- Chikwe J, Zabirowicz E. What every surgeon should know about intra-operative evaluation of paravalvular leaks. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2019 May 8. pii: S1043-0679(19)30089-9.
- Izrailtyan I, Poppers J, Kowal R, Zabirowicz E, Nie L, Gan TJ, Bennett-Guerrero E. Comprehensive Quality Improvement Program for Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography: Development, Implementation, and Initial Experience. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2020 Aug 7.
- Shuaib K, Scorsese G, Seiter C, Zabirowicz E, Poppers J. Diagnosis and Management of a Unique Iatrogenic Biatrial Gerbode Defect. Case Rep Anesthesiol. 2022 Jul 18.
- Scorsese G, Hake A, Christophides A, Poppers J, Zabirowicz E. Anesthetic Management of a Large Right Ventricular Mass due to Idiopathic Hypereosinophilic Syndrome in a Patient Undergoing Cardiac Surgery, a Case Report. Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2022 Oct 7.
- Kianian S, Scorsese G, Zabirowicz E, Poppers J. Perioperative Management of a Patient with Hemophilia C and Allergy to Fresh Frozen Plasma. Case Rep Anesthesiol. 2023 Mar 29.
- Izrailtyan I, Poppers JS, Kowal RA, Zabirowicz E, Nie L, Romeiser JL, Gan TJ, Bennett-Guerrero E. Perioperative TEE Continuous Quality Improvement Program. ASA 2018
- Izrailtyan I, Poppers J, Kowal R, Zabirowicz E, Nie L, Gan TJ, Bennett-Guerrero E.
Development and Preliminary Experience with a Novel Quality Improvement Program for Intraoperative TEE.
ASA 2019
- Scorsese G, Figueroa C, Zabirowicz E. Prone Compressions in a Coronavirus 2019 Intensive Care Patient. ASA 2020
- Seiter C, Kim B, Zabirowicz E, Poppers J. Anesthetic Considerations and Alternatives for a Patient with Severe Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Presenting for Orthopedic Surgery. ASA 2021
- Mena S, Poppers J, Zabirowicz E. Severe Mitral Valve Regurgitation After Tricuspid Valve Replacement. PGA 2021
- Seiter C, Mironis A, Balaguer J, Zabirowicz E, Poppers J. Non-Bacterial
- Thrombotic Endocarditis Precipitating Acute Embolic Stroke Following COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report
. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists 2022
- Elias M, Kim EK, Zabirowicz E. Perioperative Management of a Patient with Factor VII Deficiency Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. ASA 2023