SleepTalker March 2021

Volume 35 Number 3 Stony Brook, NY  <       March 2021       > 
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Dan Hughes (1949-2021) AT Program News WolfieTank Winner Medical Student Researchers
Biophysics 2021 Academic Research Evening 2021 Welcome Anesthesia Tech Peek Behind the Pub
Anesthesia Interest Groups CRNA News New Publications Where on Campus is That?
Monthly Muscle Chillaxant
Dan Hughes (1949-2021)

Chris Catania, Anesthesia Technician

  It is with profound sadness to say that Dan Hughes, one of our pioneer Anesthesia Technicians, passed away on February 25th, 2021 at the age of 71.
  Dan was the first lead tech in the Department of Anesthesiology, hired by John Fallon in the 1990s. He worked with the Founding Chairman, Dr. Paul Poppers, and thereafter with Dr. Peter Glass. As our department grew, it was his job to hire new anesthesia technicians. That was how I met Dan. I, and my fellow techs Lloyd, Joy and Rachel, worked together with Dan as a family. We always took care of each other. Our bond was not limited to work, we were as a family outside of work as well. Dan was a great human being. He loved to entertain, and always had great parties with his family and coworkers. He was always eager to help anyone in need. In 2015, he retired after 25 years of service to Stony Brook Hospital.
  Dan leaves behind his wife, son and two adoring grandchildren, Eden and Payton. Even when he was unwell, Dan was always there to help his friends and family when needed. Dan will be greatly missed!

AT Program News

  The Anesthesia Technology Program at Stony Brook was featured in the Spring 2021 issue of The Sensor, the Newsletter of ASAAT (the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians). The article, written by Dr. Deborah Zelizer, the Chair of Health Sciences, notes the unique aspects of the innovative program. "The AT program curriculum sequencing combines courses in the Health Science major with a clinical 9-month noncredit, non-degree certificate program. The other unique aspect is the AT program’s collaboration between School of Health Technology and Management’s, Health Science major; the Department of Anesthesiology, Renaissance School of Medicine; and Stony Brook University Hospital (SBUH)".
  The article cites the efforts of Dr. Peter Glass who first introduced the AT concept to the Department of Anesthesiology in 2000, and Dr. TJ Gan who continues to support the program by providing faculty members with the time to teach and lead in the AT program. The article highlights the contributions of Dr. Maria Lagade as Founding Program Director, and Dr. Stephen Vitkun as Co-Program Director and Medical Advisor. Dr. Vahe Tateosian, the AT Clinical Education Director has enhanced the quality of educational experience, by incorporating simulation education. AT Intern Preceptors/Clinical Coordinators Melissa Day, CRNA, CCRN and Shoba Sanu, CRNA oversee the day-to-day operations of the clinical rotations.

Team Wins WolfieTank Pitch Competition

Christopher Page, MD

  Dr. Lauren Maloney (Emergency Medicine) and I lead a "Medical Device Innovation Clinic". For two years, we have submitted proposals to the University's WolfiePack Pitch Competition. Last year, we entered the competition and won.

  WolfieTank is a pitch competition that "gives members of the Stony Brook community the opportunity to highlight their ideas in front of a group of entrepreneurs from the Long Island region." Out of the over twenty pitch ideas were submitted by students, faculty, and staff, and we were one of seven selected to present on February 24th. Our team was given seven minutes to deliver our pitch, and then had to field questions from the judges. Our entry "Ultrasound Simulation for Medical Training: Hocus POCUS" won first prize!
Medical School Students and Covid-19 Research
Elliott Bennett-Guerrero, MD

  Medical students (some MSTP) and graduate students have contributed to four recent publications related to COVID-19. The medical students are: Alex T. Freedenberg, Lillian R. Talbot, Jason A. Carter, Nicholas J. Browne, Megan E. Cosgrove, Margaret E. Shevik, Laura M. Generale, and Dishaw D. Holiprosad. Congratulations to all!

(in press) SARS-CoV-2 Convalescent Plasma vs. Standard Plasma in COVID-19 Infected Hospitalized Patients in New York; A Double-Blind Randomized Trial.
Elliott Bennett-Guerrero, MD; Jamie L. Romeiser, PHD; Lillian R. Talbot, BS; Tahmeena Ahmed, MD; Linda J. Mamone, MD; Sunitha M. Singh, MD; Janet C. Hearing, PhD; Huda Salman, MD PHD; Dishaw D. Holiprosad, BS; Alex T. Freedenberg, BS; Jason A. Carter, PhD; Nicholas J. Browne, BS; Megan E. Cosgrove, PhD; Margaret E. Shevik, BS; Laura M. Generale, BS; Margaret A. Andrew, BSN; Sharon Nachman, MD; Bettina C. Fries, MD; for the Stony Brook Medicine COVID Plasma Trial Group

Stony Brook Anesthesiology at the 2021 Biophysical Society Meeting

  • Shanawaz M, Dilger JP. When a gain becomes a loss: Gain-of-function glycine receptors and hyperekplexia.

Academic Research Evening 2021

Elliott Bennett-Guerrero, MD

  Due to COVID-19, the 2021 Dr. Peter S. A. Glass Academic Research Evening has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 14, 2021. Our Keynote speaker is still Pamela Flood, MD, MA, (Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford University).

Location: Stony Brook Medicine, MART Building
Time: 3:30pm- 8:30 pm

  We invite you to submit one or more abstracts of your research for this event. An email will be sent out during the summer detailing the abstract submission process and due date.

  On Wednesday, September 15, 2021 Steven Shafer, MD, (Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford University) will speak at our Department’s Grand Rounds from 7:00 am – 8:00 am.

Welcome Anesthesia Technician Alfredo Ventura

Melissa A. Day, MS, CRNA, CCRN

  Please join me in welcoming Alfredo Ventura, Anesthesia Technician to our Anesthesia Technician Team. Alfredo graduated with his Bachelor of Science in Health Science with a concentration in Anesthesia Technology from Stony Brook University in May 2019. He recently completed his Anesthesia Technician Internship in December 2020 and joined the Anesthesia Technician Team January 7, 2021.

  Welcome to our Anesthesia Technician Team Alfredo!!!

A Peek Behind the Publication

Natalia Peunova, PhD

  Our paper “nNOS Regulates Ciliated Cell Polarity, Ciliary Beat Frequency, and Directional Flow in Mouse Trachea” battled three sets of reviewers. It has swelled to 17 (seventeen!) composite (10-12 panels each) figures in the main text. There are also seven movies and other supplementary materials. The paper has finally been accepted to Life Science Alliance, a new, joint publication venture between Rockefeller, CSHL, and EMBO. We all are very happy that it has finally seen the daylight!

  Kudos and congratulations to my colleagues in the Anesthesiology Department:

Anatoly Michailik
Tatyana Michurina
Grigori Enikolopov
Vladimir Maxakov

This image shows severe loss of polarity and cilia growth in the nNOS KO mutants. Staining is for cilia - acetylated tubulin (green) and basal bodies - gamma tubulin (red).
Medical Student Anesthesia Interest Groups

Ursula Landman, DO

   CA-1 resident Dr Christopher Seiter spoke on February 2 to both the Stony Brook and the NYIT-COM Anesthesia Interest Group. He spoke about his COVID deployment and life as a resident. The students were very appreciative and enjoyed his talk as well as asked great questions afterwards. We have very enthusiastic groups of students this year which is fabulous for both groups.


Joseph Gnolfo III, DNP, MS, ACNP, CRNA

  I would like to welcome some of the new members of our staff. Some of them have been here for a few weeks already while some are joining this month.

Dominique (Nikke) Crisafi, CRNA is no stranger to Stony Brook. She worked in the Main OR as a Certified Surgical Technologist between 2012-2015. After obtaining her BS in Nursing at Stony Brook she was a Registered Nurse in our SICU and CTICU. She graduated from the Columbia University CRNA program last Fall.

Laurie Groth, CRNA obtained her BS in Nursing from Boston College. She worked for about five years at NYU Winthrop Hospital. She graduated from Columbia's CRNA program in 2019.

Shaleha Khalique, CRNA is a graduate of Stony Brook's Anesthesia Technician program. She then went on to the University of Rochester where she obtained her BS in Nursing. Last Fall, she graduated from Columbia's CRNA program.

Christine Morgan, CRNA is also a Stony Brook Nursing School graduate. She worked as an RN in Florida for several years before obtaining her CRNA from the University of South Florida in Tampa in December 2020.

Jismi Vathielil, CRNA obtained her BS in Nursing from the University of Miami. She worked as an RN in Orlando and then went on to Miami International University for her CRNA.

Karen Cunningham, CRNA received her BS in Nursing from the University of Miami. She graduated from SUNY Downstate's CRNA program. She has been working in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Karen is completing a Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice from Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Quiery, CRNA also studied at Stony Brook; obtaining a BS in Emergency and Critical Care and another BS in Nursing. He worked at various places on Long Island and Florida and has just completed his CRNA degree from the University of South Florida.

  I am also happy to welcome back three CRNAs who are returning to Stony Brook later this month. Welcome BACK to Michael Masseria, CRNA; Adrienne Clarke, CRNA; and Jennie Blaha, CRNA. It will be good to see you and work with you again!

New Publications

Figure from Talbot et al 2021

  • Naeem Z, Nie L, Drakos P, Yang J, Gan TJ, Pryor AD, Spaniolas K. The Relationship Between Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting and Early Self-Rated Quality of Life Following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy. J Gastrointest Surg. 2021 Feb 2
  • Carter JA, Freedenberg AT, Romeiser JL, Talbot LR, Browne NJ, Cosgrove ME, Shevik ME, Generale LM, Rago MG, Caravella GA, Ahmed T, Mamone LJ, Bennett-Guerrero E; Stony Brook Medicine COVID Plasma Trial Group. Impact of serological and PCR testing requirements on the selection of COVID-19 convalescent plasma donors. Transfusion. 2021 Feb 8
  • Nelson ER, Gan TJ, Urman RD. Predicting Postoperative Pain: A Complex Interplay of Multiple Factors. Anesth Analg. 2021 Mar 1;132(3):652-655
  • Jin Z, Kowa CY, Gan S, Lin J, Gan TJ. Efficacy of palonosetron-dexamethasone combination compared to palonosetron alone for prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting. Curr Med Res Opin. 2021 Feb 22:1
  • Asbun HJ, Abu Hilal M, Kunzler F, Asbun D, Bonjer J, Conlon K, Demartines N, Feldman LS, Morales-Conde S, Pietrabissa A, Pryor AD, Schlachta CM, Sylla P, Targarona EM, Agra Y, Besselink MG, Callery M, Cleary SP, De La Cruz L, Eckert P, Evans C, Han HS, Jones DB, Gan TJ, Koch D, Lillemoe KD, Lomanto D, Marks J, Matthews B, Mellinger J, Melvin WS, Moreno-Paquentin E, Navarrete C, Pawlik TM, Pessaux P, Ricciardi W, Schwaitzberg S, Shah P, Szokol J, Talamini M, Torres R, Triboldi A, Udomsawaengsup S, Valsecchi F, Vauthey JN, Wallace M, Wexner SD, Zinner M, Francis N. International Delphi Expert Consensus on Safe Return to Surgical and Endoscopic Practice: from the Coronavirus Global Surgical Collaborative. Ann Surg. 2020 Dec 29
  • Talbot LR, Romeiser JL, Spitzer ED, Gan TJ, Singh SM, Fries BC, Bennett-Guerrero E. Prevalence of IgM and IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in health care workers at a tertiary care New York hospital during the Spring COVID-19 surge. Perioper Med (Lond). 2021 Mar 2;10(1):7
  • Mikhailik A, Michurina TV, Dikranian K, Hearn S, Maxakov VI, Siller SS, Takemaru K-I, Enikolopov G, Peunova N. nNOS regulates ciliated cell polarity, ciliary beat frequency, and directional flow in mouse trachea. Life Sci Alliance. 2021 Mar 2;4(5):e202000981
Where on Campus is That?

James P. Dilger, PhD

This beautiful lake, north of the main entrance, appears to have no name. Any suggestions?

Google maps satellite view
Monthly Muscle Chillaxant
Tazeen Beg, MD
A surprise on St. Valentine’s Day delivered to us, the call team, from a caring colleague!!! Little gestures that go a long way in making the workplace better. Thank you, Dr. Costa!

Tweeted @UCLAAnes
SleepTalker, the Stony Brook Anesthesiology Newsletter is published by the Department of Anesthesiology
Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook, NY
Tong Joo Gan, M.D., MHS, FRCA, MBA, Chairman
Editorial Board: James P. Dilger, Ph.D.; Stephen A. Vitkun, M.D., M.B.A., Ph.D.; Marisa Barone-Citrano, M.A.; Ramanjot S. Kang, M.D.