Day to Day Workflow

Sample schedule of a day on the wards:

7A: receive sign-out from night team

8A – 9A: work rounds with senior residents

9A: Interdisciplinary rounds with case workers, social workers, physical therapy etc.

9:30A – 12:30P: Bedside teaching rounds with attending

1P – 2P: Resident Report

Focused patient care
We ensure that a vast majority of a resident’s daily routine is devoted towards focused patient care. The morning hours (7A to 12N) are a critical period of time for clinical learning. During this time, our residents are learning new patient cases and are engaged in bedside teaching rounds to construct and implement management plans for their patients. Our formal resident report is conducted Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at 1:00 p.m. This timing allows residents to focus on patient care and bedside teaching in the morning hours. Structured didactics covering a variety of core internal medicine topics are integrated into the Academic Wednesday curriculum and Wednesday and Thursday core conference. Additionally, we have staggered shifts for resident admitters stationed in the emergency room to conduct admissions (Early Admitter (EA), Late Admitter (LA), Admitting Knight (AK) and Admitting Night (aka Night Float). These residents admit to the teaching teams for general medicine, medical oncology, and cardiac acute care (CACU) teams, ensuring that admissions are distributed smoothly and that the senior residents on those teams can lead uninterrupted teaching rounds with their team. 

EA – Early Admitter – during this rotation, a third-year resident is designated to conduct admissions to the general medicine, medical oncology, and cardiac acute care teaching teams from 7A to 12N Monday through Friday, max 4 admissions. The EA resident is supervised by the admitting hospitalist and cardiology fellow and attending who provide feedback and teaching pearls based on the admission.

LA – Late Admitter – during this rotation, a second-year resident is designated to conduct admissions to the general medicine, medical oncology, and cardiac acute care teaching teams from 12N to 6P Monday through Friday, max 4 admissions. The LA resident is supervised by the admitting hospitalist and cardiology fellow and attending who provide feedback and teaching pearls based on the admission.

AK – Admitting Knight – during this rotation, a second-year resident is designated to conduct admissions to the general medicine, medical oncology, and cardiac acute care teaching teams from 5:30P to 10P Monday through Friday, max 4 admissions.

AN – Admitting Night – during this rotation, a second-year resident is designated to conduct admissions to the general medicine, medical oncology, and cardiac acute care teaching teams overnight from 7P to 7A Monday through Friday, max 10 admissions, average is 6-8.