Volume 27 Number 6 | Stony Brook, NY | < June 2017 > |
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Academic Research Evening | Dr. Pasternack | STARS | Kudos |
Family News | May Meetings | SOAP Meeting | Chief Resident Spotlight! |
New Publications | Where is That? | Photography Corner | Monthly Muscle Chillaxant |
![]() The 2017 Peter Glass Academic Research Evening took place on Thursday, May 11, 2017 at the Wang Center. It was a wonderful success! The event began with two, judged, Poster Discussion Sessions. The presenters at the Clinical Sciences session were Dr. Elliott Bennett-Guerrero, Dr. Ramon Abola, Dr. Ana Costa (two posters) and Dr. Ruth Reinsel (standing in for CA-2 Resident Dr. Kseniya Khmara who was at a fellowship interview). At the Basic Sciences Session, we heard from Mr. Gregory Carbonetti (a graduate student in Dr. Martin Kaczocha's lab), Dr. Martin Kaczocha, Dr. Yugie Huang (a dental student working in Dr. Jun Lin's lab), Mr. Richard Keegan (a graduate student in Dr. Joshua Dubnau's lab) and Dr. Yung-Hang Chang (a postdoc in Dr. Dubnau's lab). Another 35 posters, were presented by various members of the department including residents, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students. This poster session attracted much interest and was accompanied by light refreshments. Our attention then shifted to the Lecture Hall for the keynote address by Dr. Mark Newman, the Merel H. Harmel Professor of Anesthesiology at Duke University and President of the Duke Private Diagnostic Clinic. He presented an engaging address "Managing for Outcome: Strategies for Prevention of Perioperative Neurological Injury", that outlined both the history and current understanding of the field. ![]() It was then time for the announcement of the prize winners! Customarily, winners have been awarded funds to attend a scientific or medical meeting; the funds being drawn from the endowment account that was set up by the faculty when Dr. Peter Glass stepped down as Chairman. But this year, there was a new prize incentive. Each winner received $1000 cash. Moreover, Dr. Peter Glass announced that he would personally fund attendance at a meeting for each winner! I have kept you in suspense for too long, though. The winner of the Basic Science prize was Mr. Gregory Carbonetti. The winner of the Clinical Science prize was Dr. Ana Costa. And the winner of the Resident's prize was Dr. Kseniya Khmara. Congratulations to all! ![]() The Evening concluded with a scrumptious buffet dinner and another opportunity to visit the posters and talk with the participants. Please take a look at the photos from the Evening! We are grateful to the distinguished judges who donated their time and expertise: Ramin Parsey, MD, PhD, (Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychiatry), Michael Frohman, M.D, Ph.D. (Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacological Sciences), Javed Butler, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA, Professor, Department of Medicine, Division Chief, Cardiology, Co-Director, Heart Institute) and Ira S. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D. (Leading Professor of Physiology & Biophysics, and Professor of Medicine, Heart Institute Director). Basic Science Posters (* Denotes Poster/Discussion)
• Amelchenko E, Lazutkin A, Castaneda RM, Osten P, Enikolopov G. Ketamine and its metabolite hydroxynorketamine induce plasticity-related changes in the mouse brain as revealed by the whole-brain imaging approach
* Carbonetti G, Peng X, Wilpshaar T, D’Oelsnitz S, Kaczocha M. Transport of Endogenously Lipids by FABP5 Leads to Increased prostate Cancer Aggression * Chang Y-H, Dubnau J. Retrotransposon/ERV Activation leads to TDP-43 mediated neurodegenerative propagation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis • Elmes MW, Sweeney JM, Joseph OM, Carbonetti GS, Tong S, Yan S, Hu K, Hsu H-C, Li H, Rizzo RC, Ojima I, Deutsch DG, Kaczocha M. Towards a new class of antinociceptive drug: Development of fatty acid binding protein inhibitors to alter the endocannabinoid tone • Fletcher T, Boyd M, Podgorny O, Yu M, Kaczocha M, Makaryus R. Effects of neonatal anesthesia on the developing brain, and possible prevention by cannabadiol. • He J, Zhu J ,Ma L, Rebecchi MJ, Liu L. Age-associated cardioprotection differences by GSK-3β inhibitor in rat heart: Effects on autophagy pathways * Huang Y, Li R, Dilger J, Lin J. Comparing propofol and volatile anesthetics on post-surgical metastases in an orthotopic breast cancer model * Keegan RM, Chang YH, Dubnau J. The Retrotransposon Storm: Endogenous Retroviruses as Infectious Agents? • Krupp S, Chang YH, Keegan R, Dubnau J. A"model"for"Traumatic"Brain"Injury"induced"neurodegeneration"in"Drosophila • Lampasona A, Kevin Czaplinski K. Hnrnpab regulates Neural Cell motility through the expression of the EPS8 gene • Li R, Huang Y, Dilger J, Lin J. Local Anesthetics Did Not Induce Significant Changes to the Viability or Migration of Breast Cancer MDA-MB-231 Cells at Anti-Arrhythmia Plasma Concentrations • Liu H, Huang Y, Li R, Dilger J, Lin J. Effect of Propofol on Breast Cancer Cell Viability and Lung Metastasis • Lu Y, Kim S, Azim A, Puopolo M, Rebecchi M. Contributions of Hypothalamic A11 Dopaminergic neurons to Descending Modilation of Pain • Lu Y, Rebecchi M, Puopolo M. Ionic Mechanisms underlying spontaneous firing of nociceptors after spinal cord injury * Luk J, Kanjiya MP, Komatsu D, Uddin S, Studholme K, Lu Y, Ackermann A, Rebecchi M, Kaczocha M. Targeting Endocannabinoid Metabolism for the Treatment of Postsurgical Pain • Makaryus R, Podgorny O, Yu M, Jan A, Enikolopov G. Identifying changes in neurogenesis after neonatal anesthesia exposures. (Methods) • Mustahsan V, Palati S, Pfail J, Parmar S, Pentyala S, Kao I, Komatsu D, Pentyala S. Osteogenic peptide enhanced biomimetic bone graft. • Podgornyi O, Itaman S, Enikolopov G. New S phase labeling paradigms for advanced analysis of stem cell proliferative behavior in the adult hippocampus. • Shih M-F, Henry GL, Dubnau J. Single cell RNA sequencing the fly memory circuit Clinical Science Posters (* Denotes Poster/Discussion)
• Abola R, Kent M, Feldman L, Shaw A, Bennett-Guerrero E and the Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) II Workgroup. American Society for Enhanced Recovery (ASER) and Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) Joint Consensus Statement on Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) within an Enhanced Recovery Pathway
• Abola R, Rizwan S, Romeiser J, Bennett-Guerrero E. Pulmonary function, muscle strength, time to extubation and quality of recovery in the post anesthesia care unit after reversal of neuromuscular blockade with neostigmine or sugammadex • Adrahtas D, Azim S. 74 year old patient with a resting heart rate of 31 presenting for elective surgery: A case report abd anesthetic considerations * Bennett-Guerrero E, Romeiser J, Sasson A, DeMaria S, Afonso A, Yang J. General Anesthetics in CAncer REsection Surgery (GA-CARES) Trial: Pragmatic Randomized Trial of Propofol vs Volatile Inhalational Anesthesia * Costa A, Satalich J, Shodhan S, Al-Bizri E, Romeiser J, Abola R, Steinberg E, Bennett-Guerrero E. Incidence of post-dural puncture headache: a 10-year retrospective analysis of neuraxial anesthetics and post-dural puncture headaches in obstetric patients at a tertiary care hospital * Costa A, Satalich J, Shodhan S, Al-Bizri E, Romeiser J, Abola R, Steinberg E, Bennett-Guerrero E. Treatment of post-dural puncture headache: a 10-year retrospective analysis in obstetric patients at a tertiary care hospital • Fischl AM, Costa A. Nebulized Ketamine for an Elective Awake Intubation in a Known Difficult Airway • Georges R, Tan M, Palmieri M. Case Report: Medial Branch Block in a Patient with Von Willebrand's Disease with DDAVP Allergy • Gupta R, Reinsel RA, Josma J . Attitudes versus Practice in Career Development Guidance Programs during Anesthesia Residency Training • Gupta R, Reinsel RA. Career Development Guidance and Mentorship during Anesthesia Residency Training • Gupta R, Rizwan S, Poovathoor S, Park S, Bennett-Guerrero E. Effect of Deep versus Moderate Neuromuscular Blockade on Peak Airway Pressures During Elective Laparoscopic Surgery • Hua B, Poppers J. My Laparoscopic Appendectomy Patient has a LVAD, now what? * Jasiewicz R, Khmara K, Reinsel RA, DeCristofaro J, Mintzer J, Chandrakantan A, Jacob Z, Wasnick R, Seidman PA. TcCO2 Rather than EtCO2, is a Superior Measure of PvCO2 in the Infant Population • Khalili M, Oleszak P. Difficult Airway: A Unique Use of the C-MAC D-Blade • Lian XJ, Romeiser J, Kim E, Adsumelli R, Abola R, Gan TJ, Griffin T, Bennett-Guerrero E. Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Program in Minimally Invasive Gynecology Surgery: A Quality Assurance Project • Licata S, Abola R. Creation and Implementation of Anesthesia Patient Outcome Dashboards • Patel N, Jacob ZC, Reinsel RA, Fan R. Preliminary validation of transcutaneous CO2 monitoring in patients undergoing cardiac ablation using jet ventilation • Probst S, Colandra C, Davis R, Geralemou S, Page C, Corrado T, Andraous W. Enhanced Recovery Bundle for Lumbar Fusion – QA/QI collaborative effort between Neuroanesthesia and Neurosurgery • Hu LQ, Cai Z-Y, Wang DX, Stellaccio F, Qu Y. Rediscovering the Chinese pioneer of epidural labor analgesia, Dr. GuangBo Zhang (张光波), and her unpublished manuscript completed more than a half century ago • Sadean MR. Test Infusion of Propofol to determine the Initial Infusion Rate using the Marsh Pharmacokinetic Model with short thke0 for sedation • Shodhan S, Gupta R. Anesthetic Considerations in the Allgrove Patient • Shodhan S, Madariaga MC, Noll E Page CR, Santangelo D, Guo X, Al Bizri E, Pryor AD, Romeiser J, Abbott J, Rizwan S, Bennett-Guerrero E. Randomized controlled trial of acupressure to improve patient satisfaction and quality of recovery in hospital patients • Thalappillil R, Izrailtyan I, Mclarty A. Role of intraoperative TEE in identifying previously unrecognized RA thrombus prior to LVAD placement in patient with decompensated idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy • Varshney A, Noll E, Shodhan S, Gallagher C, Diemunsch P, Florence B, Romeiser J, Bennett-Guerrero E. Trainability of cricoid pressure force application: A simulation based study • Yuan D, Palmieri M. A case of bilateral sural neuropathy during pregnancy • Yuan DY, Deptula A, Manganas LN, Tsui P. A case of conversion disorder in the setting of unexplained chronic pain and nonepileptic seizure ![]() |
Dr. Ronald Jasiewicz was part of the team that performed surgery on non-identical triplet boys who all had craniosynostosis. The surgeries, done in January, were the topic of several television news segments in early May including this one from NBC. ![]() |
![]() Dr. Michelino Puopolo and Dr. Ramon Abola were named Associate Editors for BMC Anesthesiology Section on General Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics. |
![]() Dr. Srinivas Pentyala was awarded a grant from the Applied Research & Development Program (NY State Center for Biotechnology). The grant "Synthetic Osteogenic Peptide for Treatment of Osteoporosis", is an $80,000 award for one year beginning in July 2017. Stony Brook University Office of Technology Licensing entered into an agreement with Ajes Life Sciences to commercialize the osteogenic peptide discovered by Dr. Pentyala (US Patent: Polypeptide derived from Calcitonin receptors and methods of use). In addition, he will be working with Ajes Life Sciences for the next three years to develop osteoporosis therapeutics and biomimetic 3D bone implants. ![]() |
Sabeen Rizwan
Shyam Bhatt, a department research assistant, graduated from Stony Brook University earlier this month with a Bachelor’s of Science degree having completed a double major in Biology and Business Management and a minor in Asian Studies. Shyam has worked under my direct supervision for over two years on a variety of different clinical research and quality assurance projects here in the department. He has also assisted Dr. Martin Kaczocha in his lab working on some translational and basic science research. It has been a refreshing pleasure to work with a student who has a diverse set of interests but remains steadfast in his overarching goals. His high ambitions and strong determination will serve him well as he pursues his Masters in Public Health, this fall, at Yale School of Public Health. We wish him lots of luck (not that we think he needs it) in all his future endeavors. ![]() |
![]() The 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) was held in Bellevue, WA, a beautiful seaport suburb of Seattle, May 10-13. The region is known not only for it's spectacular views of the Puget Sound but also for the awesome views of the most dangerous volcano on earth, Mount Rainier. The region is experiencing a booming economy as the home of such multinational corporate giants as Microsoft, Boeing, Starbucks, Costco's and Amazon. ![]() On Wednesday morning, I attended the Patient Safety Workshop and found it to be innovative and eye-opening. I'll write more about this in the future. The most unique part of the meeting was Initiation of SOAP's Global outreach symposium, with over 50 Leading Anesthesiologist from mainland China in attendance. This was the largest number of Chinese obstetric anesthesiologist to ever visit the United States at one time and one place! The Chinese symposium on obstetric anesthesiology was on Wednesday. This symposium was the jump off point for the first simultaneous translation of the entire 49th SOAP meeting in both Mandarin and English! During this symposium and during the opening sessions of the meeting on Thursday, the attendees were treated to a four minute enchanting video of Dr. Guang Bo Zhang, the extant Chinese "Gertie Marx", addressing the meeting from Beijing. This video was initiated and produced by the No Pain Labor and Delivery - Global Health Initiative, of which I've been a member since 2009. ![]() The meeting was not all business. There was a great cocktail reception, the fun run, beer tasting, and the gala at the Bellevue Arts Museum. I have been a member of SOAP for over a quarter of a century; this was the best meeting with the largest Number of attendees I have ever had the pleasure to attend. SOAP 50 is expected to be even bigger and better. I hope to see you in Miami in May of next year. ![]() |
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Francis Stellaccio, MD![]() ![]() |
James P. Dilger, PhD![]() |
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SleepTalker, the Stony Brook Anesthesiology Newsletter is published by the Department of Anesthesiology
Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook, NY Tong Joo Gan, M.D., Chairman Editorial Board: James P. Dilger, Ph.D.; Stephen A. Vitkun, M.D., M.B.A., Ph.D.; Marisa Barone-Citrano, M.A.; Shivam Shodhan, M.D., M.B.A. |