
Helpful info about Anesthesiology internet pages.

General info about images
  1. Adjustment of the image file may be necessary. On my mac, i use, PC's probably have apps to crop, modify brightness and contrast, change size.
    • Crop the image to remove background so that people in the image are more prominent
    • Adjust brightness and contrast if needed
    • Adjust size. Most images are 72dpi. Image width of 1000 px is usually sufficient.
  2. Import image to server by editing ANY webpage (most likely the page you want to insert image on, but it can be any page), scroll down to images section and "add a new file".
  3. Select image file from your computer.
  4. You must provide an "alternative text" when uploading a new image. It allows you to give a description of the image to someone whose browser cannot show the image. If you don't provide this, you will be reminded when you try to save page.
  5. Image is saved automatically.
  6. I avoid using the "Insert" button. This will place the code for the image wherever the cursor happens to be.
  7. Right click on the image file name to copy image address and then paste into img tag

    <img src="" alt="alternate text">
  8. The image can be used on any webpage using the method above, or by right clicking the image you want and copying the image address.
  9. If you import a second, third, ... image with the same file name, "_0, _1, ..." will be appended to the file on the server and both versions will be available for use. Images never seem to get deleted from server unless you ask IT to do so

New Faculty
  1. Create new page: Content > Add Content > Page
  2. Title: FirstName LastName, Degrees
  3. Division: Anesthesiology
  4. Content Owner:name of person creating page
  5. url alias: /anesthesiology/faculty/LastName
  6. Text format: code view only
  7. Copy/paste code for template below
  8. Comment out any sections that have no content
    Any code or text placed in between these entities is considered to be a comment and is ignored by browsers
  9. Fill in sections with known content
  10. Attach image file as described in General info about images
  11. Save
  12. go to Faculty page /anesthesiology/dept/faculty and edit
  13. find alphabetical position for new faculty, copy the code between the row tags ( <tr> ... </tr>) from the person above
  14. paste at position of new faculty
  15. change link, name and rank
  16. change "updated" date near top of page
  17. save
  18. go to the appropriate Division page and enter the name and link for new faculty member, save
  19. enter new faculty member info into department members spreadsheet
***** Start of Faculty Template Code (click in box, select all, copy and paste)

***** End of Faculty Template Code
***** Start of Faculty Template in Browser View
Assistant/Associate Professor
Phone: 631-444-2975
Stony Brook Medicine Profile
  • Education   
  • Research Interests   
  • Awards, Honors, Professional Appointments   
  • Publications   
  • Book Chapters   
  • Authors. Title. In: Book info
  • Recent Presentations   
  • Authors. Title Meeting info

photo by Jeanne Neville

***** End of Faculty Template in Browser View

Newsletter: basic structure, no articles
  1. Create new page: Content > Add Content > Page
  2. Title: SleepTalker Month Year
  3. Division: Anesthesiology
  4. Content Owner:name of person creating page
  5. url alias: /anesthesiology/newsletter/MonthYear eg: January2023
  6. Text format: code view only
  7. Copy/paste code for template below
  8. Update Volume, Number, Month - I had been increasing volume # every 6 months, harking back to what I remember some journals doing. December 2022 was Volume 38 Number 6. January 2023 would be Volume 39 Number 1. But that all can be changed to suit your preferences.
  9. Save
  10. Click "Unpublish" leave unpublished until in final form
  11. Note: javascript on top of code provides convenient formatting info. Most of this will already be in the article template. The useful one will be "" which I use to make the name of department members bold and "stony brook red". It is available to use on most of the departmental web pages. The way to use it is
    <span class="name">George Washington </span> to get George Washington
***** Start of Newsletter Template Code (click in box, select all, copy and paste)

***** End of Newsletter Template Code
***** Start of Newsletter Template in Browser View
Volume VOLUME# Number NUMBER# Stony Brook, NY  <       CURRENT_MONTH YEAR     
sbm Read on Web Donate
SleepTalker, the Stony Brook Anesthesiology Newsletter is published by the Department of Anesthesiology
Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook, NY
Syed Shah, MD, Interim Chairman
Editorial Board: James P. Dilger, PhD; Murad Elias, MD
***** End of Newsletter Template in Browser View

Newsletter: article
  1. Put cursor at html location where you want the article to be
  2. Copy/paste code for template below
  3. Indexing (table of contents). On line 1 of template, make a convenient name for "InsertForEmailIndex" and use the same name for "InsertIDforIndex" on line 2. The former, provides a way to link articles within the email version of the newsletter. The latter, for the web version. We'll do more with this at step 5.
  4. Replace "INSERT_HEADLINE" with the actual headline
  5. Scroll up to the index/ table of contents part of the code. Insert the name used above for "InsertIDforIndex" into "InsertID1forIndex" (keep the # sign and quotes), Insert the headline name into the table of contents.
  6. Scroll back down to the article. Provide byline (author) if appropriate, type paragraphs as needed. The only difference between PARAGRAPH1 and LAST PARAGRAPH is the double "br" (line break) between paragraphs but not needed after last paragraph.
  7. If photos are going to be included, see instructions for inserting photos.
  8. I have been alternating white and gray backgrounds for each paragraph. The default is white. To change to gray, look at line 2 and replace white with gray. Then go to 5 lines from bottom and replace white with gray. This last bit of code provides an arrow with a link that lets the reader go back to the table of contents after reading the article.
  9. save

***** Start of Newsletter Article Template Code (click in box, select all, copy and paste)

***** End of Newsletter Article Template Code
***** Start of Newsletter Article Template in Browser View


***** End of Newsletter Article Template in Browser View

Centered Photo
  1. Put cursor at html location where you want the photo to be
  2. Copy/paste code for template below
  3. Insert url for photo
  4. Adjust size if wanted
  5. Add caption if wanted
***** Start of Centered photo Template Code

***** End of Centered photo Template Code
***** Start of Centered photo Template in Browser View

Washington Crossing the Delaware
***** End of Centered photo Template in Browser View

Right Photo
  1. Put cursor at html location before the paragraph where you want the photo to be
  2. Copy/paste code for template below
  3. Insert url for photo
  4. Adjust size if wanted
  5. Add caption if wanted
***** Start of Right photo Template Code

***** End of Right photo Template Code
***** Start of Right photo Template in Browser View

A Lincoln (1812-1865)
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

***** End of Right photo Template in Browser View

  1. Upon receiving publication alert email from PubMed, follow link to PubMed, log into PubMed, Click "Send to" > "Collections" > "Stony Brook Anesthesiology". This adds the publication to the full departmental list on PubMed.
  2. Return to alert email from PubMed, select/copy text as shown below
  3. Open Publications Google Sheet
  4. Scroll to end of entries, Edit > Paste Special ... > Values only
  5. Copy individual fields to appropriate column. Omit final "period" from title and authors, omit "doi" info from reference, just copy the pubmed id number into column G
  6. Add year (calendar), academic year, and article type
  7. Copy columns I, K, L from previous row to current row. "I" contains the "full reference", this is used in the PACE google sheet. "K" contains the html code needed to insert publication into "Publications" webpage. "L" contains the html code needed to insert publication into newsletter and individual faculty pages.