Breast Surgery Rotation

The Breast Surgery Division is responsible for the care of patients with breast cancer. It runs the multidisciplinary breast service at our state-of-the-art Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center, which in 2012 was granted a full three-year accreditation by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC). The NAPBC is a new program administered by the American College of Surgeons, and our breast center is the first in New York State to gain this elite designation.

The breast surgery service is covered by a PGY-2 surgical resident. This resident is responsible for all service-related issues. The educational focus is on the initial work-up, diagnosis, and management of breast abnormalities. Rotating on this service involves extensive operating room experience, as well as a major emphasis on the multidisciplinary approach to breast cancer treatment. Participation in lectures and in the weekly multidisciplinary breast conference is required.

This service features a weekly treatment planning conference, a multidisciplinary forum where potential treatment options for patients with newly diagnosed cancer or patients with recurrent disease are reviewed. At this conference, individual cases are presented to a team of highly trained cancer specialists, including radiologists, breast surgeons, pathologists, reconstructive surgeons, radiation oncologists, and medical oncologists.

Indeed, our multidisciplinary team approach to breast cancer treatment distinguishes the quality of care we provide for our patients. Residents gain first-hand experience with this model of optimum care.

Current residents: click here to see a set of resources for the breast surgery rotation.