SleepTalker July 2022

Volume 38 Number 1 Stony Brook, NY  <       July 2022       > 
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Graduation Awards Fellowships Welcome CA1, DA2
Women's Anesthesia Division Pain Session SleepTalker Editorial Board Alumni News
Dr. Mustahsan Defense Dr. Enikolopov Grant Dr. Pentyala Grant New Publications
Where on Campus is That? Yoga Monthly Muscle Chillaxant
Resident Graduation 2022

   The Resident Class of 2022 has graduated! Congratulations to all! Be sure to view the photos and video of graduation.

Saamia Alam, MD
Cardiac Anesthesiology Fellowship, Montefiore Medical Center

Lucas Bracero, MD
Pain Fellowship, Cornell

Carlos Figueroa, MD
Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship, Hofstra

Ramanjot Kang, MD
Pain Fellowship, Cornell

Ishu Kant, MD
Pain Fellowship, Mt. Sinai West

Benjamin Kim, MD
Pain Fellowship, Mt. Sinai

Ashley Mathew, MD
Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship, DC Childrens

Karim Shuaib, MD
Obstetric Anesthesiology Fellowship, Columbia Presbyterian

Elizabeth Watson, MD
Pain Fellowship, Stony Brook Medicine

Albert Xiao, MD
Private Practice, Texas

Sarah Lee, DDS and Benjamin Statman, DMD
Mobile Dental Anesthesiology of NY and Smile MD, Cleveland, OH

Grace Lin, DMD
Northeast Dental Anesthesia Associates, Boston

Cuong Nguyen, DDS
Carepoint Anesthesia, Grand Rapids, Michigan

The following awards were announced at graduation:

Saamia Alam, MD, Chief Resident 2021-2022
Lucas Bracero, MD, Chief Resident 2021-2022
Ashley Mathew, MD, Chief Resident 2021-2022
Karim Shuaib, MD, Chief Resident 2021-2022
Sarah Lee, DDS, Chief Dental Anesthesia Resident 2021-2022
Benjamin Statman, DDS, Chief Dental Anesthesia Resident 2021-2022
Saamia Alam, MD, Resident of the Year 2022
Grace Lin, DDS, Dental Anesthesia Resident of the Year 2022
Giacomo Scorsese, DO, Resident Teacher of the Year for Medical Students 2022
Jerry Cuenca, MD, CA-1 Team Player of the Year 2022
Ming Zhu, MD, CA-1 Team Player of the Year 2022
Elliot Turkiew, MD, CA2 Team Player of the Year 2022
Carlos Figueroa, MD, CA-3 Team Player of the Year 2022
Cuong Nguyen, DDS, Dental Anesthesia Resident Team Player of the Year 2022
Daryn Moller, MD, Attending Teacher of the Year 2022
Shaji Poovathoor, MD, Attending Teacher of the Year 2022
Jeremy Poppers, MD, Attending Teacher of the Year 2022
William Caldwell, DO, Attending Teacher of the Year for Medical Students 2022
Joy Schabel, MD, Attending Teacher of the Year for Medical Students 2022
Jeremy Poppers, MD, Attending Teacher of the Year for Medical Students 2022
   Congratulations to the CA-3 Residents who have matched for Fellowships in 2023-24!

Dr. Giacomo Scorsese, Cardiac Anesthesiology Fellowship, Mount Sinai Medical Center, NYC

Dr. Christopher Seiter, Cardiac Anesthesiology Fellowship, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Dr. Aria Shafai, Obstetric Anesthesiology Fellowship, Columbia Presbyterian

Dr. Elliot Turkiew, Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship, Columbia Presbyterian
Welcome CA-1 and DA-2 Residents!

Carolina Aravera, MD
Medical School: Boston University School of Medicine
Hobbies: Dancing, Learning guitar, Traveling, Arts and crafts, Puzzles

Justin Bell, MD
Medical School: Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook
Hobbies: Model aviation, Building computers, Boating

Adam Bindelglass, MD
Medical School: Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook
Hobbies: Skiing, Rollerblading, Hiking, Cooking, Roman history

Xin Chen, MD
Medical School: Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook
Hobbies:Yoga (class leader), Meditation, Hiking, Camping, Crocheting, Knitting, Sewing clothes (Co-President of SB Stitchers)

Murad Elias, MD
Medical School: New York Medical College
Hobbies: Soccer, Photography, Travel (Iceland 2018 and Spain 2019), Circassian Dance coach

Youssef Fardos, MD
Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine
Hobbies: Table tennis, Cooking, Paintballing, Mountain biking, Volleyball, Swimming and Basketball

Joseph Fiola, MD
Medical School: Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook
Hobbies: eBay business, Investing, Birdwatching, Cooking, Fitness, Music (violinist and choir singer)

Lamberta Ghaly, MD
Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine
Hobbies: Cooking, Biking, Trying new DIY projects

Daniel Mattimore, MD
Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine
Hobbies: Hiking (Appalachian Train and Colorado Trail), Basketball, Ancient history, Tutoring/teaching

Alina Razak, MD
Medical School: Boston University School of Medicine
Hobbies: Unwinding with Yin Yoga, Discovering podcasts, Embroidery, Crochet, Origami

Daniel Lim, DMD
Dental School: Tufts University

Ty Mays, DDS
Dental School: University of Oklahoma

Aaron Sigona, DDS
Dental School: University of Buffalo

Gregory Winter, DDS
Dental School: University of Maryland
Division News: Women's Anesthesia
Tiffany E. Angelo, D.O., FASA

   My division was lucky to attend and present at SOAP, the Society of Obstetrics and Perinatology in May. Our presenters, Dr. Karim Shuaib - who is headed off to become an Obstetric Anesthesia Fellow at Columbia, and Dr. Morgane Giordano-Factor, who substituted in for our resident Dr. Victoria Nguyen, to present some very challenging cases that we cared for on Labor and Delivery. We had a wonderful experience learning about all the new cutting edge science in OB Anesthesia and meeting up with our friends and mentors from our past.

Shuaib K, Koh J, Factor M, Angelo TE, Daoud DE. Anesthetic Management of a Parturient with a Syringo-Pleural Shunt.

Nguyen V, Daoud BE, Angelo TE, Factor MG. Anesthetic Management of a Parturient with a Congenital Factor VII Deficiency.
Pain Simulation Session
Ramanjot Kang, MD

   Dr. William Caldwell hosted a simulation session earlier this month at the Pain Center teaching residents about vertebral disc access and the discussed the ViaDisc procedure. We had a great turnout that included some of our recent graduates going into pain fellowships this summer and some of our new residents just starting their clinical anesthesia year.
SleepTalker Editorial Board
James P. Dilger, PhD

   I am pleased to welcome CA-1 resident Dr. Murad Elias to the Editorial Board of SleepTalker! Murad will be a Liaison between the Residents and the rest of the Editorial Board. Noting that photography is one of his hobbies, I expect that we will sometime see the world through his eyes! I am looking forward to working with him!

   I am grateful to Dr. Ramanjot Kang for his service on the SleepTalker Editorial Board for the past three years! He wrote articles, took photos and insured that I didn't commit any faux pas in our monthly Newsletter. I wish him and Amneet the best in their future!

   As an aside, I think that Ramanjot should have received an award this year for CA-3 Academic Productivity - at last count, he co-authored 37 poster presentations, 9 oral presentations, 2 book chapters, and 2 manuscripts during his four years at Stony Brook!
Alumni News

   Here's a "Life After SB" update from Chris Gallagher

   Daughter Rachel got married on Zoom (alas, Covid), currently living on Vancouver Island with husband Marc Burns, a computer guy (so Rachel married someone quite unlike her techno-inept father)

   Here's links to three books I've written during retirement, so far, all have kept a safe distance from the New York Times Bestseller List.
   • Wretire Wrong
   • The Un-presidential Big Li(e)brary: A coloring book Paperback
   • Brave New MAGA World: How We Got Here

   I continue my pursuit of excellence in tennis, keyword pursuit (not capture).

   Sundry organ systems, joints, and cognitive skills are crumbling like a house of cards in a Cat 5 hurricane but I have so far avoided embalming fluid, so there is that.

   Best to all at Stony Brook! Cheers from Retirementville,
Vamiq Mustahsan, PhD
Srinivas Pentyala, PhD

   Vamiq Mustahsan, has been working with me on developing biocompatible and biomimetic artificial bone for the past 5 years. Vamiq successfully defended his PhD thesis and was conferred PhD for his work on “Mechanical Engineering and Medical Research in Customized Bone Tumor Resection and Bone Reconstruction”. Vamiq under the guidance of me (Anesthesiology), Dr. Fazal Khan (Orthopedics), Dr. Imin Kao (Mechanical Engineering) and Dr. David Komatsu (Orthopedics) has successfully validated (1) 3D-printed customized cutting guides for bone tumor resection, (2) performed kinematic modeling and error analysis for positioning the cutting-guide during surgery, (3) developed an intraoperative technique to accurately position cutting guides, (4) used optical imaging and special sensors to reduce the error margins of bone resection, and (5) created biomimetic and biocompatible bone implants using FDA approved MED610 implantable material. Vamiq also showed that osteogenic peptide treated, stem cell seeded, artificial bone scaffolds have the ability to promote bone growth ectopically in a mouse muscle-pouch model, which allows these scaffolds to become effective implants replacing damaged bone. Vamiq will be joining his wife in Boston, where she is a medical resident. Vamiq will be working in Biotech industry. Our best wishes and Good luck to Vamiq and his family.
Dr. Enikolopov Awarded NIH Grant
Grigori Enikolopov, PhD

   We were just awarded a R01 new grant from the National Institute on Aging for 5 years beginning this month. The title is "Endogenous barcoding to determine complex dynamics of adult neurogenesis in aging and Alzheimer's disease".

   Both Alzheimer's disease and normal aging are associated with a dramatic decrease in the production of new neurons in the hippocampus and this decrease may underlie the associated cognitive impairments. Slowing or even reversing this decrease may be important for addressing the cognitive decline due to old age or disease. We have recently developed a new approach for studying the birth of new neurons from stem cells, and we will now apply this approach to determine the trajectory of neurogenesis while it is compromised by aging and Alzheimer's disease.

   Our manuscript, "Synthetic Thymidine Analog Labeling without Misconceptions", was recently published in Cells. Sheed Itaman, a graduate student working in our lab, is one of the co-authors. Researchers often find it useful to tag proliferating cells with thymidine. However, these compounds may be cytotoxic. We found, for example, that some of these compounds can affect body weight during post-natal development. Our results indicate the potential caveats in labeling the replicating DNA using thymidine analogs and suggest guidelines for applying this approach.
Dr. Pentyala Awarded Grant
James P. Dilger, PhD

   Dr. Srinivas Pentyala procured NY State Applied Research and Development (ARaD) program funding for his proposal “Rapid trace biomarkers detection device for urologic diseases and conditions”. This will be match funded 1:1 by industry (L2P Research) to commercialize this technology. Many biomarkers are known to be secreted in urine, however due to their secretion in trace amounts and technical limitations of existing detection methods, exploitation of urine biomarkers in diagnosis and prognosis is limited. Furthermore, most urine based diagnostic devices focus on using minimal sample volume. To overcome these limitations, Srini’s group designed a device that offers a rapid, cost-effective and point-of-care detection of trace biomarkers in large volumes of urine. This device consists of a detection cassette sandwiched between two chambers and when sample in the top chamber flows to the bottom chamber through the cassette, potentially every single molecule of biomarker is sequestered, increasing the sensitivity beyond current limits of detection.
   Srini’s lab developed this technology based on the idea conceived by Sahana (Srini’s daughter). I had the opportunity to advice Sahana on this project when she was working in our department labs as an undergrad and grad student. (Sahana – recently married - is a Board certified mental health therapist working in a busy practice in Smithtown, NY). Intellectual Property Partners of Stony Brook University filed a utility patent on this novel biomarker detection device (US Patent application No.: 20190329242, Inventors: Pentyala & Pentyala). Earlier this year, Srini and industry partner (CVD Equipment) were funded two NIH-SBIR grants related to ECMO and a third NIH-SBIR grant has been selected for funding this month. With the ARaD funding, Srini has been successful in procuring Federal (NIH-SBIR), State (NY-ARaD) and Industry (CVD equipment & L2P Research) funding this year.
New Publications

Ivanova et al 2022
  • Neuman MD, Feng R, Ellenberg SS, Sieber F, Sessler DI, Magaziner J, Elkassabany N, Schwenk ES, Dillane D, Marcantonio ER, Menio D, Ayad S, Hassan M, Stone T, Papp S, Donegan D, Marshall M, Jaffe JD, Luke C, Sharma B, Azim S, Hymes R, Chin KJ, Sheppard R, Perlman B, Sappenfield J, Hauck E, Hoeft MA, Tierney A, Gaskins LJ, Horan AD, Brown T, Dattilo J, Carson JL; REGAIN (Regional versus General Anesthesia for Promoting Independence after Hip Fracture) Investigators*. Pain, Analgesic Use, and Patient Satisfaction With Spinal Versus General Anesthesia for Hip Fracture Surgery : A Randomized Clinical Trial. Ann Intern Med. 2022 Jun 14.
  • Tang SJ. Reactive astrocytes in pain neural circuit pathogenesis. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2022 Jun 16;75
  • Watson Z, Tang SJ. Aberrant Synaptic Pruning in CNS Diseases: A Critical Player in HIV-Associated Neurological Dysfunction?. Cells. 2022 Jun 16;11(12):1943
  • Ivanova A, Gruzova O, Ermolaeva E, Astakhova O, Itaman S, Enikolopov G, Lazutkin A. Synthetic Thymidine Analog Labeling without Misconceptions. Cells. 2022 Jun 10;11(12):1888
Where on Campus is That?

James P. Dilger, PhD

Visit the Where on Campus is That? webpage!
Yoga with Christine

Date: Thursday, July 21, 2022
Time: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Place: Anesthesiology Large Conference Room 4-085
Space is limited. To reserve your spot, please contact
Christine at

What are some benefits of practicing yoga?
 • Increased flexibility
 • Improves energy levels
 • Weight reduction
 • Mental clarity, calmness and relaxation of the mind.

What should I bring?
  Everyone will need to bring their own yoga mat, towel, and water.

What should I expect?
  Each class is 6o minutes. We will start class with a breathing exercise to calm the body and mind, to create a sense of peacefulness in the room. From there, we will move through a variety of yoga postures.

What if I’ve never practiced yoga before?
  If this is your first class, it’s important to listen to your body and go at your own pace. Remember, you never want to force a posture, we are all different and need to respect where we are in the moment. Every practice is different.
Monthly Muscle Chillaxant
James P. Dilger, PhD

Happy 246th Birthday USA!
SleepTalker, the Stony Brook Anesthesiology Newsletter is published by the Department of Anesthesiology
Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook, NY
Tong Joo Gan, MD, MHS, FRCA, MBA, Chairman
Editorial Board: James P. Dilger, PhD; Stephen A. Vitkun, MD, MBA, PhD; Marisa Barone-Citrano, MA; Murad Elias, MD