Volume 39 Number 5 | Stony Brook, NY | < November 2023 > |
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Stony Brook Anesthesiology at the ASA
![]() ![]() Dr. Bharthi Scott was cited for her quick response in a recent case. ![]() ![]() Dr. Zhaosheng (Jims) Jin was elected as the Senior Co-Editor of ASA Monitor’s Residents’ Review and Dr. Vincent Bargnes was elected as Junior Co-Editor. Congratulations! ![]() ![]() Dr. Srinivas Pentyala been selected as a finalist for the SBU YOU Award (Wolfie’s Positive Paw Award) in the 2023 Stony Awards. This award celebrates University employees who exemplify or inspire the positive behaviors and beliefs that embody the mission and values of Stony Brook. Congratulations! |
Drs. Oster and Patel Elected to NYSSA District 8 Offices
![]() The membership of NYSSA District 8 elected Dr. Jonathan B. Oster as Alternate Director and Dr. Ami Patel as Secretary Treasurer at their meeting on November 7. Congratulations! Click here for more photos courtesy of Drs. Costa, Landman, Poovathoor, Jasiewicz, and Shah. ![]() |
Dr. Richman Retires
Dr. Deborah Richman, Director of Preoperative Services has retired from clinical practice after 18 years of service to the Department of Anesthesiology. It is actually semi-retirement, as she will continue in a teaching role as voluntary faculty here at Stony Brook Medicine. Dr. Richman joined our department in 2005. Dr. Peter Glass (Chairman at that time) asked her to direct and improve the department's Preoperative Services Clinic. She took on this task eagerly and expertly. Dr. Richman organized and trained her team, which is comprised of many healthcare workers, including residents and CRNAs. She worked diligently to maximize patient safety and quality care, minimize patient distress and unnecessary costs, and provide anesthesiologists with thorough preoperative evaluations prior to the OR. In her many years as Director of Preoperative Services, day-of-surgery cancellations decreased from 8% in 2006 to <1.1%. ![]() ![]() Click here for more photos from the retirement party We wish Deborah and Paul a happy retirement and hope they have many adventures with traveling, boating, visiting family, and the occasional teaching stint! |
ASRA Pain Medicine Meeting
![]() Medically Challenging Cases
Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2023
![]() Abstracts
Dr. Costa Joins SleepTalker Editorial Board
![]() I am delighted to write that Dr. Ana Costa accepted my invitation to join the Editorial Board of SleepTalker! Over the past few months, Ana has helped me in several ways and I thought that it was only right that she should be recognized for this. This month alone, she sent me photos from the NYSSA meeting and from Lindsay Fischer's marathon run. Ana also contributed to the article about Dr. Richman's retirement. Welcome, Ana! |
Behind the Pub: Traumatic carotid artery injury
Ehab Al-Bizri, MD Tsivitis A, Kozlowski P, Corrado T, Chesler D, Moore R, Al-Bizri E. Traumatic carotid artery injury caused by a metal sipping straw in a pediatric patient: Anesthetic management and considerations. Trauma Case Rep. 2023 Oct 20;48:100965 ![]() Figure from Tsivitis et al, 2023 In our case report, we discuss how anesthetic management played a vital part in this outstanding outcome. Our concerns included: hemodynamic management, fluid management, and intracranial pressure. Unlike for adults, there are no clear trends or guidelines for managing children with penetrating neck injury. However, basic neuro-anesthetic principles extrapolated from adult literature, translated to an optimal outcome in this pediatric patient. Clearly, there are knowledge gaps in the evidence-based anesthetic care of pediatric patients undergoing endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke, necessitating further clinical investigation. |
Richman Family News
Deborah C. Richman, MBChB FFA(SA) My husband, Paul, and I have much to celebrate!
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NYC Marathon!
CRNA Lindsay Fischer ran the 2023 NYC Marathon last weekend! Congratulations!! ![]() ![]() |
New Publications
Where on Campus is That?
Synaptic Communication: OMG More Wordle Stuff!
James P. Dilger, PhD Last month I wrote about my Retirement Project regarding Wordle, the popular word game found in the New York Times (and can be played in at least 50 different languages on different sites!). In my exposé, I revealed that every day some 0.1-0.5% of players cheat when they "solve" the puzzle in one try. But my analysis of Wordle went beyond cheating and dealt with "loyalty" and "influence" as well. Influence is this month's topic. The number 1 starting guess in “normal” mode Wordle is consistently ADIEU with a Share of just under 8%. The appeal of ADIEU may be that it assays 4 vowels in one go. ADIEU has not been the target word yet, but it had a sudden surge in popularity on August 15 (see figure). So far, much of this change has persisted. A likely explanation comes from observation that the August 15 NYT Mini Crossword clue for 6 across was “most popular starting guess in Wordle” and, of course, the answer was ADIEU. This seems to have inspired about 30,000 players to abandon whatever opening strategy they had been using and follow the crowd. ADIEU also spiked on August 30. Again, it was not the target word, but that was the day for AUDIO. Were players especially fond of words with 4 vowels that day? Actually, some websites that offer "hints" (read "cheats") for players, reveal the starting letter and/or the number of vowels in the target word. Oh, and that tiny spike on October 17 - the target word was ADULT. Whaddya think? ![]() Hard core Wordle aficionados may recall the infamous Thanksgiving Day Scandal in 2022. The target word that day turned out to be FEAST. The NYT Wordle Curator was accused of meddling with the Wordle word list to fit the season. She eventually owned up to the crime and promised to not be a repeat offender. Apparently, the CROWN and LABOR crowd didn't get the memo! On the other hand, Wordle is just a game. If you want to spice it up with a timely starting word, go for it! |
Monthly Muscle Chillaxant
Caroline Menezes
![]() Anesthesiology Department Staff in Halloween Spirit Sunitha Singh, Denise Dougherty, Dr. Syed Shah, Dawn Kane, Donna Ferrer, and Lisa Undari |
SleepTalker, the Stony Brook Anesthesiology Newsletter is published by the Department of Anesthesiology
Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook, NY Syed Shah, MD, Interim Chairman Editorial Board: James P. Dilger, PhD; Ana Costa, MD; Murad Elias, MD; Vincent Bargnes, MD |