- Washington University in St Louis, Graduated 1984 - Medical School
- Emory University, Atlanta - Internship
- Emory University, Atlanta 1984-87 - Residency
- Emory University, Atlanta 1987-88 - Cardiothoracic Fellowship
- Anesthesiology simulation: education and active learning
- PubMed Search
- Amazon Search (books)
- Educational Videos
- Martinelli SM, Chen F, DiLorenzo AN, Mayer DC, Fairbanks S, Moran K, Ku C, Mitchell JD, Bowe EA, Royal KD, Hendrickse A, VanDyke K, Trawicki MC, Rankin D, Guldan GJ, Hand W, Gallagher C, Jacob Z, Zvara DA, McEvoy MD, Schell RM. Results of a Flipped Classroom Teaching Approach in Anesthesiology Residents. J Grad Med Educ. 2017 Aug;9(4):485-490
- Walton G, Gallagher C, Poppers J. Emergent Management of a Patient with a Known History of Difficult Intubation and a Bleeding Neck. PGA 2016
- Corrado T, Gallagher C. Granular versus gestalt: how do we analyze simulation videos?. International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare, New Orleans, 2015
- Corrado T, Probst S, Gallagher C. Milestone day - Getting the word out on milestones via simulation.. International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare, New Orleans, 2015
- Corrado T, Vuong W, Zhou G, Gallagher C. Five years' experience with MOCA - what have we seen?. International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare, New Orleans, 2015