit of scholarship and research. We are extremely proud of the research accomplishments of our residents during their training and beyond. Our graduates are poised to enter their careers as fantastic clinicians, scholars, and advocates for children's health!
Introduction to Scholarly Activity at Stony Brook Children's
Residents are required to complete a scholarly project during their training. Scholarly projects may range from basic science research and translational studies to strictly clinical research, from prospective observational studies or clinical trials to quality improvement initiatives or educational investigations. Residents may participate in part of a large project, spanning many years, or something that will be seen from start to finish during residency. Residents may work together on a project, but each resident will have their own piece of the project to work on and present. The most important consideration in choosing a project is that it engages the resident's curiosity, interests, and critical thinking skills!
Scholarly Activity Timeline
Residents are required to complete a scholarly project during their training. Scholarly projects may range from basic science research and translational studies to strictly clinical research, from prospective observational studies or clinical trials to quality improvement initiatives or educational investigations. Residents may participate in part of a large project, spanning many years, or something that will be seen from start to finish during residency. Residents may work together on a project, but each resident will have their own piece of the project to work on and present. The most important consideration in choosing a project is that it engages the resident's curiosity, interests, and critical thinking skills!
Scholarly Oversight Committee
The Scholarly Oversight Committee (SOC) is comprised of a diverse group of faculty who have interest and expertise in research, including bench research and clinical trial work, to quality improvement and educational research. The SOC provides input on proposed projects and oversees project progress throughout the year. The SOC may also provide specific research expertise or support. Abstracts submitted for Research Day Presentation are reviewed and scored by the SOC, to identify the top submissions for oral platform presentations. All projects are given feedback to ensure their success.
Didactic Education
Research lectures are an integral part of the residents' Wednesday curriculum. PGY-1 residents’ sessions include instruction in the process of completing CITI Training requirements, searching strategies for a successful literature review, and an introduction to the IRB process. Our senior residents refine their research skills through faculty lectures on meetings and presentation opportunities, academic writing, and biostatistics.
In their PGY-2 year, residents complete a four-week Research Rotation divided into two 2-week blocks. While residents work on their projects longitudinally, this four-week period allows the resident to focus solely on their project and enhance their research skills. Depending upon the project’s progress, residents may spend time working on a literature review, drafting or revising an IRB submission, designing and analyzing questionnaires, collecting data, performing statistical analyses, or preparing an abstract or article. The Research Rotation Director meets several time with the resident to ensure an appropriate plan to maximize productivity in this time.
Presentations and Beyond
Each academic year culminates in a spring Resident Research Day. This is a half-day conference which showcases all our residents’ and fellows’ work. The day begins with an invited keynote speaker. This is followed by resident and fellow platform presentations, which are chosen from all the submissions. A panel of three invited guest judges provide feedback and questions for the speakers. An interactive poster session follows the oral presentations. The day culminates in a lunch for residents with our invited keynote speaker. This wonderful event has become a celebrated tradition that is attended by faculty, students, residents and guests.
Stony Brook Children's residents are encouraged to think beyond the research requirements and share their work with the broader pediatric community. Each year our residents are accepted to give platform and poster presentations at prestigious international, national, regional, and local meetings in virtual and in-person formats, such as:
- Academic Pediatric Association (APA) Regions 2/3 Annual Meeting
- American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Experience: National Conference & Exhibition
- American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting
- Eastern Society for Pediatric Research (ESPR) Annual Meeting
- Nassau Pediatric Society Pediatric Residents' Night
- Neonatal NIRS (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy) Consortium Original Research Webinar
- Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting
- Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Critical Care Congress
Speaking of outside the box, our residents in recent years have published a case report in Pediatrics, attended the Harvard Macy Institute's Program for Post-Graduate Trainees: Future Academic Clinician-Educators, been awarded an American Academy of Pediatrics Resident Research Grant, and joined Pediatrics manuscript phone calls. Several residents each year also attend the AAP National Educational Conference.
Speaking of outside the box, our residents in recent years have published a case report in Pediatrics, attended the Harvard Macy Institute's Program for Post-Graduate Trainees: Future Academic Clinician-Educators, been awarded an American Academy of Pediatrics Resident Research Grant, and joined Pediatrics manuscript phone calls. Several residents each year also attend the AAP National Conference Exhibition.
We look forward to welcoming you into our community of scholars at Stony Brook Children's!