Faculty & Staff News 2018

November David Thanassi becomes Chair of the Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiolgy.

Professor Patrick Hearing was invited to present a keynote address at the 13th International Adenovirus Meeting, September 25-29 in Vista Hermosa, Morelos, Mexico.

Congratulations to Professor Maurizio Del Poeta for being selected to receive the Excellence in Senior Research Award 2018 by the School of Medicine.

June A workshop, Preparing Future Faculty, was held at Stony Brook University on June 27-29 and was organized in part by MGM faculty members Carol Carter (co-organizer) and Laurie Krug. Seventy graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from a dozen institutions received advice from SBU faculty on how to obtain a faculty position and be successful in that position.


Laurie Krug has been selected to co-chair the Molecular Pathogenesis of Cancer Study Section for the American Cancer Society

Martha Furie has been named Editor-In-Chief of the American Journal of Pathology.