TopGolf Outing
Resident BBQ
Puppy Social!
At ASA Meeting in San Diego!
Ski Trip!!
Halloween Party!!
In Orlando for the ASA meeting!!
There was a Pool Party Bash Extravaganza!!
The Christmas Call Team are all smiles, even though Starbucks is closed!
Team Stony Brook Anesthesiology at the Spartan Race
Residents at ASA Meeting
Team Stony Brook Anesthesiology at the Spartan Race
CA2 Residents celebrating passing the exams!
Beach Volleyball with VA Hospital colleagues!
Departmental Resident & Attending Bowling Night
Residents at ACGME Bowling Night
Holiday Party
Dr. Ahdratas at Puppy Social Wellness Event
Attendings testing massage chairs at ASA meeting
Residents & Attendings after running 5k at the "Running of the Bulls" race
Resident & Attending Bowling Party
Halloween Party
Enjoying Chicago during the ASA Meeting