CONGRATULATIONS to our department research staff and inventors on the recent issuance of their U.S. patents. This remarkable achievement serves as a testament to the innovative spirit present within our department and our institution. We commend their contributions to intellectual property and ongoing commitment to advancing their respective fields:
Amirhossein Goldan, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology
Andrew Labella, PhD, Medical Physicist, Department of Radiology
Anthony R. Lubinsky, PhD, Research Scientist, Department of Radiology
Wei Zhao, PhD, Professor, Department of Radiology
High Resolution Depth-Encoding PET Detector With Prismatoid Light Guide Array
Adrian Howansky, PhD, Medical Physicist, Department of Radiology
Anthony R. Lubinsky, PhD, Research Scientist, Department of Radiology
Wei Zhao, PhD, Professor, Department of Radiology
Flat Panel X-Ray Imager With Scintillating Glass Substrate
Congratulations to Mario Serrano-Sosa, PhD, for receipt of the 2nd Place ISMRM PET/MR Study Group Young Investigator Award at the 2022 ISMRM Annual Meeting. Dr. Serrano-Sosa graduated from Dr. Chuan Huang's, Director of PET/MR Clinical Research, lab.
A BIG congratulations to Ms. Xinjie (Jessica) Zeng upon receipt of the SNMMI symposium Young Investigator Award at the annual meeting held in Vancouver, Canada. Ms. Zeng's presentation received 2nd place by the Physics Instrumentation & Data Sciences Council for her abstract on: "High Resolution TOF-DOI Prism-PET Brain Scanner: Experimental Results From The First Prototype Scanner." This award is for the best scientific abstracts on Neuroscience and Nuclear Medicine and is presented to promising young investigators working in brain imaging and neuroscience in association with SNMMI and the Brain Imaging Council.
Xinjie also received the 2nd place Christopher J. Thompson Best Student Paper Award for her paper "A Prototype Conformal Brain PET Scanner with Depth-Encoding Prism-Pet Modules." This was awarded at the 2021 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference at Yokohama Japan in October 2021. Xinjie is a student in Dr. Amir Goldan's Novel Medical Imaging Technologies lab.
Article Featured from Stony Brook Radiology Researchers
A research article from the group of Prof. Paul Vaska and collaborators at Brookhaven National Lab and the University of Pennsylvania, has been featured in the latest issue of IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences. The group had developed a novel compact PET scanner called VersaPET that achieves high spatial resolution and is compatible with MRI. In this paper, they demonstrated that this scanner can be used to measure blood levels of the PET radiotracer, which can improve the ability of PET to quantify biological processes in the body in a non-invasive way. This work helps pave the way for more accurate PET scans in research as well as clinical applications ranging from cancer to Alzheimer’s Disease.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences ( Volume: 6, Issue: 5, May 2022)

Jerome Liang’s Lab has two featured presentations at this coming 2020 RSNA Annual Virtual Meeting:
[1]. “A Sensitive Merit to Differentiate COVID-19 Cases from Others in CT Images”
[2] “Convenient Hyper Parameter Selection for Bayesian Image Reconstruction by Constructing a Theory-driven Look-up Table”
As the Chair of Physics Committee of RSNA, Jerome promoted AI (artificial intelligence) for both medical image reconstruction and processing toward desired clinical tasks, particularly the task of medical diagnosis:
He will serve as the moderator on a “Hot Topic Session: Artificial Intelligence — Decision Support: The Coronavirus Experience in USA and China”, Sunday, November 29, 2020, 5:00 – 6:00PM”
Chuan Huang, PhD, in collaboration with Neurology, received the Stanley Fahn Junior Faculty Award by the Parkinson's Foundation for "Imaging Cholinergic Biomarker of Cognitive Decline in Parkinson's Disease Dementia".
This study will be the first to use the novel PET tracer [18F]VAT to study PD patients with mild cognition impairment. Given that VAChT is a reliable biomarker for cholinergic neurons, it can be used to image the cholinergic deficits observed in PD and PD dementia patients. This will provide us with better understanding of the cholinergic pathophysiology in PD and PD dementia. The results from this study may reveal novel targets for intervention in the progression of PD-related cognitive impairment.

Jerome Liang, PhD
• Editor of a Special Issue for the Journal of Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine and Art on the topic of “Medical Imaging Modeling”
• Gave a Keynote Speech at the IEEE International Conference on Signal, Information and Data Processing. His speech was titled “DEEP TEXTURE ANALYSIS: An Answer to Why CNN Goes with Experts’ Scores, not the Pathological Reports”
• He is now the Physics Subcommittee Chair of the Scientific Program of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)