Our department has several giving opportunities. Use this link, type "anesth" in the search box and select from:
Information about making gifts by mail.
Gifts of securities and wire transfers are also possible with assistance from the Stony Brook Advancement Office. Please contact Nina D'Alessandro at 631-444-2693 for detailed information about these options.
- Anesthesia and Pain Management
- Anesthesiology Department Fund for Excellence
- Hospital Dentistry and Anesthesiology Fund
- The Farrokh R. Maneksha Award in Pain Management within the Department of Anesthesiology
- The Paul J. Poppers, MD Distinguished Visiting Lectureship in Anesthesiology Endowed Intent Fund

Information about making gifts by mail.
Gifts of securities and wire transfers are also possible with assistance from the Stony Brook Advancement Office. Please contact Nina D'Alessandro at 631-444-2693 for detailed information about these options.